... my recent references:
Tour_Guide_Slovakia_2014_November /
client: THOMPSON_Becky /
Myjava, Podbranc, Podzamok, Sobotiste
To: jurajcisarik@hotmail.com
Subject: thank you for everything!
From: edt22730@aol.com
I hope you had a safe drive back to Kosice.
We can't thank you enough for everything you did for us. We never expected to find a cousin on the first day, and the second day, and the third day (!), and it was only your intuition and experience that made that happen. Your friendly demeanor opened doors to us that we never could have even found, so thank you so much. We will treasure knowing the new cousins, and will send Kim to you as soon as she can arrange the trip!
Best wishes,
... in the case you would like to get references about my tour guide services write a mail to my above recent client