My key services are archive searching in the state archives of Slovakia and being a tourist guide hired by days in Slovakia. |
Old Slovanic language - the 1150 years old heritage |
Author of the dictionary - more then 5150 words (c)1963: rev. John SLIVKA *12.11.1899 +1.11.1986 . . . see his picture
Last parish:
St.Elias Parish, Greenpoint,Brooklyn,NY,Kent Street U.S.A. (married, two children) . . . see his picture |
• Thank you • This dictionary was made by a great support of Mikulas A.Halko,M.D.(USA) • Prepis slovníka podporil Mikulas Halko,M.D. |
agápe ad aer afedroon afthersaftha akaftíst aki aksiós alčba alčuščij aléktor alkati alliluija amiň amo amože amože ašče amvon anafthema anahr analóhij anepsij anthipát antidoron antifon antimins apfusooth apis apokalipsos apostol apsinthos arafot arciburium archánhel archidiákon archiepískop archijerej archimahir archisinagoog architektoon architriklin ariil aromáty artoklázion artos artovas aselisíla asid asmodéj aspid ašče ašče attaka az OLD-SLOVANIC bahrjánica banja basnočrevnyj basnoslóvec bat bditi bedro beooderžímoo bervnó bezbisnyj bezblahodátnyj bezčáden bezčádnoo bezčádnyj bezčéstie bezčinnyj bezčinoo bezdná bezdómok bezdóždie bezhlahólnyj bezhlásen bezhódie bezhrišie bezkonéčnyj bezkorýtnyj bezkovárnyj bezkróvnyj bezléstnyj bezlitnoo bezmézdnik bezmjatéžnyj bezmólvie beznačálnyj beznevistnaja bezootrádnoo bezótviten bezplódie bezplótnyj bezporóčen bezpredknovénnyj bezpristrástnyj bezputie bezskvérnen bezslovésnoe bezslovésnoo bezslovšnyj bezsovistie bezsovitie bezsrámen bezsrébrennik bezstrástnyj bezstúdie bezukoriznen bezúmnyj bezvédrie bezvremennoo bezzakónie bezzazórnyj bezzráčnyj bidá bidni bidnik bídstvo bihléc bihún bijca biléň bililinčij bilínik bilovátnyj bis biser bisnovátisja biti blaha blahij bláho blahocvitnyj blahočestie blahočestívyj blahočinie blahočinnyj blahodárstvennaja blahodárstvovati blahodat blahodátel blahodátnyj blahodijanie blahodítelstvovati blahodusestvovati blahodušie blahohovijati blahohoviti blahochudóžnyj blahoimitisja blahoistkánnyj blahoizvóliti blahokruhlyj blaholipni blaholipota blaholjúbec blaholjubímyj blahomúžestvovati blahomýsljaščij blahonadežen blahonadéžnosť blahonischoditelnyj blahoo blahoobráznyj blahopočitáti blahopokorlívyj blahopolucen blahopospišiti blahopreklonnoo blahoprijátstvo blahoprivitlivyj blahorazpoloženie blahorazstvorénie blahoričivyj blahoródnyj blahoródstvo blahorozúmnyj blahosérdnyj blahoslávnyj blahoslíčnyj blahosloviti blahosodijanyj blahosodijati blahosostojánie bláhost blahostynja blahostynnyj blahotvorénie blahouhódnyj blahouchánie blahoustróiti blahoútrobnyj blahouvitliv blahovinie blahovirnyj blahovistiti blahovistnik blahoviščenie blahovolénie blahovóliti blahovonnyj blahovonstvovati blahovrávie blahozráčie blahvremenstvo blazennyj bláziti blaznivost blažnjáti blestíti blid blistánie bliznéc blížnij bljádiv bljádovati bljúdo bljústí bljustíteľ bljušč blóna blud bludílišče blúdíti bludnyj bludodijca bódec bodr bodrost bódrstvovati boh saddai bohatjáščij bohínja bohobojáznen bohobórec bohobórnyj bohobórstvovati bohocestívyj bohočtéc bohohlahólivyj bohochulénie bohoizbrannyj bohojavlenie boholípie boholípnyj boholjúbec bohomater bohomérzkij bohomólebnyj bohomudrénnyj bohomúdrie bohonačálie bohonapečetannyj bohonevista bohonósec bohootkrovénie bohootrokovíca bohopriimec bohoprovidec bohoródica bohoródičeň bohoroždénie bohoslóvie bohoslužebnyj bohovdochnovénie bohovinčannyj bohoviščátel bohovočelovičenie bohozvannyj boj bojázň bojéc bojníca bolhár bólij bolizň boliznoroždenie boljáščij borénie boriftova boróti bórzyj bráčnyj brak bráki brakoneiskúsnaja brakosčetánie brána brásja brášno brat bratánik bratoubijstvo brazdá brazdá breči breh breméniti breménnyj bremenósec brémja brénie brénnyj brenodílatel bríti brjacaló brjacáti brjáčitisja brod bronjá bróvi brozdá bueslóvie buj bújstvo bújvol búrja búrnyj býlie bystriná byti býtie bytija kniha OLD-SLOVANIC car caríca cárstvie carstvovati cát cékov cépok cil cil cilíti cilízna cilomúdrie cilomudrstvovati cilost cilovánie cip cipinivati civlénie civníca cvistí cviten cvitnaja cy OLD-SLOVANIC čadljúbie čádo čadoljúbica čadoródie čadoubijstvo čájanie čajati čarodijanie čarováti čás častíca částnoo částyj časy čáša čášča čehoo čélost čelovikohódnik čelovíkoljubec čépa čepóčka čeredá čérmen čermnuetsja černíčie černílo čertá čertóh čertóžnik červ čérv červéň červlén červlénec červleníca česáti česoó rádi čést čestí čestíti čestívyj čéstnoe čestovánie čestveríceju češujá četverohúbyj četveropisnec četverovlastovati četvrodesjátnica čchánie čín čínnoo činonačalie činonačálnik činopoložén činopoložénie činorazpoloženie čísla čistílišče čistotá čístyj člen čredá čredíti črédnyj črép črépnyj čreslá čréslenik črévo črévobasnik črevobísie črevonošenie črevouhódnik čréz čtéc čtílišče čtíti čtómyj čúden čudesotóčnyj čudítisja čudodijstvie čudodítel čudóvišče čuždoposititel čúždyj čván OLD-SLOVANIC daléče dálnij daň dánnik dar daronósica darovánie dárstbovati dátel davír debelíti débrja déisus démoon deň denníca derzáti derznovénie derzosérdnyj derzost deržáva deržavnyj désjatiždy desná desníca déspota devjátiny diadima dialékt diavol didráxhma dij dijánie dijáti dijstvennyj dílatel dilja dilama dinár dionísij dipticha dískos ditišče díva divaja díven divíca dívij divlénie dívno divozrítel divstvennik djadja dmítisja dóblij dobrá dobri dobrodítel dobrodítelstvo dobrochótnyj dobrochválen dobropobidnyj dobrovtyj doeslóv dohmat dochnovénie doílica dokoli dokóli dolh dolhodenstvovati dolhoterpilivyj dolžnijšij dólžnik domášnyj domočádec domovít domyšljatisja dondeže dóndeže dóra dorinosimyj dorinošenie dosadítel dosadíti dosaždén dosaždénie doséli dospiti dospiváti dostizáti dostóin dostoit dostojánie dotóli dovletvoriti dovlíet dovólen dovólnoe vzjáti dózdi dozilá dóžnost dráčie drahij dráchma drákont drekól drévle drévnij drévo drevodílja drjach drjaseluja drovosik drožánie druh druhínja družina dská dščer dšči dščica dúb dubráva duch dúch duchnuti duchonósnyj duchóvnyj dušá duše hubitenyj dušespasitelnyj dušetlinnyj dušéven dvádesjat dvanádesjat dvášči dvép dvéri dvérnik dvíhnuti dvízimyj prazdnik dvižénie vody dvoedúšen dvojazýčnyj dychanie dychati OLD-SLOVANIC eucharistija evcharistíja OLD-SLOVANIC fáska feloon fiál filosoof finik fomíti ftavór fteolog ftimian ftimianik ftita OLD-SLOVANIC hadánie háhhrena žir hasvarínok haváfta hávriil hazarín hazofilákija haždati heénna hélhel heortológion híbel hihánt hlahól hlahólanie hlahólati hlahólemyj hlahólivyj hlavízna hlavnajá hlavnij hlavotáž hlézna hljádati hlumjáti hlumlénie hnátt hnil hnistí hnívatisja hnoíšče hnój hnusnyj hnušátisja hobzováti hod hodóvinny hodóvišča hólen holot homóla homór honénie honzáti horá znójna hordelivyj hórdost hordýnja hore hórest hóri hórličišče hórnaja hórnica hornílo hórnoe sidálišče hóršij horúšničnyj hospód´savaoft hospódstvija hospódstvo hóstii hovínyj hovjádo hrablenie hrad hrad hrádar hradíti hradnýj hrádnyj hradobórstvo hrámota hraždán hremíti hrézň hríf hrichopadénie hrívna hrjástí hróm hromoplamennaja pešč hrozá hrózdie hrubítel hubá húba hubítelstvo hudénie huhnívyj humnó húsli OLD-SLOVANIC chalabótis chalkidoon chalkolivan chalúta chalván chameleoon chamoós charadrión chártija chavrafta chebét cheret cheruvím chirochril chiščénie chiščnik chítiti chitoón chitréc chitroslóvesen chítrost chlád chládnyj chlamida chlib tščij chlibnica chlibolomlenie chljab chmarim chóbot chodátaj chodatajstvovati chólm choór chór chorúhv chotinie chotiti chrábryj chrám chrama chrámina chranílišče chranílo chranítel chrapiti chrib christiánstvo christiti christobórec christomatija christos christós chrúšč chudohlásie chudóch chudorodnyj chudóžnik chudožnyj chudyj chulá chulit chulivyj chvalébenyj chvalíti chvárst chvárstie OLD-SLOVANIC iaspis idiže idol idol idolineistovstvo idoližréc idolnica idolobísie idoloneístovstvo idolopoklonnik idoloslužítel idoložertvennoe idoložertvennoe idoložréc idoolnica iduščij idy ierarch ieréj ieromonach ihémon iho ihrá ihrálišče ihúmen iisus ikóna ikonoborec ikonóm ikonopoklonenie ikonostas ikós ikter iktin ilektr iliton imánie imáti imatizm imenítyj imenováti imíti imjarek imstvo in inakoo inámoo indi indikt inej inočestvo inohda inók inókinja inoplemennik inoskazalem inostranec inudi inýj iovilej ippodróm irmolohion irmós irodian iscilénie iscilíti isčadie ischítiti ischód ischodatajstvovati ischodátajstvovati ischódišče ischoždénie iskápati iskáti iskoni iskrennij iskúp iskupítel iskusen iskusitel iskusiti iskússtvo isópnoe misto ispadáti ispérka ispeščrennyj isplevíti ispód ispódnij ispólin ispólnen ispólnenie ispólniti isporúčnik ispovid ispovídalnica ispovidánie ispovidati ispovidnik ispovísti ispravlenie ispravljáti isprazdniti isprovérhati ispustíti ispytánie ispýtnoo istés istesáti isthyváti istina istinen istinstvovati istjažáti istknúti istlinie istníti istočati istočáti istóčennyj istóčnik istók istomljati istončíti istorija istoržénie istost istrebíti istrezvítisja istukán istuplenie isytáti iti iti po kim izbávitel izbíti izbleváti izbodáti izbranpyj izbúdet izbýti izbýtie izbýtočestvovati izbýtok izbyvati izčésti izčeznovénie izdaléča izditska izdivátisja izdivenie izdolbíti izdycháti izharáti izhíbati izhíbel izhlahólati izhlaždáti izhnáti izhrebie izimáti izjáščnyj izjati izlaháti izlicha izlíšestvo izliváti izlšnyj izlukávstvovati izmereti izmina izminjáemyj izminjáti izminnik izmiriti izmjati izmóvenie izmoždati iznemoháti iznestí iznikáti iznuríti izobilovati izoblnoo izobražáti izobristi izočténnyj izoobličiti izoržaviti izoumítisja izoust izpeščrénie izprazdníti izpýtovati izrada izrešči izrínuti izrjádnoo izsicete izsiči izsjáknuti izslidovati izsše izstupíti izstuplenie izsúnuti iztaeváti iztjázati iztjazyvatisja iztočáti iztrezvítisja izumítisja izumivati izumlenie izvajánie izvajáti izvérh izverháti izveržénie izvestí izviénnyj izviriti izvisiti izvistno izvistnyj izvistovati izvistvovannyj izviščaváti izvítie izvitom izvjadáti izvléči izvni izvnútr izvód izvolén izvolenie izvóliti izvračevăti izvraščati izyskáti izyti izžáti izžíti iždíven iždivíti iže ižica OLD-SLOVANIC jačmen jad jad jadca jadénie jadomyj jadonosnyj jadrílo jadro jahodica jakij jako jakože jar jarem jarina jarost jastreb jat jati jatie jatro javi javíti javlén javlénie javnyj jazja jazva jazvennyj jazvina jazviti jazyčnik jazýčnyj jazýk jazýk jazykovredie jaže jedá jedinákij jedinénie jediníceju jediníti jedinodúšnyj jedinochudóžnik jedinolítnyj jedínoo jedinopojásnik jedinorodnyj jedinoroh jedinosuščnyj jediny jedvá jefa jefi jefud jehdá jehdáže jehidna jehó jej jekonom jekténija jelah jelám jele jelén jelenica jeleopmátanie jélevyj jelija jelíkó jelíždy jellin jelúl mísjac jemék jemiju jepákta jepárch jepárchija jependit jepiklesis jepinikion jepiskop jepískopstvo jepistólija jepitimija jepitrachil jepoomidá jeres jeretik jermij jerodija jesmirisméno jesper jevnúch jezapostilarij jezero ježe ježe ježehódno ježeli jidá jir jizditi jubilej judéjskij judól judu juh junec junica junost junoša junota junotka juroditisja jurodivyj jurodoslóvie juródstvo juvilej juza juzíliščnik juznik južik južkij OLD-SLOVANIC kad kadílnica kadílo kadisímok kadr kaftizma kaja kájati kákij kakoo kál kaléndy kalénie kamára kamen kamenometnica kamenoverženie kămo kamýk kandílo kanón kanúti kánuti kapišče káppa kasatisja katapetásma katarákt katavásija kazátel kazáti kazáti pokazati kázna každénie kaženik kerast kesar kiboorion kičénie kičíti kidar kiftára kij kijlíbo kijždo kimval kinir kinnamon kipiti kir kissa kíst kit kivoót kl?? klád kladbíšče kládjaz klanjatisja klás klevetnik klevrét klíč kličaetsja klír klírik klíros klísyj klit kljatoprestuplénie kljátva klobúk klók kloníti kníha knihóčij knihopolóžnica knioonik knisón knížen knjáz knohochranítelnica ko kobčea kodránt koe kohdá kókoš kól kól kólce kolébati kolebátisja kolésnica kolesnicehonítel koli kólija kolinopreklonenie kolivo kolíždo kolkraty kollúrij kolmí kolmi páče kólo kólokol komora koncy zemli končína kondák konéc kónnik konób konoristatelnyj koor kopejnik kopie kópr kór korá korabl koráblenik korčár korčémnica koríca kórinka kormá kormčij kormilica kormílo korván korýst kósen kosmát kosniti kosnojazýčen kosnútisja koščún kóšnik košnica kotká kótva kóv kovárnyj kovárstvo kovčéžec kovér kozlišče kozljá kozlohlasovánie kozň kóznennyj kraesikomyj kraeutólnyj kráj krajnhrádie kramóla kramolnik kránievo misto krasína krasneoobrizanie krásnyj krasotá krasovátisja krásta krástel kratkokonéčnyj krestíti krestobohorodičen kreščati krílo krin krípkij krípost krjučók krló krómi kromišnyj krotkij krotok krotonrávnyj krotorýj krotost krov króv krovoprolitie krovotočénie króvy krúh krúh luny krúh sólnca krupíca krušiti ktitoor ktomú kudélnyj kudrjavyj kumir kumirnica kúpa kupél kupína kúplja kupnoo kustodija kušča kutija kuznéc kvás OLD-SLOVANIC ládan ladijá lájati lákot láň laníta lápa lásica laskosérd laskoserdstovati lástica lazar lébed ledovídnyj lehánie léhci léhče lehkotá lehoón léna léntie léntion lést leviaftan levít ležáti lháti liba líca lice licemíriti licemirnyj licezrínie licína licjímstvovati lich lichoimánie líchva lik lik lilik lipo lipota lípta lipyj lístvica lišáti lišénie líšnij lišše lít litija líto litopís lítoras litr liván livíca ljadína ljákij ljévija ljubézni ljúbeznyj ljubobezmólven ljubočelovícnyj ljubočéstnyj ljubodíjanie ljúbodijnyj ljubomílostiv ljubomúdrennoo ljubomúdrstvovati ljuboprazdistvennyj ljuboprítisja ljubopýstvovati ljubostjažanie ljubostrástie ljubotrudnyj ljubóv ljubóvnyj ljubozemledílen ljubý ljudin ljutozráčnyj ljútyj lób lóbnoe misto lobzáti lódka lono lovéc lovíti loza lóža ložesna lóžnica ložnyj lščénie lúča lučezárnyj lučíca lučína lúčšij lúk lukávyj luná lúža lvičišče lža lžehlahólati lžeiménnyj lžeprorok lžeslóvie lžesviditelstvovati lžeučítel lžíca OLD-SLOVANIC makroon malakíj máliti malodúšestvovati malovír mamóna mandá mandra mandrahór mánie mánna mántija maranaftá máslica máslina máslo mást mastityj mečtanie mečtanie medléti médvennyj meljá melziti mérskij mertvéc mertvečína mertvínie mérzost meserách mésk messija mést mešéc metánie métnuti mézdnik meždousóbie meždurámie mhlá mhliin mid midnica miháti mich michán míl milítisja mílkij míloot milosérdie mílostiv milóstynja mílot milováti mimochodíti mimochoždenie mimoíti mímoo mina minija minúti mir mír mira mirén miríti mírnik miro mirodávec miroderžec miroljubímyj mironačálnik mironósica miropomazánie mirotočivyj mirotvorec mirovanica mirovati mirováti mirovónnyj mirstvújuščij misjačnyj mistonačalnik mitra mitropól mitropolít mjá mjákok mjastísja mjatež mjatéžnik mjáti mjátva mlát mlatobíec mnás mnié mnij mnij mníti mnóhaždy mnóhij mnóho mnohoblahoutrobnyj mnohocinen mnohohlahólanie mnohoiskúsnyj mnohomílostiv mnohoobrazni mnohoočítyj mnohoróbiščnyj mnohostrádálec mnohovénnie množáe mnóžiceju mohíla mohúčestvo mohútnik mohútnyj mohútstvo molčá molčalívyj molčáti móleben molíti molítvovati mólnija molóch molvá mólviti monísto móre mošč mošči motyl možet mrámornyj mrávij mravolen mréža mstítel mstó mščá mšeloímec mšíca múčenik múčeninčen mučítel mučítelstvovati múčiti mudrítisja múdrstvovati muká múka murii mužática mužátisja muželjúbica muželóžestvo muženeiskusnaja mýšca mytár mzdá mzdoímec mzdovozdajáti mžati OLD-SLOVANIC nabedrennik nabljudáti načala načálnik načálnyj načálo načátok načertán načertánie načinánie nadéžda nádežnyj nadijánie nadjaščij nadménost nadólzi nadráhi naém naémnik nah nahév nahlávie náhlij nahórie nahórnyj nahotováti nahotóviti nahraždati naítie najávi naju nakazáti nakázovati nakovalnaja naleháti naležáti naljacati nalój nalóžnica namáli namirenie namístnij namístnik naň napadáti napást napástovati napérsnik napiráti napominátel napraslív naprásnoo naprestólnyj naprjazáti naprjážiti naputnoe narámnik narekovánnyj narešči narízati naročítyj narók naručnyj naselénie nasílie nasílovati nasilstvovati naskákati naslaždatisja naslíditi naslídnik nastavljáti nastavnik nastojátel nastojáti nastrekannyj nastupíti nasýtiti našéstvie našuščnyj natkannyj natolíci natriznénie naúst naustíti nauščenija naútrie naváditi navál navečérie navedénie navésti navit navitnik navlekáti navodnenie nazidáti naziráti naznamenáti ne ou ne ouže ne ouže ne u li neblahopolúčnyj nebláznen nebláznyj nebotéčnik nebreháti nebrežliv necilomúdrie nečaemyj nečajanie nečestívyj nečéstvovati nečistotá nedorazumínie nedostojnoo nedostúpnyj nedoumínie nedovírie nedozmíti neduh neduhováti nedúžnyj nedvižin neeláss neestán nehasájuščij néhdi nehodóváti neimúščestvo neiscilénie neiskusen neispovídimyj neistoščimyj neístov neistovlénie neístovstvo neizbížnoo neizhlahólemyj neizmínnyj neiznýtan neizobrazímyj neizoobražén neizslidovan nejasyt nekljatvochranitelnyj neključímyj nekončáemyj neléstnyj nelicemírno nelicemírnyj nelicepriémni nelípyj neljuboprítelnyj neljubostjaženie nelóžnost nemedlennoo nemersájuščij neminúemyj nemóči nemólčnó nemošč nemoščestvovati nemúžestvennyj nenadéžnyj nenakázannyj nenavídimyj nenavistnik nenavistnoo nenevistnaja neobiménnyj neobinovenie neobinutisja neobitáemyj neobladányj neoborimyj neobrizanie neobrizani-ušami neoobniujasja neoobuzdan neoodolímyj neoopalimyj neooskudnyj neopisánnyj neopredilnyj neoskudimyj neotemlenyj neotminnoo neotrečenno nepamjatozlobie neplóie nepobolinie nepoborímyj nepodóbnyj nepodvížimyj nepokájannyj nepokolebimyj nepokorívyj nepokrovénie dómu neponošajušče neporóčnyj neposščádinie nepostižímyj nepotrébnyj nepotrébstvo nepotýr nepovínen nepozyblemyj neprávdovati neprávost neprázdnaja neprázdnyj nepreborím nepreložnoo nepretknovénnyj neprijaten neprijazn neprikróven neprimiritelnoo neprochódnyj nepščevánie nepščeváti neradinie neradíti nerádivyj nerastvorennyj nerazdežennyj nerazumnyj nerukosíčen nesidalen neskusobráčnaja neskvérnyj nesobščennyj nesokrusimyj ness nestjažánie nestroénie nesuminnyj nesvidomyj neščádnoo netlinnyj neuderžno neuderžno neudob neudob neudobnósnyj neudóbnyj neudóbnyj neudoboderžimyj neudoboderžimyj neudoboizbižimyj neudoboizbižnyj neudobonósnyj neudobonósnyj neudoborišitelnyj neudoborišítelnyj neuklónnyj neukrotímyj neumijuščij neumýtnyj neustroen neutolímyj neutomímyj neuvjadaemyj neuvjadáemyj neuvračuemyj neuvračuémyj nevetšájuščij nevidinie nevidomyj nevist nevista nevistnik nevižestvo nevkusen névod nevozbránnoo nevozdéržnyj nevredúmyj nevyražáemyj nezabvén nezachodímyj nezaístnoo nezazórnyj nezlóba nezyblemyj néže neželi níc nic nícy nicyi ničáščij ničáti ničesóže ničtó níčto nidro nihdi niher nika nikakoo že nikamoo že nikij že nikohda nisan nischoždenie nism niščáti niščeljubímyj niščetá niščij nit nitr níva nivočtože nizrínuti nízu nizvratíti nižnyj nookid noščnoe noščva novobráčnyj novolódie novomisjáčie novozavítnyj novozdánnyj nózdri nož núditi nužda nuždnie ny nyni nyrišče nyti OLD-SLOVANIC obderžím obezjána obída obidnaja obidnica obílie obílnoo obílnosť obílovati obínútisja obítel oblak oblast oblaste naálnik oblíčie obnošč obodesnoručnyj obojúdu obólčen obon pól obožáti obraz obrazec obraznoo obrazóvati obrók obšče obščénie obščnik obumorok obušča očíma odežda odr ohném žehomyj ohnepalimyj ohníšče okrest okréstie okrestnyj okrin oktooich ole i ole oljadeniti oltap omet onamoo ondi onsica onščij opásnoo opóra oprjatatitisja orhány orkán oružebórec oružechranílišče oruženosec orúžie oselskij osélskij osjazanie oskórd ostén ostie ostrie ostrojarostnyj ostrov ošib ot ot otaj otcenačalnik otcipinivati otciždáti otčajavátisja otčistilišče otčuždátisja otčuždenie otčuždénie otdaléče otdáti otdoiti otdycháti otéčestvie otečestvonačalnik othréstisja otchránenie otišie otjahotíhi otkrovénie otkryti otkúdu otkupítel otlučen otmetatisja otmetnik otmstíti otmščenie otmýti otneliže otnikuda otnjúd otnjúduže otnýni otolýti otoržávati otpádati otpust otpust otpúst otpuščátisja otráda otradnie otrasl otreb otrebíti otrečen otréči otricátisja otrínuti otroča otrok otrokovíca otrýhnuti otryšati otseli otsíči otsjúdu otstupíti otstúpnik otsuprotívu otsústvovati otšajavátisja otščetíti otščutiti otšujuju ottaivati ottámoo ottilesitisja ottjahoščáti ottjati ottoli ottolstíti ottorháti ottúdu ottyskáti otubóžiti otverhati otverznuti otvestísjá otvičáti otvít otvná otvraščáti otvsjúdu otzdi otženjáti ov ovače oven ovo ovo ovohda ožerélie OLD-SLOVANIC oobahrjáti oobajatel oobavánie oobaváti oobderžanie oobderžáti oobderžím ooberáti oobereháti oobešcnik oobetšáti oobezčáditi oobezčéstiti oobezhláviti oobezsmertíti oobeztlínitij oobezvinjati oobhaščáti oobída oobidímyj oobiditi oobidliv oobilováti oobimánie oobinovénie oobinútisja oobiskáti oobitalnik oobitánie oobitátel oobitáti ooblačíti oobladán oobladátel oobladáti oobladíti ooblahodáti ooblazníti ooblečísja oobleháti oobležáti oobličáti oobličénie ooblinítisja ooblinjatisja ooblistati oobljázi ooblobyzati oobnadéživati oobnaródovati oobniščáti oobnizíti oobnjažén oobnóšč oobnoščeváti oobnovlenie oobodriti oobojánie oobolhánie oobolháti oobolstiti ooboríti oobožáti oobožénie oobradovannaja oobratitisja oobrečísja oobreménnyj oobrítie oobrók oobrositisja oobrotíti oobvalivati oobvažáti oobvinjati oodabý oodebelíti ooderžánie ooderžáti ooderžím oodesjatstvovati oodesnúju oodežditisja oodijanie oodobrjáti oodolimyj oodolitelnik oodoliti oodoždíti oohrad oohradnik oohraždenie oohrebátisja ookajannyj ookajanstvovati ookajávati ookamenáti ooklevetáemyj ookljásti ookoljáti ookóp ookormljati ookováti ookóvy ookŕm ookružilie ookryliti ookup oomeha oomovenie oomráčíti oonamo ooného oopás oopasénie oopásnyj ooploščénie oopolčénie oopolščénie oopravdánie oopravdáti ooprisnók oopróšasja oopytáti oosánna oosaždáti oosda oosiníti oosirenie oosklabljatisja ooskorbiti ooskuditi ooskvernen ooslába ooslabiti ooslušánie oosnováti oosób oosóbjaščijsja oosramiti oostánok oostaviti oostavlénie oostinjáti oostórh oostroháti oostropiváti oosudíti oosurtítisja oosusščestvljáti oosvitáti ootaj ootvetšaváti oozaríti oozlobíti oozloblénie oozlosláven ooznamenjati oožetočati ooživotvoriti OLD-SLOVANIC p??? pače padénie páhuba pahubny páki pakibýtie pákost pákostnik paléstra páličnik pálsja pamjatopisánie pamjatozlóbnyj pamjatozlóbstvovati panahia panahion panachida papert paraeklisiarch paraklís paralipomenoon parástas parémija paríti párodok párus pascha pastí pásti pastofoorie pástva pástvina pastvíti pástyr patriárch páznohty pážit pečál péčálen pečáliti pečatlíjuščij péčeň pečérskij pelekan pelésyj pelyň pentatévch pentikoóstija peréti perevjáslo périe perijce pernátyj perst pérst pérvenec pérvenstvo pervenstvoljúbec pérvie pervobpáčnyj pervomúčenyj pervonačálie pervoprestólie pervoródnyj pervoslóvie pervosvjaščennik pervoverchóvnyj pervozvánnyj pervyjnádesjat pésija pesók pestrodílec pestrotá pestrýj pešč peščera petás pétlja piftik piftik piftikij picháti pijan pilá pina pínie pinjaž pinjažnik pír píra pirha píršestvovati pisálo pisiči piskánie piskáti písmo pismonósec pisň pistun píšča piščál pitáti pitel píti pitijuščijsja pitis pitohlašenie pitošetvováti pivéc pivíca pivníca pívo pjaď pjadesjátnica pjateríceju pjátiti plačévica plačevóspylstviti plaščenníca plávanie plávyj plémja pleníca pleskáti plésna plesníca plévely plin plinénie plinfta plinitel pliníti plinoftodílánie plíšč plišiv plížiti pljasáti pljáti pljunovenie pljúska pljúšče plód plódstvovati plóščd plót plótjan plotonósec plotouhódnik pobolínie poborénie pobórnik pocúchu počerpálo počest počéstvovati počitáti počtí pod podajati podáti podbréženie podčínjati podhórie podhrádie podír podjarémnik podjati podkloníti podkrílenie podkrílišče podkriplénie pódli podlóžnica podniščati podnóženie podobáti podóben podóbie podóbitisja podóbnyj podóbstvovati podólh podólie podpadáti podpíra podražáti podražénie podrúčnik podruh podsáda podstáv podstava podstrekáti podtočílie poduščáti pódvih podvizáti podvoj podziráti poelíku pohíbel |
ENGLISH DICTIONARY agape feast limbo hell chalice cover toilet water closet consolation comfort standing prayer so as worthy hunger hungry cock ruster hungry hunger alliluia praise God amen where where wherever ambon anathema wild ass lectern readins stand nephew proconsul blessed bread (Litia) antiphone antimension enclosed house bull god idol apokalips apostle wormwood seed grain free week (can eat meat) archangel archdean archbishop bishop sovereign army commander sovereign of synagoge architect carpenter bestman (marriage) lion perfume Litia set yeast bread pascha five bushels third stork marital devil of marrige vipera serpent snake if whether so many times often locust I me ENGLISH DICTIONARY dark red cape bath tub intestine fortune te story parable teller bucket vessel to be awake knee lap unfounded baseless girder log brave sure safe unthankful depart without... unsparingly mercilessly childless blemish dishonorable indecent improper bravely audaciously hell depth whirlpool homeless drought dryness speachless silent dumb speachless misery distress inocent eternal infinit unselfish pius sincere good bloodless sincere ever forever rewardless payless peaceful calm silence quitness eternal had no beginning immaculate virgin inconsolable dumb tacit silent fruitless steril seedless spirit bodiless immaculate pure faultless scandalous impartial looseness debauched innocent pure animal stupid ignorant spiritless destitute foolishness foolishness stupidity lewd shamesless unselfish silverless passionless indiferent shameless faultless crazy fool stupid bad weather eternal in its time evil sin lawless blameless blind nasty grief hardship pauper in misery cripple distress misfortune misery deserter escaper refugee bully quarelsom white cloth bed sheet dyer of clothes painter dyer treckled whitey satan devil idol pearl act foolishly wip span hit goods estate richness good pleasant good deed blessedness blooming colorful faith devotion love of pious God fearing/God respectability humble pious thankful to thank grace blessing kindness God giver of all grateful pleasant good deed charitable deed hopeful quible corageously bravely to be devout pious to be devout pious artistic wise clever live a lovely life nicely weaved to approve permit agree perfectly rount splendid majestic bright gorgeous splendid lovely lover of virtue charitable struggle heroically good willed thinker trustful faithful trust confidence gracious kind good noble respectful to respect honor humble obedient happy blissful fortunate to be helpful help graceously friendliness friendly pleasant good will inclination good air clean air eloquent oratory noble noble nobility noble race noble spirited wise smart thoughtful good heated merciful famous celebrated known harmony (music) ing to bless give bless celebrated famous to do something famous well being health merciful charitable mercy good deed good willed merciful charity pleasant agreeable fragrancy scent well done good order merciful humble gracious good willed devotion adoration orthodox right faithfull spread joh gospel evangelist good news annunciation cordial honor respect to approve tolove someone gragrant seed odor to defuse fragrance good virtue morals beautiful face cheek proper time blessed fortunate glorifying scandal to scandalize to shine glitter pale colored brightness lustre gloss twin neighbor relative lewed to tattle to fornicate platter dish to watch to care for guard laurel ivy last born fornication lewdness brothel adultery intercource prodigal adultress spur ready alert brave lively agile swift to guard be alert Almight God omnipotent rich wealthy godess God fearing impious man God attacker atheist Godless godless life devout God fearing God adorer prophet blasphemy cursing chosen by God Theophany glory of God worth of God God lover Mother of God godless vile act of honoring God gifted by God divine enlightenment reigning of God appointed by God spuse of God Godbearer revelation divine virgin acceptor of God prophet Theotokos glorifaction of Theotokos birth of God man Theology act of divine service inspiration revelation glorified prophet incarnation called by God war battle fight fear fright warrior soldier bastion castle fort church song more greater pain sickness suffering prebirth pain sick in pain battle struggle fight soap grass to fight struggle quick fast agile marital marriage wedding marriage fest wedding virgin maiden marriage ceremony war argument battle warring food brother neighbor relative nephew brother assisin murder bridle reins furrow to lapse miss neglect bank hill shore to burden to load burdensome pregnant carrier freight burden load cargo mud clay transient fleeting potter to shave to shear to cut rattle bell to click ring bell to marry to wade metal suit eyebrow furrow crazy madman foolish reasonless faceless impudence buffalo storm tornado hurricane kornado typhoon grass weed rapids to be be being existance book of creation ENGLISH DICTIONARY tzar queen tzarina kingdom state country to reign rule coin church parish clasp diamond healthy goal aim target to cure untilled field sober sensible moderate control health greeting kissing chain (dog) numb rigid stiff recovery convalescence pipe whistle horn to flower April Palm Sunday letter tz ENGLISH DICTIONARY to love a son boy child lover of child procreation generation murdering a child hope hopeing working spell lay asleep bewitch watch clock particle self separately frequent often hours chalice cup dense forest why because chin bone throat pleasing man man loving chain ring hook succession column red color geting red bilberry wild fig ink line point room dwelling place room guard bug moth letter July scarlat color dark red color dark red suit dress to comb what for what honor respect to read respect honor respectful honorable dear costly expensive respect holy place four fimes scale 6of faith square stone canon of 4 odes reign in 1/4 Lent to sneez sneezing ordered office society nice good in order office position officer leader ordered command order order command numerals purgatory honesty honor cleanliness respectful honorable member part of the body order class position make order orderly tile pot flower pot tile (roof) loin hip thigh belt strap womb belly fortune teller drunk glutton pregnancy drunk through reader (person) church house of prayer respect honor to be read odd strange wounderous wonder worker to wonder miracle miracle worker monster property stranger foreigner jug pitcher ENGLISH DICTIONARY far far away absent tax tax payer citizen gift offering grace pyx ciborium present donation offering give a donation giver donor main place in the Holy of Holies fat staut valley depth petition supplication implore devil demon day morning star evening star be prepared to do confidence trust audacious brave impudence shameless state country power good best noble reigning ten times gum (teeth) right hand lord reigning nine day requiem liturgy crown wreath ornament dialect devil tax-money jupiter deed work composition to do to make to handle occupied working labor worker for instead sake of dinar wine god two page book diskos paten shild boy virgin immaculate itch scabby wonderful marvelous miraculous girl maiden miss wild cruel ruthless suprise admiration wondering miracolous astronishing miracolous man male virgin uncle to be proud arrogant to hold out to be brave richess property wealth good charity virtue good deed good deed good willed worthy of praise martyr cheerful giver wise smart diologue dogmatic hymn inspiration breath wet nurse Dajka until when until when debt. sin to owe to live long tolerant patient sinning culpable debtor domestic servant family man to worry think never until till as long altar bread prosphora led victoriously trimphantly led by armored men offender to abuse curse insult shameful disgraseful shame disgrace until now upto present well armed to rippen to reach catch up worthy so it be worthy inheritance up to so far do good satisfy anough satisfied anough to take satisfaction till then until then very perfectly altogether obligation thorn dear valuable money monatery piece dragon stick rod stake long ago age of old old ancient late wood tree carpenter wood worker sad sorrowful cloudy sky wood cutter chapper tremling shaking friend girl-friend society company association board table girl girl slate board board plate oak country valley grove forest valley breath spirit spirit soul breath inspired spiritual soul life soul killer saviour soul killer spiritual twenty twelve twice second time door-s gate door-keeper to lift to move changeable feast movement of watter liar hypocrit constant lair breathing blowing be angry upset in anger ENGLISH DICTIONARY Eucharist Eucharist ENGLISH DICTIONARY pascha chasuble cup platter wash tub philosopher palm (tree-branch) to torture torment tabor theologian incese inceser letter ftita ENGLISH DICTIONARY guesing riddle eancer treasurer rostum decorated chair Gabriel prophet fortune teller treasury to lie speak disparaginly hell swift rolling holyday wasteful squandering spending giant verb speach talk to speak say socalled said talkative good speaker paragraph chapter volume fire firebrand pile chief boss kirchief turban ankle ankle bone to seek to look for to laugh at sneer at joke sneer to drive persecute follow evil bad to press oppress anger be angry manure pile ulcer absess manure dirty not clean to hate to detest to be rich wealthy year time anniversary anniversary shin shin bone ice knot bundle measure 10th of persecution to flee runaway rocky cliff barren proud haughty pride haughtiness misery worry indigence grief misery sorrow up upon turtle dove heaven room upper room oven melting stove throne bad evil mustard Lord of heavenly power choir of angels reigning prince mountain dweller honored respected esteemed cattle beast robery thievery hail-stone city town gardener to fence in slose in cities towns hall-stone damage siege assult encircle letter circular letter citizen thunder - ing bunch of grapes eagle sinning fall into s. necklace to follow to go to come thundering lightning fiery owen danger trouble hurrican grape rude rough impolite sponge lips mouth tempest plague pestilence music harf music stutterer barn violin fiddle ENGLISH DICTIONARY red lizard precious stone coper brass hedge garden fence plant keeps mosquitoes away uzard idol yellow bird parchment paper stadium spine back hill prison jail cherub sea rabbit booty prey spoil thief to steal rob overcoat cape mechanic eloquent rethoric master artist cold cold wind cool cold short army coat new bread fresh female baker breaking of bread dike barrier canal clegy idol tail elephant trunk interveen to interveen elevation hill west choir banner flag desire desires wishes want brave church temple founder of a church room dwelling prison jail lock padlock guard guardian superviser snoring snore mountain Christianity crash crackel unbeliever of Christ desire of learning for Christ Messia Christ beatle wood worm worm eater weak voice artist educated person commonner artist artistic lean poor (soil) curse swearing blasphaming cursing praised glorified to praise glorify thorn dry branches ENGLISH DICTIONARY gem stone where pagan god idol pagan god idol pagan priest idol church idol worship idol worship idol worshiper idol pagan sacrifice idol agan priest idol temple to go walk idus bishop archbishop priest monk provincial governor yoke play game sport stage superior (monastery) Jesus Saviour icon iconoclast superintendant inspector bowing before an icon icon wall iconostasis church home yellow jaundice yellowness vulture shinny metal chalice cloth secret income to catch hold dress garment excellent known to name denominate appoint to posses said the name mentioned custom five pints otherwise elsewhere elsewhere first of September frost religious order sometime monk nun foreigner pagan emblomatic symbolical foreigner some place else some one another one jubilee hippodron book of songs (church) mellody Herodafollower cure to cure child successor to steal exit to interveen to bring about gain brook spring exit to drip to search to look for in the beginning sincere candid redeem Saviour practical worthy enduring temptor to examen to try science artistry cleverness to rise swell increase to fall leave loss weight in the time of old beginning multi color weeding bottom lower inferior bottom giant strong man done completed plentiful abundance to do to complete bail security hostage confession confessional judges hair profess confess to profess to confess profess religion to profess confess improve to correct to teach humilate self destroy to destroy demolish die death examen search diligent accurate fundamental hip thigh carv chop cut to demolish true trueth true upright do right to take back to demand back to carv out rot rotten corrupt to destry demolish tire fatigue pour out over flow eaten by bug rotten spring (water) flow spring vein tired fatigue weary become slim thin history escape get away free reality fact to digest consume to ? up to pour out overflow deep sleep inconsibility to question find out descover to go walk to follow some saiour to kill crush to throw up womit puke to pluck (eye) gore stab choosen known become perfect to flee to safty flee for safty avoid one to have abundantly plenty surplus excess abundance to have in... to count add up extermination from far distance infantale laugh at one publication extradiction to cut out chisel out to expire die to burn to bend down bend storm tempest hurricane to speak express pronounce to abolish afface wipeaway persecute send out put out shaggy rugged to save rescue noble known excellent to take out free exibit explain expound rather more above abundance richness plenty to pour spill plentiful to sin do evil to die out repay loss identification changeable change altar infidel traitor to weigh to cut out to wash wash down to crush squash trample weak feeble take out bring forth sprout out to weaken fatige tire to have plenty plentful to draw paint depict to invent take accound add to blame to become rusty taken over in mind from the mouth embroidered colorful annihilate frustrate to examen to spy betrayal to promis to say to throw out specially particularly to murder kill to injure inflict wound grow cold (love) dry (water) to detect follow to dry dry out step out forward ecstasy enthusiastic to push draw out to crumble languish to torture torment to convince to exhaust weaken become sober become crazy not to understand grasp loss of mind cut chisel out carve to carve out early birth to throw out misscarriage (child) lead out free send winded twisted vagrant to confirm verify to weigh known publicly known trust worthy known to accuse report to certify witness to notify notice bending under that pretence evasion to wither away dry out draw out pull out extract outside outer inner within root out exterminate destruct intentional readyness will cheerfuln to elect approve to cure heal turn over upset to search look for to go journey to press out to digest consume paid spended spend money give money which who so letter ENGLISH DICTIONARY barley poison food nurishment gluttonous gluttony eat eating food ediable poiseness freight sail kernel seed single grape grape what kind as what kind as then how hot fiery angry yoke white wool anger hawk eagle letter jat to catch take posses to catch trap hold kidney egg testicles generally known to pronounce be known known present one appearance noted public known sickness wound sickness wounded cave hole to wound offend pagan idol worshipper who speaks too much tongue language pagan slander which who so whether similar like union oneness once to unite with one spirit spirited one trade man year old only alone lightly armed soldier only begotten firstborn rhinoceros one natured being only one he himself hardly scarcely grain measure grain measure dark red cape when if or when after vipera serpent snake his he yes truly economy pyer (litany) petitions that that one this one church entrance hardly scarcely lightly wool oil deer female anointing with oil spruce tree wood spruce tree so much how much how many how much pagan sixth month grove valley hold catch leepday ruler governon bishop eparch (diocese) garment dress suit epiklesis triumphant hymn bishop inspector guard bishop see position letter wirtten order public penance punishment stole top garment heresy heretic mercury idol night hawk wine miced with myrha evening star eunuch castrated church hymn lake that according what which who so annually yearly if if that eating food letter ji to go travel jubelae Jewish valley where to... south young ox bull heifer youth young man young youth young girl to act foolishly insane crazy crazy talk craziness jubelee fatters schacles prison guard prisoner relative family noon ENGLISH DICTIONARY bathtub bucket incenser incenser censer brothel cedrus tree psalm verse sitting prayer who which which one to remind scold what kind as how manure mud the first day of a month to temper harden room stone rock stone spreader mashine stone throwing where sulphur church lamp canon law order to disappear quickly drip pagoda waggon to touch curtain water fowl canons last verse preacher teacher to teach to punish to show punishment penalty to incense eunoch servant horny snake emperor ciborium pride to be proud archpriests hat string instrument who which which one anyone all cimbal music instument violin cinement to boil boil (water) lord master ivy laurel bale bundle ream whale tabernacle shackles fetters yoke cemetery well (water) to bow wheat ear corn complainant servants friend shout exclaim happens comes forth priesthood seminarian churchman singers stall sour leavend room house storage break oath curse oath hat pakage to bend bow book writing letter inspector accountant library communion song tax rent scientist learned man prince sovereign library to tabernacle one quarter who which which one when cock rooster nail stake pile how many how much ring casting up throwing up to sway be vacilating charriot waggon driver coachman when track rut genuflection blessed mixed honey and wheat so many times often how many times eye medicine what kind how big rather sooner ring circle bell stone house earth boumdry world end death kontakion church hymn end boundry hussar cup pot kettle jokey driver choir spear carrier spear dill great many lot of bark of a tree ship church nave sailor cup chalice pitcher hotel cinnamon little seedless grape ships end jelmeman stuereman wet nurse steering oar church treasury prey spoil booty dilatory tardy to linger shaghy hairy to be late dilatory studderer to touch jeering ironical scoffer basket cat anchor mutiny cunning crafty foxy craftiness pocket-book money tax rug carpet billy goat goat drunken singer trick craft foxy cunning angle cut corner stone state country fort citadle riot rebellion instigator Golgotha Calvary jewelry not ciromcized red beauty to rejoyce itch scabby quail short timed to baptize glorification hymn of the sorrowful Mother to baptize wing cape lily (flower) strong strenght fort clasp hook wing of a building beside without enormous meek gentle meek gentle kind meek mole gentle meek kind shelter blood murder blood flowing haemorrhage bleeding dwelling place globe sphere orb orbit of the moon orbit of the sun orum-s crush founder of a church to it to spin spinned curly idol idols temple pile stack heap bathing place bath wild brier market bargain place together guard watch tent blessed mixed honey and wheat blacksmith leaven ENGLISH DICTIONARY incense boat to bark quarrel brawl elbow deer face cheek palm wiesel sensitive soft hearted to grow efeminate swallow (bird) lazarus swan simular to ice like ice to lay down easier easier thoughtless light minded ligion wick (candle) shawl kerchief lention towel untrue false temptation crocodile livite lay rest to lie medecine fox face cheek twofaced false perfidious look at falseface to swindle troop platoon multitude stingy avarice interest singer cantor south wild duck necessity need beautiful pretty lovely money cent nice beautiful ladder stairs steal rob damage pauperty poor superabundance more free (person) litia service year summer year book history new branch (tree) pound cedar tree incense left left hand weeds hunch-back lion hip thigh man loving honost dear beloved peace loving friendly popularity seeker immoral perverse unchaste lewed immoral gracious compassionate wise wisely philosophy gladsome bikering quarrel be curious desirous greediness lustfulness carnilism diligent sedulous love lowed in love lover of farming love hospitality fornication worldly man cruel rutless evil wild unmerciless skull forehead calvary to kiss incese boat bosom fisherman hunter to catch vineshoot-s vine branch intercourse uterus bed-room false Godless atheist ray bright lustrious cane reed shavings chippings better garlik wicked vicious perverse moon swamp young lion cub lie forged perfidious to lie alias fictitious name false prophet lie falshood testifying falsely false teacher erroneous gold ENGLISH DICTIONARY tall lean onanist belittle decrease to despond deject of little faith mamon riches dough sacrifice cavern cave hallow belladonna signal manna violet bishops cape Lord will come olive tree olive oil greese wood oil balm balsam fragrance perfume immigration gun sword armour late made of honey grind to milk churn odious hateful detestable dead corpse corpse pale (color) detestable idol mule Saviour revenge vengence bag sack great bow to throw push sow hired man laborer strife dissention back spine fog fogy money copper small change (money) wink twinkle bag (leather) armour chalk lime white wash fine sand cape compasianate clement pitty compassianate alm sheeps skin to flatter coax go by in front of passage pass by go by go away by beside near exchange barter church service book go by avoid shun world peace weight scale peaceful to reconcile pacifier chrism oil peace giver upholder of the world peace lover originator of peace God anointment carrying woman confirmation fragrant giver pacifier peacefullman oil cup live with one in peace anoint forehead (Feastday) perfume peaceful moon struck mayor (city) bishops crown capital metropolitan me soft to worry fear rebellion mutiny revolt rebel agitator to squeez press kneed pepermint hammer blacksmith weight small smaller smaller less small smaller to believe think hope often many times much many great deal very very much a lot all merciful highly honored valued babbler experienced wise charitable compasian well educated many eyed many graves martyr wink (eye) still still better often grave tomb power might mighty strong Almighty mighty powerful strenght power mute dumb silent mute dumb keep silent public prayer to implore pray supplicate to pray lightning idol attack assail grumbling to instigate to grieve nape of the neck sea ocean strenght power relic-s manure dong might marble ant ant eater net avenger must mule (young) usurer caterpillar martyr martyrs hymn torturer to commit cruelty to torture torment to reason to differ flour suffering blackman married woman to be manly husband lover wife sodomia homosexual virgin girl arm hand tax collector reward wage bribe bribe acceptor to bribe pay to touch (blind) ENGLISH DICTIONARY spiritual sword to watch one the 7th chair of Angels superior leader commander judge the beginning authority beginning drawing typification stamp expression drawing beginning origin hope steadfast hope trust observer pride proud lenghtly long time trousers breeches wage hired man naked south down south hat cap sudden anger maintainess region mountaineer naked bare sripped to prepare make to reward return to descend alert truly surely both of us us to correct threaten to remind teach anvil to exert topersecute persue to strech reading stand bedwoman (gave birth) little less not much intention local dweller dean upon him us to attack disaster misfortune to suffer bear endure darling favorite to press squeeze recording secretary forcible bold shameless sudden used upon the altar to strech (bow) to bake viatioum omophorion finished be named to cut circumsize known noble excellent due time quick fast gracious populus people dwellers rape violence to enpower take over to rape one to attack to asail have pleasure joy to inherit heir successor to teach master teacher superior superior to uphold stand by punched out to step forward to eat ones fill heavy meal descend attack (enemy) sustaining substantial filled up so so much wrestling fight by hard remember without book to agitate talk into contrary teaching tommorrow the next day to instigate foolish prefeast evening misfortune disaster to cause do induse craft trick wile slanderer to summon deluge flood to build teach to listen attend to prophesize not yet not yet not yet is it not unfortunate pauper innocent scandolous scandalizer ascender to heaven not to think of pay attention slouthful neglectful lewd carnal unexpected desperation ungodly wicked godless atheist impurity carnal lewd misunderstanding not worthy not allowed unmoveable stuborn anguish auxiety distrustfulness bewilder destress sickness infermity being sick ill sick ill unmovable ostrich (bird) useless fruitless futile everlasting no place displeased discontended misery pauperty uncureable unexperienced unexplorable unexerstable insane crazy mad silliness insanity madness not avoidable unexpressable unchangeable ununderstandable undiscribable undeveloped unexplorable faloon hawk oath braker useless futile eternal endless unalterated truthful truthful exceptional matchless not nice unbecoming not quarrelsome contendtedness truth sincere fast at once without sparking radiant unavoidable unevitable sick weak inceasant unremitting sickness misery disease being sick weak not brave untrastful hopeless not taught innocent detestful hated hostile inimical kindly garciously virgin not acceptable no replace able boldness courages fearless shameless uninhabitable self governed unconcored stuborn in evil disobedient sincere opened candid unruly undrilled unbearable uncureable will not burn unburnable rich undiscribable unboundly inexhaustable stable fixed by all means surely by all means not refused forgivness barren steril unmerciful pitiless undefearable unworthy unbecoming immoveable motionless unrepentful unmovable solid steady subborn disobedient threshhold of a home no complaint immaculate severety storm striet ununderstandable useless evil immorality dibaucher bat fliender mouse harmless sinless unmovable acting wrongly misbehaving wrongfulness unjustified pregnant woman occupied taken unadmittable unchangeable sinless faultless not susceptible vicious public apparent peaceless not passable opinion suspicion have suspision opinion careless heedless to hate detest careless lazy not mixed unsaluble not lit up not burning reasonless foolish dumb not carved church song virgin know not man virgin clean not approachable unbrakable eagle poverty need rebellion mutiny sedition the one not judgeing uncomprohensible unsparing unmerciful uncoruptible undetainde not held not detained stopped difficult impossible unbearable uncomfortable unconfotable hard to hold unbearable to hold hard to avoid hard to avoid unbearable unbearable hard to judge hard to judge unmovable unshaken wild unruly ignorant cannot be bribed unsteady unconsistant never satisfied indifatigable unwithering unwithering no cure no remedy incureable will not come to a past blind ignorant unknown not known cannot be known daughter in law newly married wedding room culpability sinfulness immaculate without sin fishermans net free not forbidden immoderate intemperate unhurt sound unspeakable unexpressable unforgetful do not enter richly plentyfull faultless tolerance patience staunch as no as like than with face down a piece broken off with face down someone bent to bow down nothing nothing so bosom port anywhere somewhere blackman victor conqueror by no means no way no where no place no one nobody once once upon a time month descent not become poor pauper lover of poor poverty poor pauper linen thread nitrate field unfit good for nothing to push down set down down below under to destroy to fail soft fine pleasant to have a large herd all night basket newly wed new growth new fruit new moon of the New Testament newly built nostral hole sword sabre to compell force oblige violence power duty forceible violent us now at present today cave hiding place worry ENGLISH DICTIONARY forced compelled monkey offence harm insult noon service noon service instead a lit. plenty plenty plenty to have plenty to fear stay away house home monastery cloud territory district state governor form figure might user of both hands both sides dressed the other side partaker of Gods grace picture icon image example that way simular way to teach educate form salary pay general in general comunity company partner to torment wear out tire gift offering to wink suit clothes bed has fever fever flameing burning fireplace all around vincinity neighboring adjacent cup 8 toneservice book oh oh young tree garden altar clothes binding over there there somewhere this that common dangerous danger curtain table cloth to clean up organ hurricane armed soldier arsenal armed armour sword ass driver grindstone part touch feeling ax spur thorn sharp edge angered quickly island tail from letter ot secretly head of a family grow stiff rigid to cease dispear altar tabernacle become estranged estranged take unlawfully from a distance to repay return mother stops nursing the child to rest fatherland founder of land rake up sweet up defence protection port harbor haven become heavy weight inspiration enlightenment detect reveal descover from where Redeemer Saviour separated to deny unbeliever rebel trator to avenge revenge punishment to wash from then from some-where unchangeable no means from where from now present to paddle away be rusty fall off discharge letter of freedom closeing prayer pilgranage forgivness of sins depart without... rest repose quitness destiny child fetus heir refuse to clean out off fat saved to deny not acknowledged to excuse refuse reject turn away child servant boy young servant girl to pronounce declare to unite unbind from now on from here to out off from here to leave get lost who abandens religion contrary be away to keep retain harm to discover detect left hand left to melt from there incarnate obdurate stuburn cut away take away free from here on become fat to tear off from there to push become poor to discard open up speak openly go away start to go to reply defend answer reply outside to turn away all sides from here this place send away some one especially because but ram then then or or some times clothes binding ENGLISH DICTIONARY paint it dark red fortune teller prophet magic charm to charm property fort to have possess to force compell to take accept to defend protect partner be wornout be childless to abuse slander to behead make it eternal incoruptible to testify protect to prosper enrich slander detraction suffer unfairnes do unfairness unjust wrong to have plenty embraceing hugging to draw off pullaway keep secret deny look around look for stranger alien immigrant home house inhabitant lodger to live dwell reside to dress subjected conquered sovereign regent to rule direct have to subdue subject to diminitize to scandalize bad example to dress to occupy fortify to rest sit at a table to warn admonish proof attest atone to pity regret be lazy to neglect miss lapse to illuminate light up to cheat defroud to kiss to give up hope hopeless to publicize reveal to become poor paoper to demolish destroy naked bare stripped all night sleep over night renew to encurage to smell scent to slander to lie slander to catch one in... to conquer to adore advised of Gods grace full of grace to return turn to bet promise burdened loaded shaved pay price tax to be bald shave to tie (animal) to ruin to alander to blame if only to ticken harden heredity property kingdom to occupy posess bind with sickness sick give a tenth 1/10th right hand side to dress suite dress to approve conquered overcomed victor over power vanquish to wet soak garden gardener fence to obstain miserable wretched to make unfortunate cursed condemned to harden stuburn accursed to curse one to dirty uneless make a trench dig to steer ship sway to handcuff chain handcuffs poison top of a pole column cover with wings money omega washing wash to dim darken there ariund protection defence danger worry coutious danger army to arm equip to war army truth defence to justify verify unleavened bread to lean upon support to eximine hossanna to circle around settle down storm assult to cover up cheer up orphan to smile be sorrowing be used up exhausted unclean dirty indulgence pardon weak look over forgive disobedience establish institute by itself private special single to shame remnent successor to leave forgive forgivness to defend protect (wall) ditch trench dike to sharpen plane off be stuburn damne condemn be conceit vanity keep alive to dawn day break wisper become void absolete to enlighten to anger pityable wretched damned to mark differentiate be stuburn to resurrest give life ENGLISH DICTIONARY church singer rather especially to sin danger plague desolation dangerous godless harmful again repeat newly born resurrected to harass offend slap thorn spine wrestling place racing place headsman hangman fall stumble fall into sin year-book cronicle revengeful vengeful tohold revenge most holy pure most holy pure short requiem service church entrance sexton bell ringer penitent church service two books left out... requiem service evening service of old test to fly to steam to burn sour fruit sail pascha to pasture to fall storehouse pasture catle herd to pasture pastor herdsman patriarch claw footnail lawn hay field grasing field worry bitterness sorrow sad sorrowful to sadden stamper liver caveman Pelikan checkered streaky wormwood 5 books of Moses penticost stamp with feet dundle package wing feather lettle feather feathered bird lump of earth soil finger first born birth right (first) lover of birthright sooner first afore first marriage first martyr general supreme power high church court first born first decision judgement high priest the very first first first called eleven stinging fly sand embroiderer many colored colored stove owen cave large rimed hat a handle munkey annointing oil annointing oil to push drunk saw (instrument) foam singing money money changer feast banquet pouch wallet small bag bastion tower castle to feast writing instrument typewriter to cut wound kill whistling to whistle letter writing writer clerk secretary church hymn teacher food sling to nurse feed cock rooster to sing quiet silent meek spruce the cocks crow walk singer cantor feminin singer harf musical instrument beer drink span pentecost five times to impede hinder check weeping woman shouting crying shrous swiming yellow (color) ancestor ethnic group necklace chain handcuffs clapping pedestal sole sandal chaff prison prison of war captivity imprisonment brick thief to imprison brick burning noise roar hum bald hairless slide crawl dance soldering spittle saliva walnuts green peal lungs fruit child pay to grow to bear space square public place person flesh man bodily fleshly became man lover of pleasure to pity have compassion war to defend to fight victor conqueror dry dry land bucket scoop spoon honor reward to respect honor to honor one hardly scarcely under to handover give give to present river bank lawn grass to subject submit valley field around the city long coat Lord carrier animal to lift up endure suffer to bend lower part of wing little feather under wing help support strengten near to cuncubine make fire with shavings foot stool pleasing worthy proper church song simularity picture simular alike simular to be simular length way valley at foot of mountain to get to fall to avoid support help to immitate to follow insult outrage jeer servant debtor relative neighbor friend ambush bottom lower part prop support pole to stimulate exite vat bathtub barrel to agitate stir up war combat worry to move make it move doorcase moulding rim take care heed spy because so far up to destruction ruin extremity |
pohloščénie pohlotíti pohóst pohréb pohrišati pohrjazáti pohružáti pohružénie pohubítelnyj pohubíti pochítiti pochód póchorony pochót pochótnik poílo poímati pojadáti pojas pojas pojásati pojasti pojáti poju pokáatisja pokadíti pokarjatisja poklép poklón poklónitisja poklónnik pokóišče pokoríti pokrov pokróv pokrovéc pokrovén pokrovén pokrovénie pokrýti pokušáti pol pól pól?a polahálišče polahánie pólčišče polielej políno polížde poljana pólk polmá polokáti položíti polplémja polskij polúnošč polunóščnica poluópona poluvrémja pólzok pomaáti pomáli pománivanie pomanúti pomérknuti pomilóvati pomnúti pomórie pomóst pómošč pomračíti pomyšlénie pomžáren ponamár poné ponestí ponéže poníknuti ponjáva ponosíti ponošénie pónt ponúditi ponyrjajuščij poooščrenie pooščrjáti popečénie poplýti popolznovenie popólznuti popráti poprázdistvo poprišče póprišče porabotiti porátovati porazíti poražén porečí porevnováti porfír poričánie porjádu porodíti porók poroptáti poroždénie portý poručáti poručénie porúčnik posdstólpie posikáti posititi positovati posjaháti poskómliti poslánie poslánnik poslátelen posláti poslidnij poslídovanie poslidovati poslidstvujušči pósluch poslušánie poslušátel poslúšestvovati posmradíti posóbie posobíti posóbstvovati posólstvovati pospešestvúemyj pospišetvovati pospíšiti pospíšnik pospíšnyj pospiššesja pospiti pospolítyj posramíti posremoščénie postaennoo postáviti postelnik postenáti postidinie postíhnuti postížiti postlán póstničestvovati postradáti postrižénie postydatisja posyščén poščaditi pošumiti pót potaščíti potbórnyj potčáti poterpíti potír potknúti pótnyj potopnyj potraviti potrebiti potrébnik potrjastísja potščánie potščátisja potúchnuti poučatisja pouščati poúždati povečérie poveliti poveščí povínen povinovénie povist povistvóvati povjázka povlešči povnehda povój povreždénie povsečástno pozaviditi pózdi pozobáti pozór pozorišče pozórnyj pozórstvovati pozvízdati pozýbnuti pózže požáti poženjati požérti požimáti požiráti požiriti požirováti požitáti požrénie prádidnyj prách pramáter práotec prarodítel prati práti prav právednyj právica právilo pravina práviti pravolúčnyj pravoo pravoomýsljaščij pravoovidec právost pravovirnyj právyj prázdnestvo prazdničati prázdničnaja nedilja prázdnik prazdnojadec prazdnoljúbec prazdnoljúbec prazdnooslóvie prázdnyj praznochoždénie praznoljubímyj práznoo prebláhij preblažénij prebóli prebyvánie precikáti predánie predátel predáti predbistvie predbytie preddvérie predhrádie predí predíl predístnik predknúti predložénie prednaricati prednastavljati predobrazovanie predobrazováti predpisáti predpoborstvovati predpožrétsja predprazdenstvo predpríjati predrečennyj predstátel predstáteltvo predstínie predstojáščij predstojátel predtéča predtéči predučinén preduspivati predustáviti preduviden preduvidinie predvarítelnoo predvaríti predvíčnyj predviditi predvistiti predvozvistíti predvrátie predznamenováti predzriti preémnik prehrád prehraždáti prechód prechód prechodjáščij preimiti preimúščestvennyj preimúščestvo preimúščij preisperščén preispodnjaja préiti preizbyti preizjáščestvo preízlicha preizlíšestvovati prejáti prejestestvennyj préka prékij preklád domu preklit preklónitisja prékna prekormíti prekoslóvie prekosraženie prelahátaj preléstnyj preljubodij preljubodijčišč preljubodijstvovati preljubý preložénie prélst prelščáti prelukávnovati premédliti premina preminíti premolčáti premúdryj prenebreháti preneporočnaja prenie prénos preobražénie preokajánnyj preoobíditi preoobraščenie preoobrazíti preoodolíti preoohorčíti preoosvjaščénnyj prepináti prepiráti prepitáti prepityj prepobiždati prepočivati prepodóbie prepodobnomučennik prepodóbnyj prepodvizatisja prepolovnénie prepónka prepoveliváti prepovodíti preprešči preprinie preprjáda preprochodímyj preproslávlen prericati prerikáie preríkati preristánie preselénie presélnyj presičénie preslovútyj preslušánie presmotrénie prespivati prestáti prestáviti prestól prestúpnik presuščestvlénie presvíter preščáti preščénie pretekáti preterpíti preterpivyj pretíti pretjažénie pretknovénie pretoór pretrén pretvoríti pretykánie preukrašátisja previs previščati previtáti prevóditi prevoi prevoschodstvo prevozhlašáti prevozmóči prevoznosi prevozrástnyj prevoždelinyj prevraščati prevysprennyj prevzojtt prezilnyj prezorlivyj prezórstvovati prezríti prezvíter préžde preždeosvjaščénnaja preždevozlehánie preždevozsidánie preždevremennoo pri príalčen pribáviti priberéžie pribíhlivyj priblížišče pribýton pribyváti pricípiti prícnyj pričásten pričastnyj pričét pričitátisja pričten prideržánie pridílati pridvérie priem prichód prichódnik prichóžanin priíti priiživiti prijátelišče prijáti prikasátisja priključénie priključíti prikloníti prikrovenie priležáti priliánie prilíčestvovati prilipítisja priližáti prilóh priložíti primetáti priminjáti priminjátisja primirénie primiríti primisnik primistiti primiščátisja primišenec primitnoo primórie primšnik prinesenie priobrísti priobrítenie priobščatisja prioosinennyj pripadáti pripás pripiv priplód priplodóvati priplytie pripovídovati priprjázennyj priráženie pririskati priseljáti prisélnik prisidati prisidnik prisinnyj prisiščati prisižditi priskorben prískrenni prismotrenie prisnie prisnoo prisnoodiva prisnopamjátnyj prisnosúsčnyj prísnyj prispíti pristánišče pristaviti pristavlénie pristavljáti pristávnik pristínie pristjažati pristrástrie pristúp pristupíti prisústvovati prisuščij prisvjánuti prišélec prišelstvie prišéstvie prišléc prítča pritéči prítisja pritjahivati pritjažánie pritjažáti pritjáženie prítočnica pritrapeznik pritrépeten pritupítisja pritvór pritvorénie pritvorjáti pritvórstvo priuhotovannyj priumoljátisja priunyváti priusuhubljáti priusvóiti privít privléšči privnésti privnijti privozlaháti privratnik privrémenen privsjásti prizapretiti príznak prizrák prizríti prizvánnyj prizyváti prja prjámoo prjamýj prjámyj prjažénnyj probáviti probodáti próče prodérzatel prohlahólati prohnvánie prohvoždáti prochládati prochlaždenie proidati proischodíti proizáti proizhlaholáti proiznestí proiznicáti proiztečénie proizvjáti proizvól proizvolénie proizzyvánie projáviti prokažénie prokimen prokljátie prolítie promarekovánie promedlénie prominá promislitel promknútisja promýsl promyšljáti pronačertánie pronačertáti pronarečén pronésti pronicánie pronikáti pronimáti pronýrlivyj própast propnúti propovídati propovidnik prorazumínie proréšči proróčestvovati prorok prosadíti prosforá prosidátisja prosidina prosijati prosítel prosjáščij proskomídia prosláviti proslezítisja proslívyj prosramíti prostértie prostértyj prósti prostirálo prostítelnyj prostránnyj prostranstvo próstyj prosviščati prosviščén proščátelnaja proščáti prošibátisja protekáti protivlénie protívnyj protivórstvovati protívu protoríti protovoviščati provídec providínie proviščáti provoždati prozíti prozjabati proznamenováti prozorlívec prozorlívyj proženjáti prožíti prščnica prščnik prúdnyj prúhlo pružátisja prúžie prúžiti psalom psaltyp pšeno ptenec ptica ptičišče púčina pučinorodnyj púhvica pup pustoslóvie pustosvját pustýnja pustýnnik puščennica pút púta putesotvoríti putešéstvovati putevódstvovati pútnik púty pužálo pužáti pýcha pychátisja pyláti pyr pytáti pytlív OLD-SLOVANIC rab rabá rabiišč rabínin rabótati rábstvo račítel rádi radínie radíti radostotvórnyj rádošči radovánie radovátisja ráka raschítiti raskajánie raskajátisja raskidáti raspalátisja raspisánie raspisáti raspjáti rásprja rasprostérti raspútie rastajáti rastesán rastésati rasti rastlínie rastníti rastočíti rastojánie rastvorénie rát rátnik ratoljubivyj ratováti rátovišče ratuemij ráven ravít ravnoočéstnyj ravnoodílnost ravnoovcnayj ravvi razblažáti razboiti razbój razbójnik razbolítisja razbotiti razdežénie razdilénie razdíliti razdór razdrátisja razdrážáti razhlahólstvie razhrablénie razchítiti rázinstvie razinstvovati razórenie razorítel razoríti razpadátisja razpychátisja razrišáti razrušáti razrušénie razselítisja razsijánie razsilnia razsistisja razslablén razslablénie razstojánie razstrojstvo razstupítisja razsuždáti razsuždénie razsví razsviriti razterzáti raztlíti rázum razúmičen razumiti razverzáti razvi razvodíti razvratíti razžénie razžizátisja raždizáti rečí reétka remfán repie rét retítisja revník revnítel revnovanie revnováti rič rika rinúti ripida risnotá ristánie ristáti rišenie ritína rítor ríza rizochranítel rjábka rjásna ró ród rodíti rodonacálnik rodoslóvie rodstvó rodý rók rópot ropótnik roptáti rót rotá rotítel rotítisja róv rovénnik rózha róžanyj rožcý roždénie roždestvó róždie rožec rožná rúbišče ručinček ruhátel ruháti rukodijstvo rukojátie rukopoložéc rukopoložénie rukoprostértie rukosičenie rukosotvorén rukovodítel rukovozložénie runó rváti rvenie rybar rydanie rykáti rýs ryž rýž rzá ržánie OLD-SLOVANIC s sád saddai sadimooft sadirooft sachoón sajha sákkos samoderžec samohlásen samochótnyj samoízbranyj samoosúžden samootrečénie samootverženie samoubíjstvo samovídec samovólnyj san sapóh sát sataná sávan savei sažén sbirálišče sbórnik sbýtisja scivenie se se sébo sedló sedmeríceju sedmíca sehoó sej sekrát selénie selíkij selíšče selítba selitisja sélnyj seló sélskij semidál serafim serdevidec serdobólie sérna sestrá sharáti shíb schóditi schódnik sí síce sicevýj siča sičec sičen siči sičivo sidalen sidálišče sidina siditi siditi sie sija sijateľ sijati sikár sikér sikíra sikl síla silen siló simja simoo simvol siň sinahóha sinaksarion sinetá sinhedrion sinij sinklítik sinnica sinód sinopísanie sinovnyj sioón sirič sirin sirt síryj sit sítie sitovanie sitovati siver sjatíti sjátiti sjatýnja sjúdu skányj skazánie skazátel skazáti skernosjažatelnyj skímen skímen skinija skinopíhija skinotvórec skíptr skitajuščij skitátisja skjučáti skladémie skljanica skljánica skloníti sknipy skomliti skomoróch skončáti skopéc skór skorb skorbíti skórbnyj skorómno skorotečec skórpija skorpión skorpioón skóten skotopitátelnyj skotovódstvo skótskij skovánie skóvnik skovráda skránie skréžet skriň skrižál skrov skróvnyj skryváti skudél skudél skudélnica skudélnik skuditi skúdost skudoúmen skvára skvážnja skvérna skvernávyj skvernítel skverníti skvernodij skvernopribíčestvo skvernotvoríti skvernoubijca skvozi sladkohlásen sladkopínie sladostrástej slána slánij slánost slást slastoljúbec slatí sláva slavíti slávnyj slavoslóviti slíčie slíčnyj slid slihá slítie sliztí sljacáti sljakij slon?aja slovésen slovesnyj slóvo slovoprinie složíti slučajnost slučítisja slúch slukávnovati služánie slúžba služébnik slýti smérčie smértnyj smiháti smirénie smirenomúdrie smiríti smisítisja smisnik smišénie smjatén smjatí smóka smotrelívyj smotrinie smsljaščij smuščénie smutíti smýsl smýslenoo smýsljati snabdinie snabditi snabdíti snačála snid snidati sniden snischoždénie sniskáti snítí snjáti snochá snovidinie sobeznačálnyj sobirati soblahovolíti soblaňjati soblazň sobljudáti sobljudénie soblúditi sobodvorjatisja soboliznovati sobolíznovati sobór sobórišče sobórnaja sobornaja služba sobórnoo sobórnyj sobsidováti sobstvo sobýtie sočétati sočísliti sóčivo sočtén sočténie soderžati sodítel sodítelnyj sodrahátisja sohlásie sohljadati sohradíti sohrišénie sochpaníti sochránnoo sóim soizvolíti sojúznik sokrílie sokrovén sokróvišče sokróviščestvovati sokrušén sokrušénie sokrušiti soléa solháti solílo solpnutisja somiháti somninie somréžen somúdrstvovati sonaslidovati sónie sónmišče soobénie soobščik sooobráznyj sooobrazováti sooobščati sooodolívati sopéc sopérnik sopil sopleménik sopredílnyj soprestólie soprestólnyj sopričtíti soprjáhati soprotív soprotívnik soprotívnyj soptičátnik soséc soskán soskútati sostáv sosúd sošéstvie sót sótnik sotrjástisja sotvoríti součinénnyj soúz soversenie sovist soviščavati sovit sovitnik sovitováti sovlačáti sovladýčestvovati sovokúpiti sovopósnik sovoprošatisja sovostáti sovrát sovratítisja sovreménen sozadí sozdánie sozercati sozidánie sozidátel sozidáti sozirátel sozizdátisja sožeči sožítelstvovati sp??? spajánie spajáti spasénie spasítel spasítelnyj spastí spekulátor spijánie spira spiti spití spjáti spletátisja spleténie spoborenie spód spodobíti spodobstrástnyj spodvizátisja spoklanjaemyj spóna sporítisja sporlív sporučnik sposlidtvovati spospišestvovati spospišnik spostradáti spredí spričástnik sprioobšcáti sprja sprjáči sprjážatisja sprjážen sprjáženie sproslavljáemyj sproslavljáti spúd spútnik sputstvovati sračíca srám sramljáti srámnyj sramoslóvie srámota sraténie srazsuždati sražba srebradílja srebrennik srebrodánen srebroljúbec sredihrádie sredodnévie sredonóščie sredopóstie sredostínie sredostólbie srevnítel srínuti sristi srjašča sródstvo ssíščij sšísta stádija stákti stámna stán starátelen stárec stárej starijšina starijšinstvo stárost staščíti státii statír stébľ stečénie stemlénie stenjáti stepén stepenny stezjá stich stichár stichija stichíra stilesnik stin stinoboj stinodilatel stjazati stjažánie stjažánie stjažáti stkló stóhna stojálo stók stólp stólpnik stolpopísanie stolpotvorenie stomách stonačalnik stopá stopstiná storíceju stradálec stradáti strách strachovánie strana strána strannik stranno priemec stranno priemnica strannojavljatišisja strannoljúbec stránnyj stranstvovati strast strástnaja strastóterpec strašilišče strašlív stratíh stratíha stráž stráža stražbišče stražduščij strážduščij streči strehúščij strekálo stremhláv stremína streminnyj stremítisja striča stričí strikati strila strilec strilnica strilostojatelnica striténie stroenie stroítel stroítelstvo stroíti stróp stropotnyj stroptívyj struft struíti struja strup strýti stúd studenéc studíti studodijanie stužánie stužáti stužénie stužíti stydinie stydítisja subboótstvovati subbota sučéc súd sudar sudbá sudbá sudija sudílišče sudíti súdno sudóm suemúdrennyj suemýslie sueslóvie sueslóvnyj suetá suétnyj suétstvovati suevirie suhúbij suchodól suchojadénie sucholápl súlica sumninie súmrak súp supostát suprotív supruh suprúžestvo suprúžnik susčestvó súša sušaníca súšče súščij súščnoo suščnyj svára svátovstvo svéhnuti svékla svekrá svérstnik svesti svi?e? svidati svidinie sviditel svidítelstvo svidítelstvovati svinec sviríl sviripyj svistiti svišča sviščenosec svit svitáti svitílen svitílnik svitílo svitinie svitodavec svitojavlen svítok svitovoditi svitozráčnyj svjaščénie svjaščennik svjaščennodijstvie svjaščennodijstvovati svjaščennohrabítelstvo svjaščennomúčenik svjaščénstvo svját svjataja scjatych svjatílišče svjatítel svjatíti svjatokrátstvo svjatokúpstvo svjazeň svód svodím svodíti svoínnik svojási svýše syj symáti synopoloženie synovlenie sýrnaja sýrnyj syskáti sýtost szadí szirátisja sžáliti sžeči sžimáti OLD-SLOVANIC šár šáriti šatátisja ščadíti ščedríti ščedrodatel ščedrodatel ščit ščitíti ščitonosec ščohl ščudo šelk šepót šepotník šérst šéršeň šestíždy šestodlánnyj šestopsalmie šija širotá šlem šuij šujca šujstvo šum švénie OLD-SLOVANIC ta taf?t taíbnik taínstvennyj taínstvo taínstvonačalnik taíti tájašče tajášesja tájati tajna tajnovidec tajnyj tákoo talánt talántes taléntum támoo tártar taščíti tát tatbá tatbliná táže tčalívyj tčívyj tečéc tečénie tečí tektoón teléc témen temníčnyj tenetó teplíca téploe tére? térň terpílivost terpímost terpjáčij terpjašče tésanyj teslá teslonós tést téšča tezoimenityj thréti tíhij tíchost tílo tilochranítel tima timena timínie tímpan timže tiranstvovati tíron tísi tisnína tisnotá títlo tjahotiti tjaškoserdnyj tjativá tjazánie tjažánie tjažátel tjažbá tjažcyj tjážel tjažuščij tknút? tkúščik tletvórnyj tlínie tlítelnyj tlíti tlja tmá tmoríceju to tobólec tóčen točénie krove tóčiju točílo točti tohoo rádi toj tojže tók tókno tolíkoo tolíkožny tolíti tolkati tolkovánie tolkováti tolmá tolmáč tolpá tólšča tomlénie tončíca tonizma tonútí topárch topárchia topót tór tórh toríti toržestvó toržestvováti tóržnik tošcnoo tóšč toščati tóždestvo trápeza tráven tréb tréba trebi jest trébišče trebnik trebuchá trébuju tredenstvo trehúbij trekljánnyj trekljátyj trekróvnyj trépet trepetáti trépeten tresná tresnovityj tretíceju trevolnenie trezúb trezvítisja tridnéven trichápt trichápton trikirij trioodion tripísnec tristát trisvítlyj trisvjátoe trisvjatyj tríšči triveslelnyj trjasávica trójčen tronutyj tropár tróskot tróst tróstie trostíti trubá trúd truditisja trudoljubívyj trup trús truždáti trýjušče tščánie tščatisja tšče tščehlasie tščemúdrie tščepohrebálnoe tščeslávie tščeslóvie tščetá tščétnyj túča tuhá túk túl túne tuzémec tužátisja tužíti tvár tvérd tverdil tverdíti tvérdyj tverdýnja tvoréc tvoríti OLD-SLOVANIC ú ú ú´máliti úá úbidíti úbižáti úbižišče úblaháti úbo úbohij úbójatisja úbojmik úboo úbožati úbožiti úbrús úbudítisja úcilomudrítisja účaščáti účaščénie účenie účenik účilišče účrezdáti účreždenie úd údavitisja údávlen úderžánie úderžáti úderžávati úderžiti údica údinen úditi údivítisja údivlenie údóbie údobnyj údobotájuščij údobotlinnyj údólie údolnyj údovletvoríti údručíti údvoiti úec úhasiti úhlíbiti úhlubiti úhnizžáti úhobzénie úhobziti úhódie úhodíti úhódnik úhodnoo jest úhól úhotóviti úhryzáti úchanie úchiščrénie úchiščrjáti úchlibiti úcho úizati újati újazvljáti úkánuti úkarjáti úklonenie úkorén úkorénie úkoriznennyj úkornen úkosniti úkráj úkripíti úkroítel úkroíti úkroj úkrotíti úkruch úkrýti úlómok úlstíti úlučíti úm úmčáti úmedlénie úmerščvlénie úmértvie úmet úmilénie úmilénnoo úmilénnyj úmilítisja úminie úmirennoo úmiríti úmirno úmirotvoriti úmitelnyj úmiti úmnoo úmodílnik úmolčáti úmolíti úmoprelščenie úmoríti úmovénie úmovrededenyj úmreti hrichu úmúčiti úmyšlénie úmyvalnica únasliditi úne úneviščáti úničišíti úničtožiti úníziti únšij únynie únyváti üpakoj úpástí üpát úpítannyj üpodiakon üpóstas úschnuti úsiditi úsikálnica úsiknuti üssoop ústie ústremlénie ústrilíti ústroénie ústroennyj ústroíti ústudíti ústyžáti úsuhúbiti úsumnitisja úsynovíti úsyrénnyj úsýriti úščedriti úščelie úšéstvie úšnik útaíti útišati útišénie útišítel útolíti útreneváti útrenica útrenij útrenja útréšnij deň útri útrie útro útróba útroiti útroo útvar útvarjáti útverždáti útverždénie útvoríti útýmjati úvelíčiti úvídati úvidinie úvidinyj úvinčáti úviríti úvísti úviščati úvit úvitlivyj úvjadáti úvjaslo úvjazáti úvjazénie úvjazíti úvjázti úvračeváti úvý úza úzdá úzílišče úzína úziti úznik úzrilyj úzríti uzžéči úž???e úžasátisja úžasen úžaslivyj uže úže úže úžénie úžica úžičestvo úžik OLD-SLOVANIC vadíti váditi váija vaj vajú váju val vár varíti váriti varvar vavilón včinennyj vdatísja vdód vdolenie vdovstvovati vedék vedró védro velelipnyj veleríčiti veleričnik veličánie veličati veličávyj velíčie velikoderžávnyj velikoimenityj velikolipnyj velikomúčenik veľmi velmóža velževúl verblud verejá verhán vérhnuti veríhi verížnyj vertep vertohrád vertohradár verv ves ves véslenik vesló vešč vétchij vezdí vezdisuščij vchod vchódnaja pisn vid videc vídimyj vidínie viditi víditi viduščij víchr vijatel vil vímysl viná vinársk vinársk vinčáti vínec viničie vinó víno vinočérpec vinočérpica vinohrád viril vironósec vírovati vis visi visokóc visson vist vistnik viščanie vitálišče vitalnica vitati viter vitija vitrotlinie vítva vížda vjáščij vjazánie vkrátci vkúpi vkusiti vlačíti vladýčestvo vladýčica vladýka vláha vlahálišče vlaháti vlájatisja vlasanica vlast vlastelín vlekóm vmáli vminíti vmistíti vnačáli vnehdá vnezápu vni vnimáti vniudu vnjátie vnjátisja vnušáti vnutr vo pervach vocaríti vodá vodnyj trud vodochranílišče vodonós vodosvjátie vodotéčie vodovážda vodruzíti vodvorítsja voevóda voéže vói vója volčéc volchv volchvóvati volitel volíti volná vólna vólnica volšébnyj volšvénie volúij vónja vonmim vónmim vónziti voobrazíti vooruženie vooružítisja vopijuščij vópl voplotitísja vopolčítisja voprekí vorkováti voschiščénie voschód voskipiti vosklicánie voskresenie voskrilen vospíti vospjatti vosplákatisja vospleskati vospljsáti vospominanie vospominátel vospomjanúti vosprjanúti vosšéstvie vostáti vosterzáti vostóčnyj vostok vostorožénie vostrepétati voščúna votknúti votščé vovréšči vozatáj vozblažáti vozbranénie vozdajánie vozdati vozderžánie vozdijánie ruk vozdivati vozdoiti vozdremati vózduch vozdvihnuti vozdvižénie vozhlaholáti vozhlás vozhlašati vozhlavijca vozhlaviti vozhlávnik vozhljádati vozhniščati vozhnušátisja vozhoritisja vozhradíti vozchitíti vozchúliti vozijubodijáti vozlahánie vozležáti vozlijánie vozliválnica vozljúblennyj vozloženie vozméždie vozmíritisja vozmoháti vozmuščenie vozmutíti voznebrešči voznepščevati voznestisja vozniknúti voznoslívyj vóznošenie voznovljati voznúti vozobladáti vozopíti vozpomjanúti vozpretiti vozprijáti vozraždátisja vozrevnováti vozrydátisja vozskomliti vozstáti vozstenáti vozsučiti vozšumíti vozteči voztjazáti vozvelíčiti vozvíjati vozvistíti vozvrát vozvysiti vozzríti vozželiti vozžénie vozžiháti voždelinnyj voždeliti vpáivati vrábij vrač vračbá vrah vraščátisja vraščénie vratá vrátar vratí vratílo vrazumijáti vražáti vražbá vraždá vraždebnik vred vredíti vrémja vrétišče vríjati vrínuti vrjáščij vrúci lito vruch vsadíti vsádnik vse vsebídec vseblahij vsederžítel vseditel vsehubítel vsehubítelstvo vselénnaja vselénskij vselítisja vsemirnyj vsenaródnoo vsenóščnyj vseorúžie vsepítyj vseplódie vseródnyj vsesožžénie vsežižditel vsja vsjákij vsjáko vsjúdu vskapáti vskóri vskráj vskrílie vskuju vslidstvóvati vspjat vstanliv vsúe vsynovlénie vtajni vtorobráčnyj vvedénie vvérhnuti vvestí vviríti vyja výnu výpelica vyručati výsiti vysókaja vysókij vysokomírnyj vysokomudrstvovati vysokoserdnyj vyspr vzajém vzalkáti vzbrannyj vzimáti vzlis vznak vzyhratisja vzyskánie vzyskátel vzyskáti vzýti vživáti OLD-SLOVANIC za mnoju za né zabludti zabrálo zabvénie začálo začát zadnjaja tvoja zaémnyj zaéže zahradíti zaímodávec zaimodávstvovati zaítie zajáti zakléna zaklinátel zakljáti zaključíti zakolénie zakónni zakónnik zakonopolóžnik zakonoprestupíti zakonoprestúpnyj zakosninie zakosníti zakroec zakróv zakrovénie zalóh zamaterilyj zamatoriti zamičatelnoo zan?ik zanéže zapečatlíti zapíby zapinánie zapisánie zapjástie zaplevánie zapóna záportok zapovid zapovidati zaprestolnyj zapretíti zapustinie zapustiti zasáda zastojáti zastupnik zasúcha zasýchati zaščitítel zatčénie zatjazáti zatočénie zatvór zaúšenie zaútra zaútrie zavída zavijati zavisa zavístvovati zaviščánie zaviščati zavit zavór zazór zazóren zazrinie zazríti zažéči zbruepoloženie zdánie zdáti zdi zdó zdrávie zelie zemledil zemlja pravaja zemlja zabvenija zemnorodnyj zercálo zérno horúšno zij misjac zilie zílnyj ziló zilóta zimá zinica zinuti ziždítel zlačnyj zláčnyj zlák zlatar zlateníca zláto zlatohlahólivyj zlatokovannyj zlatoustyj zlatovídnyj zlatýj zlo zlóba zlóbiti zločastie zločéstie zločestívyj zlodíj zlodijánie zlochitryj zlochítryj zlomúdryj zlonrávnyj zlopolúčie zlopolúčie zlorávie zlosloviti zlostrádati zlostrádati zloščastie zlotvoríti zlýj zmij zmij znamenati znaménie znój zovom zovúšče zrák zrijánie zriti zubr zvánie zvenjáščij zvirojádina zvirolóv zvironráven zvironrávnyj zvirooobraznyj zviskij zvizdočéten zvjacáti zybánie zýsk OLD-SLOVANIC žáliti žálost žar žar žáriti žáti žážda ždáti žeči želtaníca žená ženich ženítba ženoljúbiv ženoneístoven ženorávnyj ženúti žerátok žerd žérnoyj žértva žértvennik žertvovati žéstokij žestokoneístov žestokovyjnyj žestosérdie žezl žilíšče žitár žitársk žitejskij žítelśtvo žítelśtvovati žitie žítnica živodátel živonačálie živonósnyj živót životvoríti životvorjášč žrébie žrebjá žrebodajánie žrec žréčestvo žréti župel župelnyj žváti OLD-SLOVANIC CORRECTIONS: bezsovistie blustitel velikoimenityj vzyš vmistíti vozhradíti vrétišče vistnik vtorobráčnyj haváfta homór hrádnyj díven dohmat dosaždén družina ditišče žati zavór zaútrie začati zlatovídnyj izvajánie izvračeváti izdaléča izobilovati inoskazajem ispód istés istrebíti istryváti istuplenie iti po kim idoolnica idolineistovstvo idoloslužitel iisus kadílo kaženik kazátel kazáti kázna kaléndy kláda klás kol koncý zemli krasneoobrizanie lebed lísa lišénie lišnij lišše lovíti lúža ljádvija mastítyj mhljan mzda mir mólviti náh napástovati načertánie neobitáemyj neprelonoo níc - nícy níčtó nužda pohubíti pozorišče pod polahánie potbórnyj prázdničnaja nedilia prevoschódtvo predátel preddvérie prepodóbie prerikáie pretíti preobraščenie prizrák pokrovén pričét prochládanyj projidati prjámmyj puty pisnípivec rabynin razsvit razsllina rinúti róh rukopoložénie sviditelstvo svinec siver svitílnik svjazeň svjataja svjatych svjaščennodíjstvovati sestrá silen skinotvórec skrin slávnyj snabdíti soblašňati sohbénie soditelnyj spajáti splinník sporitisja spjatiti sprajažátisja srjaženie srazsušdati srjašča ssuščij starijšina stebl stezjá stich stremína striča stjazati sudíti sudba sudba scínenie sýryj sinnica sinóvnyj sičivo tainstvo načalnik tafeft terň tresna ukrotiti unižiti utroiti ucílítie uvjaženie udobnyj ud uzasatisja užišče uziti ukrotiti umitelnyj unižiti utroiti ustie čermnuetsja černílo čchánie jidá chalúta chvalíti chlibolomlenie jadca zanftik |
to get lost persidh desroy prey booty to swallow cemetary by the church funeral burial to err make mistake to drown to sink to sink to wash to dip dangerous perilous to destroy to rob steal road travel war funeral burial desire longin craving lover sweatheart through to take up lift up eat to digest money belt bag belt to girdle tie to eat swallow to take carry singing to repent to incense to obey be obedient slander detraction bow reveer adore to pray implore bow adorer resting place to subject sumit refuge shelter roof chalice cover hidden covered covered cover shelter protection to cover defend shelter to tempt part district territory gender benefit gain advantage storehouse warehouse bed resting place army church song ps.134-135 fire wood wood finaly after all little field valley camp army fort two parts equal parts to guzzle determine make up half race field dweller midnight midnight service half carpet half time slippy smooth to wink make a sign hint at once soon wait a little to give a sign to agitate evening twilight to pity have compassion to remember sea shore floor earth soil help to darken fade thought opinion half closed eyed sexton servant at least perhaps maybe to carry suffer be pregnant because to wink towel cloth to scold abuse slander to abuse sea deep water compell urge absent minded to flatter to wake rouse stimulate exite worry trouble care swim out anchor to crawl away be vacillating away to tramp down destroy postfeast all night arena courseway 1.mile to serve subjegate to attack assail charge to beat conquer conquered lost destroyed to abuse speak disperaigly be zealous devout velvet purple perdiction scold rebuke in live follow give birth bear error mistake sin to grumble protest generation race family cloth clothes rags to recommend entrust offer recomendation intervenior take part pillar base pedestal to chop cut kill to vist to mourn one fell sorry to marry give one away to move letter send dispatch apostle sended 9th ode to cover make a bed the last the demand ordo investigate folloer ear witness dutiful obedient hears petition help to witness to bribe contaminate help aid assistance to help aid assist to use to defend be an enemy delegate constant steadfast to serve one work make haste hurry quick helper aid assistant eminent excellent hurriedly to finish publicly to abash ashame to blemish disgrace secretly to put place appoint court officer servant to sigh cry out shame blush sneer to catch one get one to arrive to come set table bed to fast to suffer have pain hair cut tonsure be ashamed over fed ate too much grant pardon to murmur presparation swear to drag lug carry away magician wizard to set up (tent) to suffer endure submit chalice turn over hang up nail to sweat perspire flood to graze to pasture to root out eradicate bread baked on ashes to shake attentive attention heed to hurry to put out extinguish to learn to irritate rouse to anger to hurry urge quick evening service to command to order to cast to throw to hurl worthy of punishment obedience speach parabel news to speak spread news tie binding bandage to pull away to cover when while kerchief shawl cover offense injury always every hour to envy late latter to peak up eat (birds) vision sight shame sourceway shameful disgraceful to scuff jeer taunt to whistle to move to shake latter to persecute to persue to follow run after to consume swallow to tremble quiver to devour eat up get fat fatten to rest to lay to burn sacrifice offering ancestor forefather dust ancestral mother ancestral father protoparenent to kick choke trample wash clothes straight true innocent righteous humble pius right hand ordo law right justice innocence to perform rule straight as an arrow truely good truthfully right thinker jurisprudent truth right true believer straight true innocent feast holyday to feast slemnize feast Sunday holyday feast lazy man feast lover of feast lazy talkative conciet lazy vanity indigent idleness lazy lazy not working very good most happy blissful unsual very much so dwelling place home to split cut to produce show lecture betrayer to betray report misfortune disaster occurance event entrance city entrance forward ahead advance boundry territory land prophet stumble into - upon proposition motion report to foretell prepare set in order symbolic to symbolize to draw illustrate to fight battle to sacrifice himself prefeast to take up begin prophesized intercessor intervention intercession anti wall instrument defence bystanding superior forerunner precursor walker before him determind to preceed one to determine decide chosen known forseen known priliminary advance anticipate ones wish eternal know before hand to fortell predict fortell entrance gate front to reveal disclose for see successor heir wall protection hindrance to fence inclose narrow pass pass by pasage passer by privilege first excellent priority preference exellent known embroidered hell damnation to pass to pass away have plentyful abundance pomp splendour still better rather have in abundance to inherit accept supernatural opposition resistance contrary conflicting opposite beam girder rafter room to bow contrary against to feed nurse suck contrarrious object to wrestle fight spy betray tempting alluring seduce lewd unchaste illegitimate child to fornicate adultry unfaithfulness mutable changeable error to mislead lure amuse surpass in unbelief be late delay postpone change mutation to change be silent forget wise sapient to dispise immaculate to quarrel carrying the gifts on the altar transfiguration? vile degenerate offending some one gavely over to transform change overcome prevail bring affliction grief Bishops title to impede hinder to verify testify give food feed praised extolled to conquer to rest sleep very rev. Clerg martyr saintly righteous to duel fence fight day after the cicle liver membrane to add to order to send over quarral dispute conviction persuasion purple suit cape passing feeling glorigied celebrated to scold to shame one contradiction objection object protest track meet migration removal piegram stranger foreigner divided split ended renound famous disobedience sum up count up advance progress stop payment suspend to place replace altar throne criminal sulprit transsubstantiation priest shame remind forbid one threatening menace to go by flow by fly by to suffer bear suffered to thread forbid prohibit overweaght scandal offense paetorium out in half to change rebuild laping mistake offense to beautify self scale cup scale pan measure incite revolt mutiny to wander to lead transfer turban excellent to promulgate proclaim to vanquish conquer to praise magnify exalt adult elder ordered desired to ransack ravage grand magnificent be above plentyful abundance pride elation look down scorn dispise dispise scorn priest servant of God before quicker presanetified lit. first seat main seat first place before time early by under hungry add to it dwell on the river bank gracious kind shelter refuge profit gain to arrive grow multiply to graft tie endless eternal communion hymn party sharer priesthood clergy selected for service selected one handle of... to multiply bihind the door reception admittance parishhouse rectory pastor priest parishioner to come arrive spendtrift basin port refuge to accept to contact converse occurance case to do make cause to bend cape cover roof lean against diligence assiduity proper becoming to stick cling to urge push on trick craft guile to add to dwell with to throw to to pile to compare to add himself appeasment make peace immigrant to stir mix blend to converse befriend partner in business seen evidently visibly sea bank sea land partner dower marriage present to gain acquire profit gain to associate gain shaded shadowed bowing begging on knees stock food provision vesres of a song psalm increase increase multiply landing to interveen implore harnessed tied to touch collide meet in a hurry settle down immigrant neighbor work with some one be... sedulous diligent shadow to visit look up ly in wait seek one sorrowful sad mournful simular like resembling mindfulness attention kind cordial alway always immaculate always remembered eternal sweet draw near approach advance port harbor haven arrive attain dock patch manage affairs place a patch manegment manager strenght fortress to take get buy passion great love entrance attack approach advance be present be there present here to witteraway newcomer convert foreigner arrival pagan foreigner proverb example run to to struggle suffle quarrel to draw pull inheritance succession to have hold posess to attract draw example paralel talk table companion fightened have a dull vision church entrance yard shut up lock up to lock up close simulation false show prepared make peace calm to mourn one be sad to double multiply to procure will intention goal draw pull himself to turn over talk into to slide slip creep to add to it gate door keeper temporary provisional burn out wither dry out to threaten menace sign mark vision apparation look down from hight invited called ask help call quarrel brawl straight ahead direct straight opposite side fried to continue to pierce without audacious to speak up to anger irritate to nail coolness rest peaceful relief delight spend consume origin originate to pierce to say explain to express a will judge come forward stand out spring (water) origin to please to suit free will will mood vocation calling publicize leper absessed verse befor the Epistle curse anathema bloodshed family name surname procrastination temporiztion set price high price trustee guardian to extend spread move God care taker guardianship to think consider prototype ideal to lecture deliver promulgated to scatter spread insight penetration to explore pass through to pierce through guilful perfidious daeth whirlpool to pierce to preach teach preacher advertizer foreseeing knowledge to fore tell to prophesize prophet tear apart make a hole altar bread to tear split gray crack to illuminate light petitioner plaintiff begger preparing gifts... to honor praise extol to cry weep begging to straithen spread... spread out spread spread out straight carpet cover venial sin large specious wide open space pure clear to shine glitter enlightened bright farewll prayer forgive to sprout flow through water resist oppose contrary conflicting resist oppose against to give accept contradict object prophet wise man providence advertise public notice to lead follow to gain vision to sprout grow to forsay fortune teller prophet proud pride to banish drive away to squander sling slinger rocky cliffy net torment torture harass locust grasshopper to swell puff psalm psalm book mallet hirse little bird bird little bird depth whirlepool sea born in depth button navel foolish talk hypocrite two faced desert hermit separated wife road path fetters schackles build a road to travel to guide traveler wanderer schackles scare erow to frighten scare pride burn with anger to flame burn peas (vegitable) to seek try look for curious ENGLISH DICTIONARY slave (M) servant slave (fem) slaves son slave womans child to work serve slavery patron lover for the sake on account care solicitude to attend provide see to it joyful gay jovial jolly joy delight pleasure to rejoice glad coffin casket tomb stone to rob steal sorrow for sin... be sorry for sins to scatter strew about set fire conscription to paint paint a picture make a note crucify rupture break misunderstand to spread sreching road street crossroad to melt beheaded to split (with ax) to grow multiply desruction ruin to split (wood) scatter despel distance remote opening combat war soldier worrior eager for action fight battle war speare attacked equal simular revolt rebel simular cooperation team-work eternally simular teacher raby to spoil cocker to break destry robbing robbery thief robber become sick ill become strong stout fat offence suffering division rupture break divide discord dispute quarrel split in two irritate anger conversation prey spoil buoty to rob steal difference to differ waste destry ravage distructive to smash disperse scatter to burst crack to ravage muse wrath to absolve forgive distroy disperse distruction ruin decay to settle down settle to disperse crevice split rent to split burt paralitic weak frail lame distance interspace chaos confusion disorder to diverge disperse to think weigh to choose pick choice dawn daybreak to fret fume wex tear apart fall in sin tempt destroy intellect science knowledge wise sensible to understand know open a door window reveal if maybe beside to divide spread grow to upset instigate anger quarrel burn set fire make fire to say tell converse grill lattice star burdock bur anger quarrel to quarrel meet pius pius meek zeal enthusiasm vexation anger accusation river to throw push church fan decensy becoming race competition to jump dance run judgement decision myrcha concellor lawyer suit vestment clothes guard captive bird tassel horn (animal) generation race to beger procreate bear ancestor creator census race stock family to give birth year time dissatisfaction grumbler to wisper dissatisfaction mouth throat pledge cath curse swearer to swear curse self cistern water hole well lake resorvoir grape twig horny horn wild fruit give birth race nativity branch twig peel shell rind instinct rag little towel scoffer derider to laugh hand work fist ordained ordination lift up hands hand carved hand made manuductor placing of hands cotton skin hide tear pierce turbulent arguing fisherman crying sobbing to roar trotting yellowish red red rust to neigh whinny (horse) ENGLISH DICTIONARY with of garden God creek regiment wise prudent scientist wild goat bishops dalmatic monarch dictator own tune hymn free not forced chosen good best self condemned appease calm aquiesce self denial suicide eye witness free willed position office call shoe boot sandal six bushels (measure) satan devil veil buriel dress beautiful about a yard cistern hole service book (church) to happen price this behold because saddle seven times week on account of that therefore this that new commer shelter colony domicile so many so much pature home dwelling place lodging habitation to settle occupy a home fields village field villages fine lour seraphim God (heart reader) sincere frank open alpsgoat deer sister nun to burn fold wrinkle trim to ascend go down spy this that so that way such that kind blood bath war duelling fight wirh a sword January to cut wip a sitting prayer chair throne gray hair to get gray hair to sit this that this that sower shine glitter murderer fruit wine alcohol ax jewish money strenght power strong mighty dagger trap seed race child here creed tent cover synogouge reading of Saints fine dark blue wool sinedrion blue chairman president tent Synod council painting (a picture) shady Sion mountain that is owl reef orphan net rush bitternes sorrow be sorrowful north keep a holyday to impide hinder check sanctuary here weaved explanation fotune teller to say teach converse illegally gained little wild animal young lion tabernacle jewish holyday tent tent maker sceptre tramp vagrant to hide wander to tie fasten compiling water glass glass cup vessel to bow bend bug louse mosquito to budge entertainer to finish eunuch swift fast sudden anger sorrow sadness dejected to be sad wretched sorrowful sad edable food in Lent currier footman Scorpion wip weaved with thorns spear throwing maschine animal fooder furage animal breed husbandry animal like reasonless to weld solder handcugg fetter pan curl temple bone gnashing chest box trunk tablet beard hidding place vessel covered secret to hide roof clay clay pot pitcher pottery maker become pauper poor pauperty need misery idiot stench nasty smell heat rent crevile hole lustfulness lewdness stain dirty unclean contaminate not obeying a holyday lewd unchaste illegally acquire immoral perverse assasin through pleasent voice pleasent lovely singing delight pleasure frost Rime bush shrub salty land desire sweetnes joy lover of delight bliss to send glory to glorify known noble to extol glorify equal equality simular like resembling trace footstep track soldiers servant dumbailiff casting pouring metal come down to bend bent humpback elephant tusk eloquence oratory verbal intelligible verb speach Word of God dispute gather together case instance event could happen hearing news to think evil... knowledge service divine liturgy liturgikon be known be somebody spruce deadly close eyes humble modest discreet to humiliate stoop to mixup mixed peoples intercourse sick to rebel murder kill fig bright sharp minded to listen harken prudent shrewed restless to shame one understanding wisely to imagin think gains winnings prize watch some one overlook excuse from the beginning food to eat ediable ascension gatter collect descend take off bring down daughter in-law vision dream without a beginning God collect gather to agree accord to scandalize scandal public offence to guard care for to keep guard to fornicate dwell together condolence sympatize pity synod council synagouge congregation universal concelebrated liturgy together at once universal catholic to converse property inherent quality event to unite bind tie together to add count lentel (vegitable) added up to add up to hold keep take creater functional terror strieken consent assent spy to instigate build a home sin to defend hold cautiously unviolable court of justice to agree consent union coalition hem seam border hidden secret treasure gather treasure split cracked burst destruction ruin to crush bruise squash soleas to lie cheet salt shaker to stick together winck close eyes doubt question united weaved together have same thought agree to inherit heir dream synagouge unity sharer participant simular same to accomadate adapt to communicate publish to reign over whistler contrary enemy whistle relative neighbor the chair behind the altar reigning together to grant one a share harnes tie together against counter for enemy contrary harmful participant sharer nipple (breast) interwined weaved together rap up dress layout joint (part of body) vessel pot crockery descend honey syrup centurion to tremble quiver to do make chosen trusted rope coherence connextion accomplished fulfilled conscience to agree advise laying snares banter will consultor to advise undress strip reign together join unite disputer to converse speak to rise to rebel do wrong to become a sinner same age from the back behind built created to notice think over building founding builder build spy to encourage to burn live together war prisoner soldering to solder together redemption Redeemer Saviour salvation salutary to redeem save heardsman ripen regiment to make success reach sing together to conquer unite in alliance spined rope string war together part group to permit allow concede simular passion work together adored osticle hindrence to quarrel strife quarrelsome bailer voucher to help work together assistant clerk help to sympatize from the front front of participant sherer make a partner quarrel brawl to hitch (horses) to fight battle f?ied war action combat extoled praised to glorify extol vat coop co traveller travel together shirt underwear mistake blush shame to shame abash untouched shameful indecent nasty talk shame healed together grown to explain guard boundry guard goldsmith siversmith silver money taxpayer payce miser stingy city center market place noon day midnight middle of Lent center wall center column disputer contender knock down meet meet with one agressive family relation infant weave together sow together stadium incense perfume bucket pale camp lodging quarters diligent sedulous old very old man chairman president director leader official position old age to deduct pull down stand at the grave Holy Sat money four drachmas grass blade grouping flock together gathering to sigh cut stairs class step song (church) path preverse verse alb element church song blood brother shade tent wall crasher mason to posess have property servants question dispute task to buy acquire inherit glass street market place base foundation hole drain pillar column pillar sitter memorial building a steeple stomach centurion foot print steeple wall fort wall a hundred fold martyr to torment torture aginize fear fear contrary teaching district territory county pilgrim wanderer host restoraunter hotel to keep secret hospitable stranger newcommer to move in travel suffering torture holy week martyr spectre fearful leader chief commander governor guard guard watch sentry box guard on watch sufferer to guard guard watchman thorn fall on the head steep precipice steeply to strive rush meeting one gathering haircut cut to stab pierce prick arrow archer shooting the fort fort tower meeting one management of land building manager clever skillful care for property house balcony roof ceiling lumpy stuburn proud stuburn ostrich (bird) to pour stream wound scab scurf break up discusting fulsome well (water) to shame abash imprudence trouble restlessness anger hurt burdening loading molesting to burden ignominy disgrace shame to be ashame rest on Saturday Saturday splinter judgement kirchief towel decission resolution decree fate providence judge court to judge ship with a decision decree prudent wise syllogistic vanity empty talk talkative vanity vain idle futile uselessly hopeing superstition sorcery double river bed fast obstaing seagull short spear doubt dusk twilight daybreak volture enemy enemy adversary husband pair marriage husband helper existance dry land dried fish meat be true being truly naturaly present sustaining quarrel brawl inlaw relative take off throw off beat (vegitable) mother in-law same age contemporary to lead north to experience to ask document certificate witness certificate testimonial to testify tin white led pipe whistle (shepherds) wild ferouches whistle candle acolyte candle bearer light brightness daybreak light brightness candelabra candle stick lamp illuminating light giver God enlightened to fold roll up to lead righteously shining bright blessing of priest liturgy service celebrate liturgy sacralege martyr priest priesthood clergy holy sanctuary of saints sanctuary bishop ordaining bishop to ordain sacrilege simony prisoner garret loft ceiling to accord reconcile to unite bring down camarade home fire place from on high this take off to adopt a son adopted con cheesfare Sunday raw we?. orphan to seek find food fed from behind back look at each other to become sad burn to squeeze press ENGLISH DICTIONARY paint to paint to draw a picture to wander to spare be kind generous generous giver generous giver shield to protect defend shield carrier mast fore mast monster born silk whisper whisperer hair wool (animal) wasp six times six palmed fingered Matins six psalms neck with distance helmet left side left left hand falsehood rapping clacking embroider seam sow ENGLISH DICTIONARY this that drum secret keeper secret secret Sacrament Christ to deny be silent keep secret melt of fear disappears meet secret Sacrament mind reader heart reader secret hidden so talent gift of God 100 lbs money (big sum) there hell depth to tear pull thief robber roberry stealing damage after then solitude forsite generous wandered news carrier flow to run run carpenter calf dark obscure dim murky prison guard hunters net trap warm water dung manure room thorn tolarence tolarence patient bearer endurer sufferer steadfast constent chicseled engraved ax chopper Pelican father-in-law mother-in-law simular name rob serub grind quite silent calm calm flesh body body guard those face mud mire swamp drum cimbals because be a tyron young soldier silently quietly narrow path persecution harrising abbreviation of a word be a burden weight hard hearted cruel arrow string plowing a field work benefit property laboror contest law suit quarrel beast of a prey rapacious weight burden hardship court case put into thrust into weaving table rotten harmful rathening destroying rotten harmful to destroy rust darkness multitude several times this that small bag pouch walet equal similar hammorrage bleeding only press (wine) drip for the sake of because this that the same flow only so much so much often to allay to knock (door) explanation to explain so much lot interpreter multitude group fatness turturing thin material thin slender to drown leader commander dukedom country to stamp (feet) to stump ureox market bargaining get used to something trample feast dedication to celebrate merchant particularly curiously vain useless fruitless to weaken that the same table altar May contaminate sacrifice necessary need pagan church idols place ritual book gut intestines I need to have thi??? split lip very poor pauper cursed third favor terrified to tremble quiver in great fear gold cha?e ribbon long to ankles thrice ocean storm three prong fork to sober third day expensive silk voil cape silk dress triple candle triodion church hymn army leitenant thrice shinning thrice Holy God thrice Holy God thrice oar paddle rower cold sweat shivering thrice Holy touched church hymn trparion dry limbs bamboo bamboo cane reed to spin twist horn bugle work to work diligent corpse dead body storm earthquake to offend hurt rub scrub readiness solicitous to be solicitous desirous free no charge empty talk false thinking idol statue vanity futility foolish talk loss emptiness vanity vain empty storm dark clouds worry hardship need fat grease lard arrow holder gratis gift native enthusiasm to gieve creature fort heavens armored place grow hard harden hard strong fort creator to create do work ENGLISH DICTIONARY by at ach to belittle diminiate behold compel force urge evade flee run away shelter refuge to electrify one therefore because poor pouper fear tremble murderer truly adoring make one poor kerchief wake up be smart wise to take part frequent visit science knowledge teaching student pupil school to establish feast body limb to chocke sufficate suffocated hunged self denial hold back to gain acquire to strenghten to detain hold hook remove saparate divide to fish with a rod hook angle to wonder admire wonderful marvelous convenient confortable convenient appropriate fusible melting rotten corrupt valley glen grove grown in a valley found satisfy content oppress suppress to repeat double nephew quinch fire put out fire drown deep thought to dig out cut to live dvell set a nest to prosper get rich cultivate till plow interest gain service to please suit like kind person dear pleasing corner to prepare to bite smell scent fragrance falsity foxy be foxy clever to feed ear to enter pierce go in to rob steal to wound to fall disappear to swear abuse to depart die abused abuse vituperation faulty defended worthy of defence be late prolong boundry land mark to strenghten accuser complainent to blame scuff cover veil (dead) to tame crum morsel to hide conceal broken piece to coax flatter brandish to gain win get mind thought opinion take with force steal to linger lag murder killing die death dung manure corrow sympathy feeling humbly sorrowfully greiving fretting to feel sorry greiving understanding moderate temperate frugal to qietten to calm calmly peacefully make peace prudent to understand know wisely understanding artist great master to silence deny to solicit calm at ease lead into error mistake to murder kill washing of feet insane crazy conquer sin destry torture to death intention wasing basen to defend save better beneficial betrothal engagement to humiliate put ashame to destroy to humil? better different hopelessness loose hope church song to pasture graze prince duke consul fat fatened subdeacon divine person dry out become gray pliers pincers cut off down Hyssop share part heat warmth forcefull to wound kill (arrow) service building ordered founded to build make order to cool to shame to repeat double to doubt doubtful to adopt fertile productive fruitf.. to sprinkle wet be passionate cave leaving departure denounciation betray to hide keep secret to comfort console joy happiness comforter to ease soothe alliviate get up early dawn early morning early morning tommorow matins next day following day tommorows day coming day tommorow morning womb belly to tripple morning instrument to decorate to confirm ratify fortify approved assured to do make to fatten fat increase multiply to question recognize know knowledge to know known crown with wreath reward to convince insure assure to know find out to remind talk into to hint remind sign gracious kind benign to wither dry out hat crown tie together sink to crown wreath to dunk (water) drown to sink to cure oh handcuffs fetters bridle reins check prison jail narrow path pass to narrow prisoner ripe to see notice to digest consume heavy chain rope to have fear fright frightened formidable timid shy fearful already chain rope string narrow narrowed fishing hem tassel fringe relationship family relative neighbor ENGLISH DICTIONARY to accuse slander to slander to argue palm branch palm branch to excavate to scoop carve your yours trench defence wall someones son be with one feforehand to cook barbarian Babilon brought to order introdu to give one self over offer oderess bird stinking to carve to scoop be a widow crack ruptute ruin bucket pail good weather nice dat serene exalted glorified to exalt talkative exalting praising verse to extol exalt magnify proud haughty glory greatness powerful mighty gogreous famous glorious pompous great martyr very very much sovereign princ devil belzebub camel doorcase pile garden howe to throw to tass fetters shackles made of a chain cave garder orchard gardner strap rope wip all village town paddle rower paddle rower thing matter old ancient everywhere everywhere present procession entrance hymn resemblance picture educated seen sight glance gaze to see to hear to know intellingent smart wind storm destroyer destroy idol invention discover transgression sin cup-bearer winedresser to unite to marry crown wreath crown grape stock wine brides present engagement cup glass pitcher wine jug vineyard berill precious stone fool to believe approve weight measure to see leap year silk news messenger word speach tone dwelling place restuarant inn hotel to dwell stay over site wind storm orator preacher harmful wind branch eye lid greater better excellent binding tieing joining shortly together in a crowd to taste to try to drag to lug mighty powerful reign Mother of God reigninc lady God Lord Bishop wet moist damp purse safe box deposit drop accept tossed by waves hair bag hair shirt power might princ lord sovereign drag carry pull rightaway in a short time add to to place in the beginning if when sudden quick outside to know to understand from outside attention to catch on fire to advise to accept inside from inside first first one become a king occ. throne water water sickness water dam container bucket pail blessing of water acquaduc water system water pipe water system to set up to pull up to settle to dwell military commander governer because on account for about soldier army burdock bur wise enchanting enchanting fascinating friend lover to want todesire wave wool free week (nofastday) charming charmer magic ox of the ox fragrance scent attend listen behave attention attend to put in stuff put up to surmise estimate be armed to arm crying out out cry woe mourn cry in pain become man encamp opposite against contrary to woo (doves) prey booty to ascend rise budfort to boil exclaiming joy resurrection Sunday carried away kidnaped to sing praises sing ti impede hinder to weep cry to clap hands dance remembranse author writter scribe to remind often repeated to awake to mount group board to rise get up stand up to tear to pluck eastern easterner east ecstasy trance g. feeling to tremble obscenity brawdry to pierce pull on in vain uselessly evil to throw carrier transport to cheer up to forbit to stop reward repay return to give to pay to return abstinence lifting up - hands (Prayer) liftin up uplifting to suckle nurse feed to doze slumber air to support to prop lean exaltation to accuse complain exclamation prayer to shout speak laud pillow cushion to renew head pillow to look over check ignite set fire to loath to swell up rebuilt built to seize to curse adultery placing on hands (ordination) to settle down sit down alcohol sacrifice cup can pot beloved dear placing setting on reward worthy payment to receive reward be healthy have strenght rebellion agitation to disturb to denounce carenot to regard value to ascend elevate to be seen to originate selfpraising proud exaltation extole to renew repair to wake up wake up in fright to posess to have to shout exclaim cryout to remember remind to forbid not alloaud toprotect save receive be born anew to be pius zelous to sob cry-out to be mum to rise resurrent to sign to twist to kneed to uproar shout to descend to rise to give account to task to elevate praise to blow (wind) to repeat to inform announse return turn back to praise to elevate to look at look up todesire to like offering a sacrifice to light (burn) dear desired to desire to wish to weld together sparrow medical doctor M.D. cure curing enemy to return turn back return gate door keeper gate keeper to lie say foolish things yarn beam to teach educate to bewitch charm enchant prophecy fortune telling enmity argument enemy loss to harm time weather penitent shirt crawl clim boil throw in push in to boil cooke sundays letter leapyear locust grasshopper to put in prison hussar all all known all good best God keeper of all maker of all creator destroyer murdere devil danger the whole world universal general to live to dwell universe public place all night wake fully armed praised all over everywhere friut sacrifice forefather ancestor burning sacrifice creator of all all everyone by all means everywhere every place increase accumulate suddenly at once close by next to hem seam why for what to follow return go back pius humble deligent without a reason reasonless accepting as a son adopting secretly second marriage instalation introduction to throw to introduce present to admit to confide entrust neck always infinit forever cacuck (bird) to free to elevate to praise elevated place tall pride proud be proud praised proud pride nobly loan return favor become hungry worrior brave undefeated to take bald back backward to rejoyce be gladsome searching investigating searcher investigator to seek to search to ascend to rise to make fire light ENGLISH DICTIONARY after me follow me because whereas get lost to stray away wall protection forgetfulness oblivion beginning comencement conception remnanr leavings loan lend borrow because to fence to stop lender loan giver to borrow lend to disappear vanish to borrow loan nail lock exorcism to vow curse to close conclude to kill sacrifice legal lawful legitimate scribe law giver jurist illegal lawless guilty culpable delay to be late late to cut in engrave curtain lay in wait ambush pawn mortgage aged advanced in age advanced in age renound celebrious april whereas because to seal keep secret verse dike barrier to insert enter braclet to spit upon spittle curtain drape veil egg shell commandment order to order to command back of the altar to forbid discipline desert desolation devastation desolate ambush lay in wait to scold inconvenience defender drought dryness to dry it defender protector to shop stick into (cork) to tie bind incarceration imprison prison jail to slap morning early morning the next day tomorrow envy envious to scatter disperse curtain banner to begrudge envy command order edict to procure to acquire earn testament lock pad-lock disgrace shame ignominy suspicious scandalous improper lay it on his dish to pick a quarrel argue to set fire flame arsenal building to build here roof health grass plant herb farmer right road golden road grave tomb man made of earth mirror looking glass mustard seed the second month herb plant strong stout robust very strong zealous devout winter cold eye-ball eye open mouth creator maker grassy weeded rich pasture plant grass new branch gold-smith gold money gold golden mouth made of gold goldenmouth golden color made of gold accident misfortune illfated evil trouble to irritate misery distress unbel aving athiest godless thief evil deed crafty foxy cunning foxy guilefull dishonost perfidious misfortune wreched unhappy sad evil immorality to curse to suffer to suffer unfortunate disasterous do evil wicked perverse evil dragon whale serpent snake stamped marked wonder miracle heat hot swet called so called to call to cry apparation vision time of ripering look see water buffalo vocation sounding sonorous carcass hunter wild character wild charactered to rage infuriate cruel ruthless wild astronomer to clink moving trembling seeking searching ENGLISH DICTIONARY to pity zealous devout heat not burning coal to burn to bake to harvest thirst wait to burn uellow fever woman bridegroom marriage lover of women carnal lewd immodest women type man persecute burning coal bar rod pole mill stone sacrifice offering preparatory altar to sacrifice cruel ruthless merciless angry mad stuburn hard hearted staff stick home dwelling place bakers supervisor first baker earthly finit people citizens dwellers dwelling living life food grain barn life giver creator beginner of life life giver life uterus vagina resirrect bring to life life giving fate fortune inheritance colt divide - ing pagan clergy priest priesthood to sacrifice sulphur stone tar sulphur tar to chew bite ENGLISH DICTIONARY dishonesty unconscionable foolishness guardian keeper vigilance famous known georgeous bald (head) to place to insert build rebuild hear shirt penitent shirt messenger second marriage rostrum decorated chair measure a 10th of EFI hailstone damage womderful marvelous miracolous dogmatic hymn shameful disgraceful society company association child boy to harvest reap crop lock pad-lock the next day tomorrow to begin to concept conception golden color cuting chisel out carve to cure heal from far distance to have plenty symbolical emblomatic bottom hip thigh to eat to digest demolish to demolish deep sleep insensibility to follow some one idol temple idol aduration idol adorator Jesus Saviour incenser censer eunoch servant preacher teacher to teach to punish punishment penalty the first day of a month shackles fetters wheat ear corn how many how much earth boundry world boundry not circumcized swan fox pauperty poor loss plenty superabundance more further greater cath snare banter swamp hip loin thigh fragrance perfume fog foggy reward wage bribe world to instigate to grieve naked to suffer bear insist endure expression drawing formed uninhabitable self ruled unchangeable with face down nothing rape violence power to destroy break loose raceway sight arena under bed resting place magican wizard Feast Sunday distinction excellence betrayer entrance patio very rev. clergy contradiction objection to threat forbid prohibit to change transfigure vision apparation covered hidden priesthood order clergy cool coolness rest to spend consume opposite side schackles cantor church singer slave womans child daybreak dawn crevice slit rent to throw push toss horn corner ordination testimonial certificate tin white lead north candelabra candle stick prisoner Sanctuary holy of holies to celebrate divine services sister nun family strong mighty tent maker chest box trunk known noble glorious to care to take care of to scandalize to bend arch put together functional to solder together war prisoner to quarrel strife to impide hinder check to fight battle war action combat to explain meet some one infant elder leader official grass blade path way road peverse verse steepness precipice steep meeting gathering to acquire obtain have to judge decission resolution decree fate providence price priceing raw wet orphan tent hut shady ax Christ drum thorn gold chain ribbon to tame to humiliate put ashame to tripple you share part to crown place wreath convenient favorable timely limb (body) to have fear fright heavy chain rope to narrow to tame prudent wise to humiliate to tripple mouth lip blushing geting red ink to sneez sneezing eat eating food hedge garden fence to praise glorify breakin bread gluttonous gluttany April (Macedonian) |
My key services are archive searching in the state archives of Slovakia and being a tourist guide hired by days in Slovakia. |
agape feast 100 lbs 5 books of Moses 8 toneservice book 9th ode a a handle a hundred fold a piece broken off abbreviation of a word about a yard absent absent minded to flatter abstinence abundance to have in... abundance richness abuse vituperation abused accepting as a son adopting acceptor of God accident misfortune accomplished fulfilled accursed accusation accuser complainent acolyte candle bearer acquaduc water system act foolishly act of divine service act of honoring God acting wrongly misbehaving add to add to it added up adopted con adored adorer adoring adult elder adultery intercource adultery adultress adultry unfaithfulness advance progress advanced in age advertise public notice advised of Gods grace after then after me follow me again repeat against against counter agan priest aged advanced in age ach air alb alcohol sacrifice alert truly alias fictitious name all all all all all around all good best all known all merciful all night all night all night all night wake all sides alliluia praise God alm Almight God omnipotent Almighty mighty alpsgoat deer already altar altar tabernacle altar throne altar bread prosphora altar bread alway always every hour always infinit always immaculate always remembered ambon ambush ambush lay in wait amen anathema ancestor ethnic group ancestor forefather ancestor creator ancestral father ancestral mother anger be angry anger anger quarrel anger quarrel anger hurt angered quickly angle cut angry mad anguish auxiety anchor animal animal animal breed husbandry animal like reasonless ankle ankle bone annihilate frustrate anniversary anniversary annointing oil annointing oil annually yearly annunciation anoint forehead (Feastday) anointing with oil anointment carrying woman anough answer reply ant ant eater anti wall instrument defence anticipate ones wish antimension antiphone anvil anyone anywhere somewhere apokalips apostle apostle sended apparation vision appearance appease calm appeasment appointed by God approach advance approved assured April april April (Macedonian) arena courseway 1.mile archangel archbishop archdean archer architect carpenter archpriests hat ariund arm hand armed armed soldier armored place armour armour sword army army army army army leitenant arrival arrive attain arrow arrow holder arrow string arsenal arsenal artist educated person artist artist great master artistic wise artistic as what kind as then as how as like as no ascender to heaven ascension ask help call ass driver assasin assistant clerk astronomer at least perhaps at once soon atheist Godless athiest godless attack assail attacked attend listen attention attention attend attentive attention audacious audacious author writter avenger ax ax ax chopper ax ENGLISH DICTIONARY babbler Babilon back spine back backward back of the altar bad evil bad weather bag sack bag (leather) bail security bailer voucher bakers supervisor balcony roof bald hairless bald bald (head) bale bundle balm balsam bamboo bamboo cane bank hill banner flag bar rod barbarian bark of a tree barley barn barren steril base foundation basin port basket basket bastion castle bastion tower castle bat fliender mouse bath tub bathing place bath bathtub bucket battle struggle be true be a burden weight be a tyron be a widow be above be an enemy delegate be angry upset in anger be armed be ashamed be away be born anew be conceit vanity be curious desirous be foxy clever be healthy have strenght be childless be kind generous be known be somebody be late delay be late prolong be named be passionate be prepared to do be present be there be proud praised be rusty be silent forget be smart wise be sorrowful be sorrowing be sorry for sins be stuburn be stuburn be used up exhausted be vacillating away be with one feforehand be wornout be zealous devout beam girder bearer endurer beast of a prey rapacious beat (vegitable) beatle wood worm beautiful pretty beautiful beautiful face cheek beauty became man because so far because because because because whereas because because on account for about become a king occ. throne become crazy become estranged become fat become gray become heavy weight become hungry become man become pauper poor become perfect become poor pauper become poor become sick ill become slim thin become sober become strong stout become void absolete bed bed resting place bed resting place bed-room bedwoman (gave birth) beer drink before quicker before time early begger begging beginner of life beginning beginning origin beginning comencement beheaded behold being existance being being sick ill being sick weak belittle decrease bell belladonna beloved dear belt strap belt bending benefit gain bent bent humpback berill precious stone beside without bestman (marriage) betrayal betrayer betrayer betrothal engagement better better beneficial better different bewilder destress bihind the door bikering quarrel bilberry wild fig billy goat bind with sickness sick binding tieing bird birth of God man birth right (first) bishop bishop archbishop bishop ordaining bishop bishop inspector bishop see position bishops crown bishops dalmatic Bishops title bitternes sorrow blackman blackman blacksmith blacksmith blameless blasphemy cursing blemish dishonorable blessed fortunate blessed bread (Litia) blessed mixed honey and wheat blessed mixed honey and wheat blessing of blessing of water blind nasty blind ignorant blood blood bath war blood brother bloodless bloodshed blooming colorful blue blushing geting red board table boat bodily fleshly body guard body limb boldness courages book writing book of creation book of songs (church) booty prey born in depth bosom bosom port both of us us both sides bottom bottom lower part bottom boundry territory boundry land mark bow reveer bowing begging on knees bowing before an icon boy braclet branch twig branch brave sure brave impudence brave bravely audaciously bread baked on ashes break oath break up breakin bread breaking of bread breath spirit breath breathing blowing bribe acceptor brick brick burning bridegroom brides present engagement bridle reins bridle reins bright lustrious bright sharp minded brightness lustre bring affliction grief broken piece brook spring brothel brothel brother neighbor brother assisin murder brought to order introdu bucket vessel bucket scoop bucket pale bucket pail bucket pail buffalo bug moth bug louse build build rebuild build a home build a road builder building founding building building a steeple built created bull god idol bully quarelsom bunch of grapes burden load burdened loaded burdening loading burdensome pregnant burdock bur burdock bur burn burn burn out wither burn with anger burning coal burning coal burning sacrifice bush shrub button by beside by at by under by all means surely by all means not refused by all means by hard remember by itself private by no means no way bystanding ENGLISH DICTIONARY cacuck (bird) calf called so called called by God calm calmly peacefully calvary camarade camel camp army camp lodging candelabra candle stick candelabra candle stick candle cane reed cannot be bribed canon law canon of 4 odes canons last verse cantor church singer cape cape cover capital captive bird captivity imprisonment carcass care solicitude care for property house careless heedless careless lazy carnal lewd carpenter wood worker carpenter carpet cover carried away kidnaped carrier freight carrier transport carrying the gifts on the altar carv chop case instance casting pouring metal casting up throwing up cat caterpillar cath snare catle herd cattle beast cautiously unviolable cave hole cave hiding place cave cave cave caveman cavern cave cedar tree incense cedrus tree celebrate liturgy celebrated famous cemetary by the church cemetery census center column center wall centurion centurion certificate testimonial ciborium cimbal music instument cinement cinnamon cistern water hole cistern hole cities towns citizen city town city center market place city entrance clapping clasp diamond clasp hook claw footnail clay clay pot clegy idol clever skillful close by next to close eyes closeing prayer cloth clothes clothes binding clothes binding clothes guard cloud cloudy sky co traveller cock ruster cock rooster cock rooster coffin casket coin cold cold wind cold sweat shivering collect gather colored colt combat war come down come forward stand out comforter coming day tommorow command order command order commandment order common commonner communion hymn communion song compasianate clement compel force compell urge compiling complainant comunity company concelebrated liturgy concellor lawyer conception condolence confession confessional judges hair confidence trust confirmation conquer sin destry conquered overcomed conquered lost conscience conscription to paint consent assent consolation comfort constant steadfast constant lair consultor contaminate contaminate contendtedness contest law suit contradict object contradiction objection contradiction objection contrarrious object contrary contrary conflicting contrary against contrary conflicting contrary enemy contrary harmful contrary teaching contrary teaching convenient confortable convenient appropriate convenient favorable conversation conviction persuasion cool cold cool coolness coolness rest cooperation team-work coper brass corageously bravely cordial honor corner corner stone corpse corpse dead body corrow sympathy cotton skin could happen court court case court of justice court officer servant coutious danger cover shelter cover veil (dead) cover with wings covered covered secret covered hidden crack ruptute craft trick craftiness crafty foxy crash crackel crawl clim craziness crazy fool crazy madman crazy talk creater creator creator maker creator of all creature creed creek crevice split crevice slit criminal sulprit cripple crocodile crown wreath crown with wreath reward crucify cruel rutless cruel ruthless cruel ruthless crum morsel crush crying sobbing crying out out cry culpability sinfulness cultivate till cuncubine cunning crafty cup platter cup pot cup chalice cup cup can cup glass cup-bearer cure cure curing curious curl temple bone curly currier footman curse curse oath curse anathema cursed condemned cursed cursing curtain curtain table cloth curtain curtain drape curtain banner custom cut chisel out cut away take away cut off down cuting chisel out ENGLISH DICTIONARY daeth whirlpool dagger trap damne condemn damned dance dance danger trouble danger worry danger danger plague dangerous danger dangerous godless dangerous perilous dark obscure dim dark red cape dark red cape dark red color dark red suit dress darkness multitude darling favorite daughter in law newly married daughter in-law dawn daybreak dawn early morning day day after the cicle daybreak daybreak dawn dead corpse deadly dean dear costly dear valuable dear beloved dear pleasing dear desired debt. sin to owe debtor decensy becoming decission resolution decission resolution deed work deep sleep inconsibility deep sleep insensibility deer deer female defence protection defender defender protector delay delight pleasure deluge flood denounciation betray dense forest depart without... depart without... deposit drop depth whirlepool descend attack (enemy) descend descend descent desert desert desolation deserter desire desire longin desire sweetnes desire of learning for desires wishes desperation desruction ruin destiny destroyer destroy destroyer murdere destruction ruin destruction ruin detect reveal determind determine make up detestable detestful hated devastation desolate devil demon devil devil belzebub devotion adoration devout God fearing dialect die death die death difference difficult dike barrier dike barrier dilatory tardy diligence assiduity diligent accurate diligent sedulous diligent diligent sedulous dill dinar diologue direct straight director leader dirty not clean dirty unclean disappears disaster misfortune discord dispute discusting fulsome disgrace shame dishonesty unconscionable dishonost perfidious discharge letter of freedom diskos paten disobedience disobedience disobedient dispear dispise scorn displeased discontended dispute disputer disputer contender dissatisfaction distance remote distance interspace distinction excellence distress misfortune district territory distroy disperse distruction ruin distructive distrustfulness ditch trench divide divide - ing divided split divine enlightenment divine person divine virgin division rupture do evil do good satisfy do not enter do right do unfairness document certificate dogmatic hymn dogmatic hymn domestic done completed door keeper gate keeper doorcase moulding doorcase pile door-keeper door-s gate double doubt question doubt dough sacrifice dower marriage present down below drag carry dragon dragon whale draw pull himself draw near approach draw out pull out drawing typification dream dress garment dressed dried fish drip drip driver coachman drought dryness drought dryness drown deep thought drum drum cimbals drum drunk drunk drunk glutton drunken singer dry dry land dry branches dry land dry limbs dry out due time duelling fight wirh a sword dukedom country dumb speachless dumb tacit dundle package dung manure dung manure dusk twilight dust dutiful obedient dwell on the river bank dwell together dwelling living dwelling place dwelling place home dwelling place dyer of clothes ENGLISH DICTIONARY eager for action eagle eagle eancer ear ear witness early birth early morning tommorow earth boumdry world earth boundry world boundry earthly finit easier easier east eastern easterner eat eating food eat to digest eat eating food eaten by bug rotten eating food economy ecstasy enthusiastic ecstasy trance edable food in Lent ediable ediable educated egg shell elbow elder leader element elephant tusk elevated place elevation hill eleven eloquence oratory eloquent rethoric eloquent oratory elsewhere elsewhere emblomatic symbolical embraceing hugging embroider seam embroidered colorful embroidered embroiderer eminent excellent emperor empty talk empty talk encamp enclosed house end death end boundry endless eternal enemy enemy enemy adversary enemy enemy enchanting fascinating enlightened bright enlightened enmity argument enormous entertainer enthusiasm entrance entrance gate front entrance attack entrance patio entrance hymn envy envious eparch (diocese) epiklesis equal simular equal equality equal similar error mistake error to mislead escape get away escaper refugee especially because establish institute estranged eternal infinit eternal had no beginning eternal in its time eternal endless eternal eternal eternally simular Eucharist Eucharist eunoch servant eunoch servant eunuch castrated eunuch evade flee evangelist good news evening twilight evening service evening service of old test evening star event ever forever everlasting everyone everywhere everywhere every place everywhere present evil sin evil bad evil wild evil trouble evil immorality evil deed exaltation exaltation extole exalting praising verse examen search example example paralel talk excellent known excellent excellent exceptional matchless exclaiming joy exclamation prayer exellent known exchange barter exibit explain existance exit exit exorcism expensive silk experienced wise explanation explanation expression drawing extermination extoled praised eye lid eye medicine eye witness eye-ball eye eyebrow ENGLISH DICTIONARY f?ied face cheek face cheek face faceless impudence faith devotion love of fall stumble fall in sin tempt fall off fall on the head faloon hawk false perfidious false false prophet false teacher erroneous false thinking falseface falsehood falsity foxy family relation family man family name surname famous celebrated famous known far far away farewll prayer farmer fast at once fast obstaing fat grease fat staut fat fatened fate providence fate fortune fate providence father-in-law fatherland fatness fatters schacles faultless scandalous faultless faultless faulty defended fear fright fear fear fear tremble fearful fearless shameless feast holyday feast lover of feast feast feast banquet feast dedication feast Sunday Feast Sunday feathered bird female baker feminin singer fence fertile productive fetters schackles fetters shackles field field around the city field dweller fields fiery owen fig fight battle fightened filled up finaly after all fine dark blue wool fine lour fine sand finger finished fire firebrand fire wood wood fireplace first first one first baker first born first born first called first decision judgement first marriage first martyr first of September first place first seat main seat fisherman hunter fisherman fishermans net fishing fist five bushels five pints five times flameing burning flee for safty avoid one flesh body flock together gathering flood floor earth soil flour flow spring flow flow flow through water foam fog fog foggy fogy fold wrinkle folloer food food nurishment food food fed food fooder furage fool foolish reasonless foolish foolish talk foolish talk foolishness foolishness stupidity foot print foot stool for instead for see for the sake on account for the sake of because forced compelled forceible violent forcible bold forefather ancestor foreigner pagan foreigner foreigner forerunner precursor foreseeing knowledge forgetfulness oblivion forgive forgivness forgivness form figure fornication lewdness forseen known fort heavens fort citadle fort fort tower fortune teller fortune teller prophet fortune teller prophet forward ahead fotune teller founder of a church founder of a church founder of land four fimes fox fox foxy cunning foxy fragrance perfume fragrance scent fragrance perfume fragrancy scent fragrant giver free not forbidden free no charge free not forced free (person) free week (can eat meat) free week (nofastday) free will free willed freight sail frequent often frequent visit fried friend friend lover friendliness friendly pleasant friendly frightened formidable friut sacrifice from from a distance from behind back from far distance from far distance from here from here this place from here on from now present from now on from here from on high from outside from some-where from the back behind from the beginning from the front front of from the mouth from then from there from there from where from where frost frost Rime fruit child fruit wine alcohol fruitless steril full of grace fully armed functional functional funeral burial funeral burial furrow furrow fusible melting ENGLISH DICTIONARY Gabriel gains winnings garden garden garden howe gardener gardener garder orchard gardner garlik garment dress garret loft gate door keeper gate gather together gather treasure gatter collect gay jovial gem stone gender general supreme power general in general generally known generation race generation race generous generous giver generous giver gentle meek genuflection get fat fatten get lost to stray away get up early get used to something trample geting red giant giant strong man gift offering gift offering gifted by God girder log girl maiden girl girl girl-friend give to present give a donation give a tenth 1/10th give birth bear give birth race give food feed giver donor gladsome glass cup glass globe sphere glorifaction of Theotokos glorification hymn of the sorrowful Mother glorified glorifying glorigied celebrated glorious pompous glory glory greatness glory of God gluttonous gluttony gluttonous gluttany gnashing go away start to go go by in front of go by go away go by avoid goal aim goat God giver of all God care taker God God Lord God keeper of all God (heart reader) God adorer God fearing God lover Godbearer godess Godless atheist godless atheist godless vile godless life gogreous famous gold gold gold cha?e ribbon gold chain ribbon gold money golden color golden color golden mouth goldenmouth goldsmith siversmith gold-smith Golgotha Calvary good pleasant good good good best noble good air clean air good deed blessedness good deed good deed good heated merciful good virtue morals good weather nice dat good will inclination good willed thinker good willed merciful good willed goods estate gorgeous splendid governor governor grace blessing graceously gracious kind gracious good willed gracious compassionate gracious kind gracious kind gragrant seed odor grain barn grain measure grain measure grand magnificent grant pardon grape grape stock grape twig grass plant grass blade grass blade grass weed grassy weeded grateful pleasant gratis gift grave tomb grave tomb gray crack gray hair great bow great many lot of great martyr greater better greediness greeting kissing greiving fretting grief hardship grief misery grill lattice grind grindstone part grouping grove forest grove valley grow cold (love) dry (water) grow hard harden grow stiff rigid grown in a valley found grumbler guard guard guardian guard watch guard boundry guard guard guard watch guard watchman guard on watch guardian keeper guesing riddle guilefull guilful perfidious guilty culpable gum (teeth) gun sword gut intestines ENGLISH DICTIONARY haemorrhage bleeding hailstone damage hail-stone hair wool (animal) hair bag hair shirt hair cut tonsure haircut cut half carpet half closed eyed half race half time hall-stone damage hammer hammorrage bleeding hand carved hand made hand work handcuffs fetters handcugg fetter handle of... happens comes forth happy blissful hard strong hard hearted cruel hard hearted hard to avoid hard to avoid hard to hold hard to judge hard to judge hardly scarcely hardly scarcely hardly scarcely harf musical instrument harm harmful wind harmless sinless harmony (music) ing harnes tie together harnessed tied has fever fever hat hat cap hat crown haughtiness have a dull vision have in abundance have pleasure joy have plentyful abundance have same thought agree have suspision opinion hawk eagle head of a family head pillow headsman hangman healed together grown health health healthy hear shirt penitent shirt heardsman hearing news hears petition help heat warmth heat hot heat not heaven heavy chain rope heavy chain rope hedge garden fence hedge garden fence heifer heir successor hell depth hell hell damnation hell depth helmet help support help help aid helper aid hem seam hem tassel hem seam herb plant here here here heredity property heresy heretic hermit Herodafollower hidden covered hidden secret hidding place vessel high church court high priest highly honored valued hip thigh hip thigh hip loin hippodron hired man laborer hired man his he history hold catch hole drain holy holy week holyday holyday feast home house home dwelling place home fire place homeless honesty honor honey syrup honor respect honor reward honored respected hook hope hope trust hope hopeful quible hopeing hopelessness horn bugle horn corner horn (animal) horny horn horny snake hospitable hossanna host restoraunter hostile inimical hot fiery hotel hotel hours house home how many how much how many how much how many how much how many times humble pious humble obedient humble humbly sorrowfully humilate self destroy hunger hungry hungry hunger hungry hunch-back hunter hunters net trap hurricane kornado hurricane hurriedly husband pair husband helper husband lover wife hussar hussar hypocrite two faced Hyssop ENGLISH DICTIONARY chaff chain handcuffs chain rope chain chain (dog) chair throne chairman president chairman president chalice cup chalice chalice cloth chalice cover chalice cover chalk lime change mutation change altar changeable changeable feast chaos confusion charitable compasian charitable charitable deed charity charity virtue charmer magic charming charriot waggon chasuble checkered streaky cheerful giver wise cheesfare Sunday cherub chest box chest box chicseled engraved chief boss child successor child fetus child child boy child lover of child childless chin bone throat choir choir choir of angels choosen known chosen known chosen good chosen trusted chosen by God chrism oil Christ Christ Christ Christianity church parish church house of prayer church temple church home church entrance church entrance church entrance yard church fan church hymn church hymn church hymn church hymn trparion church lamp church service book church singer church song church song church song church song church song church song ps.134-135 church treasury ENGLISH DICTIONARY I me I need to have ice icon icon wall iconostasis iconoclast idiot idleness idol idol pagan god idol idol idol idol idol idol idol idol adorator idol aduration idol church idol statue idol temple idol temple idol worship idol worship idol worshiper idols temple idus if whether if if that if maybe if when if only ignite set fire ignominy disgrace ignorant illegal lawless illegally acquire illegally gained illegitimate child illuminating immaculate virgin immaculate pure immaculate immaculate immaculate without sin immigrant immigrant neighbor immigration immoderate intemperate immoral perverse immoral perverse immorality dibaucher immoveable motionless impartial impious man God attacker impossible improve imprudence impurity carnal in great fear in live follow in the beginning in the beginning in the time of old beginning in vain uselessly incarceration imprison incarnate incarnation inceasant unremitting incense incense perfume incenser incenser censer incenser censer incese incese boat inceser incite revolt mutiny inconsolable incoruptible increase increase multiply increase multiply increase accumulate incureable indecent improper indifatigable indulgence pardon inexhaustable infant infant infantale inhabitant lodger inheritance inheritance succession ink ink inlaw relative inner within innocent pure innocent inocent insane crazy insane crazy insane crazy insanity madness inside from inside insight penetration inspector accountant inspiration revelation inspiration breath inspiration enlightenment inspired instalation introduction instigator instinct instrument insult outrage intellect science intellingent smart intention intention intentional intercessor intercourse intercourse interest interest gain interpreter interveen intervenior take part intervention intercession interwined weaved together intestine fortune te invention discover investigate invited called irritate anger is it not island itch scabby itch scabby ivy laurel ENGLISH DICTIONARY January jeering ironical jelmeman stuereman Jesus Saviour Jesus Saviour jewelry Jewish jewish holyday tent jewish money join unite joint (part of body) joke sneer jokey driver joy delight joy happiness joyful jubelae jubelee jubilee judge judge judgement decision judgement jug pitcher July jupiter jurisprudent ENGLISH DICTIONARY keep a holyday keep alive keep secret deny keep silent kerchief shawl kerchief kernel seed kidney egg kind meek kind cordial kind person kindly garciously kingdom state kirchief turban kirchief towel knee lap knock down knot bundle know before hand knowledge knowledge to know known publicly known known present one known noble excellent known noble known known noble kontakion church hymn ENGLISH DICTIONARY labor worker laboror ladder stairs lake lamp landing laping mistake large specious large rimed hat last born late late latter latter laugh at one laurel ivy law giver jurist lawn hay field lay rest lay asleep bewitch lay in wait ambush lay it on his dish laying snares banter lazarus lazy lazy vanity lazy lazy not working lazy man lead into error mistake lead out free leader chief leader commander lean poor (soil) lean against leap year leaven leaving departure lectern readins stand led by armored men leepday left left hand left hand left left hand left side left legal lawful lender loan giver lenghtly long time length way Lent lentel (vegitable) lention towel leper absessed letter letter circular letter letter writing letter letter wirtten order letter send letter ftita letter jat letter ji letter ot letter tz lettle feather lewd shamesless lewd carnal lewd unchaste lewd unchaste lewed to tattle liar hypocrit library library lie forged lie falshood life food life uterus life giver creator life giver life giving lift up hands liftin up uplifting lifting up - hands (Prayer) light brightness light brightness light giver God lightly armed soldier lightning ligion lily (flower) limb (body) limbo hell line point linen thread lion lion hip lips mouth litia service Litia set little less little bird little bird little feather under wing little field valley little seedless grape little towel little wild animal liturgikon liturgy service live a lovely life live together live with one in peace lively agile liver liver membrane livite loan return favor loan lend local dweller lock padlock lock pad-lock lock pad-lock locust locust grasshopper locust grasshopper lodging habitation loin hip long ago age of old long coat long to ankles look see look around look for look at look at each other look down scorn look down from hight loose hope looseness debauched lord master lord reigning Lord carrier animal Lord of heavenly power Lord will come loss emptiness loss loss of mind love love hospitality lover sweatheart lover of birthright lover of delight bliss lover of farming lover of pleasure lover of poor lover of virtue lover of women lowed in love lower inferior lower part of wing lump of earth soil lumpy stuburn lungs lure amuse lustfulness carnilism lustfulness lewdness ly in wait seek one ENGLISH DICTIONARY made of a chain made of gold made of gold made of honey magic charm magican wizard magician wizard main place in the Holy of Holies maintainess region make a partner make a trench dig make fire with shavings make haste hurry make it eternal make one poor make order make peace make peace calm make peace maker of all creator male virgin mallet hirse mamon riches man made of earth man loving man loving honost management of land building manager manager manna manuductor manure mud manure dong manure pile many colored many eyed many graves marble marital devil of marrige marital market bargain place market bargaining marriage wedding marriage marriage marriage ceremony marriage fest wedding married woman martyr martyr martyr martyr martyr martyr martyr priest martyrs hymn mason mast fore mast master artist master teacher matins Matins six psalms May mayor (city) me measure 10th of measure a 10th of EFI medecine medical doctor M.D. meek gentle meek gentle meet meet meet pius meet in a hurry meet some one meet with one agressive meeting gathering meeting one gathering meeting one mechanic mellody melt of fear member part of the body memorial merciful charitable merciful humble mercury idol mercy good deed merchant messenger messenger Messia Christ metal suit metropolitan middle of Lent midnight midnight midnight service might might mighty strong mighty powerful migration removal military commander governer mill stone mind thought mind reader heart reader mindfulness attention miracle miracle worker miracolous astronishing miracolous man mirror looking glass miser stingy miserable wretched misery distress misery worry misery pauperty misery distress misfortune disaster misfortune disaster misfortune misscarriage (child) mistake blush misunderstanding mixed peoples moderate control moderate temperate modest discreet mole monarch dictator money monatery piece money cent money copper money money four drachmas money money (big sum) money belt bag money changer monk monk monkey monster monster born month moon moon struck more greater more more further morning morning morning early morning morning star evening star most happy blissful most holy pure most holy pure mother in-law Mother of God Mother of God reigninc lady mother stops nursing the child mother-in-law mountain mountain dweller mountaineer mouth throat mouth lip movement of watter moving trembling mud clay mud mire much many mule mule (young) multi color multitude group munkey murder blood flowing murder killing murderer murderer murdering a child music harf music must mustard mustard seed mutable changeable mute dumb mute dumb mutiny myrcha ENGLISH DICTIONARY nail lock nail stake naked naked bare naked bare naked nape of the neck narrow narrowed narrow pass pass by narrow path narrow path pass nasty talk native nativity navel near to necessary need necessity need neck neck necklace necklace chain neighbor relative neighbor neighboring adjacent nephew nephew nephew net net net never never satisfied new branch (tree) new bread fresh new commer new growth new fruit new moon newcomer convert newly born resurrected newly built newly wed news next day following day nice good nice beautiful nicely weaved night hawk nine day requiem liturgy nipple (breast) nitrate no complaint no cure no remedy no one nobody no place no where no place noble respectful noble noble noble known noble race noble spirited nobly noise roar noon noon day noon service noon service instead a lit. north north north nostral hole not not acceptable no replace able not approachable not avoidable not brave not carved not circumcized not ciromcized not detained stopped not known cannot be known not lit up not burning not mixed unsaluble not nice unbecoming not obeying a holyday not passable not quarrelsome not susceptible not taught innocent not to think of pay attention not to understand grasp not worthy not allowed not yet not yet not yet noted public nothing nothing nothing now at present numb rigid numerals nun ENGLISH DICTIONARY oak country oar paddle oath braker obdurate stuburn obedience object protest obligation obscenity brawdry observer occupied working occupied taken occurance event occurance case ocean storm odd strange oderess bird stinking odious hateful of little faith of the New Testament offence harm offence suffering offender offending some one gavely offense injury offer recomendation offering a sacrifice office position officer leader often many times often often oh oh oh oil greese oil cup old ancient old very old man old ancient old age olive olive tree omega omophorion on account of that therefore onanist once once once upon a time one natured being |
OLD-SLOVANIC agápe talántes pentatévch oktooich poslátelen sičivo pétlja storíceju nic títlo sažén dálnij ponyrjajuščij vozderžánie izbyvati izlíšestvo úkorénie úkorén vsynovlénie bohopriimec zlo soversenie ooklevetáemyj rič úkroítel sviščenosec vodotéčie bisnovátisja bohoslužebnyj bohomólebnyj neprávdovati vminíti pribáviti sočtén synovlenie spoklanjaemyj poklónnik úbožati prevozrástnyj blúdíti vozijubodijáti bludodijca preljubý prespivati zamatoriti proviščáti oobožénie táže za mnoju páki protívu soprotív idoložréc zamaterilyj ú vózduch stichár vozlijánie najávi lžeiménnyj kijždo ves vse vsja okrest vseblahij vsebídec mnohoblahoutrobnyj noščnoe oobnóšč poprišče vsenóščnyj otvsjúdu alliluija milóstynja boh saddai mohútnyj sérna uže oltap otčistilišče prestól dóra prosforá prisnoo povsečástno výnu prisnoodiva prisnopamjátnyj amvon podsáda zasáda amiň anafthema plémja prádidnyj rodonacálnik práotec pramáter hnívatisja jarost razžénie rét stužáti ostrojarostnyj kraesikomyj žestokoneístov nedoumínie kótva bezslovésnoe skóten skotovódstvo skótskij hlézna izprazdníti hodóvinny hodóvišča piftik piftikij ježehódno blahoviščenie mirováti jeleopmátanie mironósica dovlíet otvít mrávij mravolen predstínie predvaríti antimins antifon nakovalnaja kijlíbo nihdi apokalipsos apostol poslánnik zrák javlénie samootrečénie primirénie bohonapečetannyj pristupíti útverždénie cviten zan?ik zanftik póprišče archánhel archiepískop archidiákon strilec architektoon kidar ooného mýšca oruženosec oružebórec tverdil michán orúžie pólčišče vója ooploščénie oopolščénie tristát prišéstvie pristaviti strila túl tjativá oružechranílišče zbruepoloženie chudóch chudóžnik úmodílnik blahochudóžnyj chudožnyj jako jakože kakoo neželi néže nebotéčnik snischoždénie prizyváti oselskij skvernoubijca spospišnik zvizdočéten poné pomáli bohobórnyj zločestívyj molvá ratuemij vonmim vnjátie vónmim potščánie derzosérdnyj prodérzatel vospominátel mstítel oskórd sikíra teslá sičivo OLD-SLOVANIC mnohohlahólanie vavilón meždurámie vznak zaprestolnyj hóršij bezvédrie mešéc mich isporúčnik sporučnik žitár stróp plišiv vzlis vzyš kíst mást tróst tróstie breh chorúhv žerd varvar korá jačmen humnó neplóie stojálo prijátelišče kóšnik košnica noščva bojníca pirha nepotýr banja kupél kad borénie súšče tjahotiti tiranstvovati vdovstvovati prevzojtt posólstvovati dychati vooruženie postydatisja otsústvovati vozraždátisja oosurtítisja ljubopýstvovati úchiščrjáti vozmoháti oobezčáditi ščedríti slýti premédliti úkosniti narešči úščedriti derzáti prisústvovati vysokomudrstvovati otoržávati premolčáti úcilomudrítisja sitovati ooskorbiti raskajátisja oostropiváti oožetočati ooskuditi popólznuti varíti oobetšáti porevnováti preklád domu terpjáčij tjažcyj svékla chrúšč lipota savei blahozráčie krasotá plotonósec poelíku ponéže sébo timže za né zaéže voéže vocaríti izumítisja otčuždátisja ottolstíti úsiditi otjahotíhi vzalkáti voplotitísja skuditi izbúdet niščáti otubóžiti razbolítisja istončíti iztrezvítisja razbotiti ootvetšaváti odr polahánie polahánie lóžnica nalóžnica pívo préžde preždevremennoo prosjáščij proslívyj živonačálie načátok načinánie začálo rastesán úá býtie súščij neduhováti nemoščestvovati máliti kólokol mandrahór vozljúblennyj čréslenik pojas izvítie pól?a ničáščij sljakij viril krómi architriklin izrada predátel predátel úneviščáti lúčšij úne únšij nedozmíti pridvérie ljuboprítisja černíčie kozlišče ooderžím vjazánie ptica bohoroždénie pérvenstvo archijerej ierarch svjatítel jepiskop jepískopstvo mitra sákkos preoosvjaščénnyj sitovanie murii niher kuznéc mlatobíec bezzazórnyj bohochulénie bezčéstie blazennyj antidoron kolivo kutija svjaščénie vodosvjátie bezzráčnyj nevidinie króv siča stilesnik bezkróvnyj prolítie blahocvitnyj sinij čermnuetsja dská ladijá plótjan tilochranítel úd neobinovenie kníha bytija kniha irmolohion chiščénie pučinorodnyj lono nidro naju obojúdu ispód podstáv ispód predíl úkráj poklón pripadáti ikonopoklonenie čádo zapjástie róždie vítva bezbisnyj derzost chrábryj bezčinoo potrébnik kljatoprestuplénie strýti chlibolomlenie chlibolomlenie duch duchnuti dychanie mzdoímec plinfta plinoftodílánie ženich víno úzdá brazdá lučezárnyj smotrelívyj blistánie preoohorčíti úlómok ischódišče bludílišče kadisímok brat bratoubijstvo včinennyj bat počerpálo stámna vodonós vedró bújvol červ sknipy sozidáti vozhradíti sohradíti putesotvoríti sozidátel sozidánie zdánie stolpotvorenie sozdánie apis bijca hrézň brémja oobreménnyj stužénie breménnyj repie volčéc razžizátisja sžeči privsjásti pychátisja žar žerátok vsesožžénie slánij púhvica mímoo ú pri neotminnoo neotrečenno vsjáko naúst oosób nikakoo že predstojáščij OLD-SLOVANIC výpelica teléc zovom bohozvannyj tíchost úmirno lóbnoe misto svoínnik verblud pólk stán svitílnik svitílnik svišča lučíca neumýtnyj kanón četveropisnec katavásija pisnípivec míloot prikrovenie mitropól rjábka plinénie zvirojádina radínie stroíti neradinie nerádivyj ženoneístoven drevodílja tektoón prostirálo voskrilen bremenósec vozatáj prénos istesáti slučajnost slítie kolébati kotká mšíca lovíti pástvina hovjádo sochránnoo jazvina nyrišče peščera úščelie vertep pečérskij mandra liván kadr svjaščennodijstvovati blahosodijanyj pohóst kladbíšče rodoslóvie sredostólbie sredostínie sótnik stonačalnik svidítelstvo kiboorion kimval kinnamon koríca róv sbirálišče hradnýj hraždán hrad sredihrádie predhrádie pleskáti cépok krjučók páznohty skudél chmarim stroítelstvo vskráj smiháti otpust portý omet ožerélie rizochranítel oblak drjaseluja spútnik aléktor kókoš pitel ráka cát chlád trjasávica sobirati pestrýj žrebjá rát sliztí proiznicáti útišítel útrie činopoložénie zaviščánie zapovid onščij chudorodnyj pričásten knioonik milosérdie úbidíti ponúditi skladémie klevetnik obščénie sobornaja služba rítor začát soboliznovati ispovid ispovídalnica derznovénie miropomazánie úmreti hrichu oodolimyj poražén sovist raspisánie sohlásie afthersaftha pospešestvúemyj dvojazýčnyj sovitnik skvernítel tréb neljubostjaženie tjažbá protovoviščati prerikáie prerikáie prekoslóvie otsuprotívu prékij prékna protívnyj sopérnik soprotívnyj nauščenija strana údóbie údobnyj udobnyj razhlahólstvie preprinie chládnyj prochládanyj prochládati ravnoodílnost chalkolivan blahodušie blahovolénie úhól kraeutólnyj mertvečína trup úmilénie runó slučítisja sudílišče tjažuščij sóim postelnik oopásnyj pokrovénie úkroj ookryliti pokrovén skróvnyj pokrovén vedék navit kovárstvo zlochitryj christiti vríjati juródstvo bezúmnyj bueslóvie jurodoslóvie sodítel tvoréc ziždítel vsežižditel tvár simvol sadimooft razsilnia razsllina prestúpnik bidnik leviaftan diadima úvinčáti raspjáti ljutozráčnyj zviskij žéstokij úkruch krušiti rydanie vopijuščij nevižestvo úhobziti podlóžnica kovárnyj fiál konób korčár okrin vozliválnica vinočérpec vinársk iscilénie vračbá pytlív skránie kudrjavyj skorotečec chulá kljátva prokljátie ookajávati trekljátyj chulivyj katapetásma opóra zakróv zapóna zavisa imstvo izvajánie ottjati úsiknuti izvajánie OLD-SLOVANIC própast siló oosudíti oozlosláven pljasáti vospljsáti hrozá oopasénie vsehubítelstvo páhuba opásnoo pahubny pohubítelnyj témen bahrjánica jefud červlénec červleníca tmá napérsnik nevista snochá razsví útrenica deň prepolovnénie svitáti razsvit mertvéc smértnyj namístnik čéstnoe drahij ljúbeznyj úhodnoo jest voždelinnyj dolh dólžnik risnotá sudbá sudba dijánie istuplenie istuplenie láň jelenica otchránenie zastupnik zaščitítel zakosninie sladostrástej navodnenie úšnik čášča bezčáden otpuščátisja vlaháti púčina našéstvie snítí sošéstvie nischoždenie pustýnja zapustinie bihléc chotinie pochót slást christomatija chotiti nečajanie rastlínie otradnie vijatel vsehubítel pohíbel sokrušénie otkryti predučinén položíti mérzost nenavídimyj zapustiti démoon diavol velževúl blahovinie bohocestívyj dialékt ispustíti úmértvie rázinstvie neudob chljab zapinánie kósen priliánie ispýtnoo starátelen trudoljubívyj ljubotrudnyj kópr dinár doeslóv prjamýj starijšina hnusnyj skvernávyj tajášesja napást razdór stúd zazór bezsovistie zlonrávnyj otpust dískos ooslušánie preslušánie neobrizani-ušami otčajavátisja prezríti nehodóváti slovoprinie sovopósnik srevnítel rópot rastojánie razstojánie prevoschódtvo bídstvo strána razrušáti razrušénie razorítel nedovírie oostórh razdíliti žrebodajánie presičénie bohomúdrie üpóstas bohootrokovíca razdilénie zlotvoríti dovletvoriti nezachodímyj istinstvovati oobiditi svidinie dohmat dohmat domášnyj ispólnen vrátar podvoj verejá dvérnik dvép dvéri suhúbij somninie sumninie mandá prinesenie nízu vlekóm drákont zmij privléšči prispíti izvléči načertán sónie imatizm obólčen sušaníca kánuti točti kolesnicehonítel bezdóždie zasúcha úhlíbiti taf?t tímpan tafeft pijan črevouhódnik črevobísie kozlohlasovánie pocúchu chvárstie súša tróskot úschnuti narók sičec topárchia bezhlásen bezótviten perevjáslo téploe úmet súmrak prách poslušánie priberéžie sobodvorjatisja žítelśtvovati króvy prebyvánie vitálišče bililinčij OLD-SLOVANIC ratoljubivyj hríf ness háhhrena žir úcho pósluch izvérh útrenij koncy zemli koncý zemli žitejskij léhci léhče vostok vostóčnyj jadénie pojadáti jidá istóčennyj jidá jekonom izstuplenie vostorožénie skorómno jadomyj sniden videc záportok lákot starijšina stichija slon?aja vysókaja chólm pervyjnádesjat slovésen chitroslóvesen blahoričivyj inámoo indi inoskazalem oobimánie švénie izpeščrénie preisperščén pestrodílec pospíšnyj kesar sueslóvie tščehlasie vopolčítisja apfusooth končína konéc prícnyj soprotívnik supostát suprotív vrah vraždebnik volchvóvati prosviščén svitojavlen vraždá kromišnyj skomoróch tužátisja preddvérie predvrátie pristúp preddvérie vchódnaja pisn zavída jepárchija jepiklesis ráven slíčie tóčen porók prélst istoržénie bihún ovače oosnováti otčuždenie bezkonéčnyj beznačálnyj bezvremennoo nekončáemyj predvíčnyj prisnosúsčnyj ravnoovcnayj eucharistija evcharistíja kaženik kaženik jevnúch skopéc úbižáti blahovistnik pomérknuti povečérie parémija jesper sobýtie bezlitnoo nehasájuščij vsjákij vezdí vsjúdu vezdisuščij bezzakónie hnil ljútyj zlóba zlorávie zlodijánie vozdvižénie vóznošenie veličánie ispytánie obrazec prítočnica imenítyj preimúščestvennyj prevoschodstvo nelicepriémni vosklicánie vozhlás preimúščij mina izlaháti susčestvó ischód ischoždénie zaklinátel trichápt mnohoiskúsnyj skazánie tolkovánie načertánie izčeznovénie sproslavljáemyj vížda kollúrij samovídec zinica bróvi OLD-SLOVANIC sprjážen laníta lice timena bújstvo blahočestie pálsja raztlíti otpádati stremhláv nejasyt licemirnyj ložnyj lžeprorok lžeučítel tščemúdrie licína šujstvo úchiščrénie sródstvo domovít promarekovánie blahoslávnyj velikoimenityj daléče proščátelnaja zemledil nemedlennoo suchojadénie túk debelíti úpítannyj sudbá žrébie sudba tést otéčestvie tólšča juza bezpredknovénnyj bezukoriznen nezazórnyj úkoriznennyj bojázň strách strachovánie úbójatisja strašlív neobinutisja prázdnestvo prazdnoljúbec účreždenie pír toržestvó prázdničnaja nedilja prázdničnaja nedilia pernátyj chlibnica pivíca oohraždenie úsyrénnyj púta veríhi níva podhrádie polskij sélnyj hromoplamennaja pešč smóka ratováti pritrépeten natkannyj polížde sinetá semidál mílkij pérst narekovánnyj hlavnajá políno ohníšče vo pervach žitársk pérvenec pervoródnyj pervozvánnyj pervoslóvie pervobpáčnyj pervomúčenyj indikt preždevozsidánie preždevozlehánie lovéc rybar névod úžénie rukojátie artovas in pjateríceju ohnepalimyj izbýtie tílo stemlénie potopnyj pomóst muká istók tečénie tók protekáti pina mhlá mhljan mhliin shíb poslidstvujušči brášno jad píšča sýtost snid skotopitátelnyj vironósec buj navál pustoslóvie tščeslóvie bezsovistie bezsovitie stopá podnóženie dilja dilama predzriti rádi tohoo rádi obderžím nuždnie napraslív vseródnyj inoplemennik inostranec prišelstvie predtéča prorazumínie zabvénie proščáti nepamjatozlobie oostavlénie oblíčie blud preduvidinie tvérd krajnhrádie tverdýnja strilostojatelnica črévobasnik oobajatel prozorlívec predí skazátel chrama ktitoor otečestvonačalnik čestveríceju lísa líca kóznennyj zlochítryj mastityj vónja mastítyj blahouchánie mirotočivyj nevozbránnoo tšče samochótnyj lít arciburium vólnica proizvól samovólnyj jadrílo částyj účaščénie prjažénnyj druh volitel blahoprijátstvo blahoprivitlivyj ljubočelovícnyj úžasen vseplódie ot otdaléče szadí izdaléča izdaléča otsjúdu otzdi ottoli otnýni otseli svýše vniudu otnikuda sozadí snačála spredí izoust otneliže ottámoo ottúdu otkúdu otnjúduže inej slána plód sikér bezplódie oobradovannaja vseorúžie sodítelnyj soditelnyj pohréb póchorony brazdá brozdá údobotájuščij OLD-SLOVANIC hávriil snabdinie sád oohrad verhán hrádar oohradnik vertohrád vertohradár lúk jependit svód privratnik vratá složíti sokróviščestvovati sniskáti rádošči iaspis pól pervonačálie obšče javi poroždénie ród tčívyj ščedrodatel ščedrodatel krotost kolinopreklonenie požiriti zabludti útreneváti toríti čermnuetsja hihánt ispólin dar obušča bohomudrénnyj bervnó divíca dšči dščer druhínja podáti dárstbovati oodesjatstvovati porodíti roždénie prepitáti dátel ljuboprazdistvennyj skljánica stkló krúh bohoródičeň krestobohorodičen bohovinčannyj bláziti preproslávlen velikolipnyj sláva velíčie boholípie jadca jadca skréžet otvestísjá mimochodíti mimoíti minúti cil kozljá blahodátel promýsl saddai vladýka vsederžítel serdevidec bohočtéc bohobojáznen boholjúbec bohonósec bohínja lščénie nečéstvovati bohomérzkij bohobórstvovati velikoimenityj lžíca zláto tresná tresna zlateníca zlatovídnyj zlatovídnyj zlatohlahólivyj zlatoustyj srebradílja zlatar kránievo misto blahij blahoo dobri deržavnyj blahorazstvorénie bláho blahodijanie dobrodítelstvo blahosérdnyj blahovrávie védro blahorazpoloženie blahomýsljaščij blahostynnyj dobrochótnyj blaha blaholipota oblaste naálnik stratíha blahodat blahopreklonnoo blahonischoditelnyj blahouvitliv ljubomílostiv pribíhlivyj úvitlivyj blahovonnyj žítnica jefa jefi prevysprennyj poščaditi hrózdie viničie rózha zelie stébľ stebl býlie zlačnyj blahodátnyj túne zemlja zabvenija mohíla prosidina sidina metánie kór velikomúčenik vjáščij ljubostjažanie cilovánie úmilénnyj bidá hórest reétka meljá osélskij stečénie dubráva jemék izsjáknuti tverdíti otcipinivati údolnyj ropótnik bljustíteľ chranítel kustodija sražba stráž stráža strehúščij stražduščij blustitel hadánie zlomúdryj pronýrlivyj zakonoprestúpnyj desná mečtanie trebuchá OLD-SLOVANIC krovotočénie hrádnyj hrad šérst vlasanica postrižénie stričí poluópona pomžáren polplémja poluvrémja hrádnyj mlát točénie krove rukosičenie rukosotvorén rukodijstvo úza skóvnik prideržánie kličaetsja blahopolucen tvérdyj tjaškoserdnyj žestosérdie neudoboizbižimyj neudoboizbižnyj neudoboderžimyj neudoborišitelnyj neudoborišítelnyj jedvá jele počtí pivníca otščetíti vitrotlinie nepovínen blahoslíčnyj soprjáhati priprjázennyj ohném žehomyj klobúk nahlávie úvjaslo hordýnja pritupítisja preizlíšestvovati naslaždatisja preizbyti somúdrstvovati nepščeváti jastreb otcenačalnik vozhlávnik páličnik sraténie cilost zdrávie cil vrétišče spekulátor slúch poslušátel ústremlénie znój žar hórnaja úž???e užišče chalúta chalúta junica naslídnik bezdná heénna preispodnjaja tártar šlem podkriplénie pómošč posóbie pospíšnik sokrílie úžica vskrílie zilie simoo sjúdu zdi ooderžánie jeres jeretik pustýnnik irodian pokrovén sokrovén skrov pervoprestólie pervosvjaščennik mnohocinen istés istés ljádvija ippodróm mézdnik naémnik jehó istorija jemiju stók svját strástnaja heortológion prázdnik oobitánie žilíšče svojási bezdómok čistotá sót čést počest hovínyj údica nadéžda nadijánie čájanie blahodusestvovati čajati únynie trubá róh ró róžanyj kerast strannoljúbec oosánna stranno priemec nenavistnik jar korčémnica stranno priemnica časy obítel jelíždy kól kol kolkraty blahočinnyj blahopokorlívyj smirénie úmilénnoo isprazdniti alčba alčuščij alkati príalčen ljákij zvirolóv tenetó búrnyj orkán pospiššesja supruh suprúžnik muželjúbica kónnik vsádnik pustosvját üssoop OLD-SLOVANIC plévely ookóvy úže čépa cip sidálišče sinklítik stárej čáša potír iliton aer pokrovéc míl premina izminjáti izminjáemyj dvízimyj prazdnik razstrojstvo mnohomílostiv blaholjubímyj blahodítelstvovati blahotvorénie dobrodítel volšvénie volšébnyj kolésnica feloon pelésyj dobrovtyj sýrnaja cheruvím skriň skrin tésanyj hlavnij isčadie otrasl otroča ditišče čadoljúbica bezčádnyj čélost chór koor hospódstvija izbranpyj preduviden samoízbranyj součinénnyj bohoizbrannyj miro christos taínstvonačalnik tainstvo načalnik christiánstvo cékov čtílišče chrám ikós jelám papert pritvór ripida jezapostilarij pisň tripísnec tropár kandílo minija p??? bolhár nesidalen podóben stichíra üpakoj polielej korván OLD-SLOVANIC az trébuju holot ikóna ikonostas ikonoborec skudoúmen praznochoždénie chamoós idol idolineistovstvo idoloslužítel idoložertvennoe kumir meserách molóch vil idoloslužitel idolineistovstvo idolnica tščepohrebálnoe idoolnica idoolnica idolobísie idoloneístovstvo idolopoklonnik kumirnica idy ašče ježeli razvi vnehdá oodabý vozhniščati stydinie neumijuščij zakonoprestupíti skvernopribíčestvo skernosjažatelnyj preljubodijčišč svitinie beznevistnaja bezporóčen preneporočnaja neporóčnyj nevkusen primisnik prisélnik mečtanie nevozdéržnyj ljubodíjanie skvernotvoríti nepotrébstvo nepodvížimyj bezpristrástnyj bohobórec neudob ispravlenie studodijanie nečistotá trépeten porjádu iskoni vnačáli ispérka votščé zatočénie ottilesitisja bohovočelovičenie nemólčnó ládan stákti kadílnica kadílo kadílo ftimian lódka ftimianik previščati bezootrádnoo oobeztlínitij priplód priplodóvati úvelíčiti vskapáti neuvračuémyj bezčinnyj neutomímyj ooslába neoskudimyj ssíščij ssuščij izditska oobitátel dostojánie pritjažánie černílo černílo svátovstvo izvnútr bezskvérnen nebláznen bezhrišie jurodivyj neístov úmovrededenyj neístovstvo vnutr pronicánie knihóčij bohovdochnovénie dochnovénie otkrovénie duchonósnyj vvedénie kramolnik rožná útvar podražénie rázum viduščij namirenie úmyšlénie izvolén predstátel lóža smišénie líchva úhódie tolmáč chodátaj porúčnik predstáteltvo soskán basnočrevnyj vímysl poslidovati prizvánnyj razdrážáti ne u li ostrov divaja krásta kissa OLD-SLOVANIC sičen koščún kormčij iisus iisus krasína judéjskij skinopíhija sikl sovokúpiti sostáv hlumlénie konoristatelnyj radovánie útišénie radostotvórnyj jubilej juvilej iovilej načálnyj sudija rišenie súd čván červéň dij pravoovidec OLD-SLOVANIC sjatíti oosusščestvljáti oobinútisja molčáti povój úbrús jadro jatro krotonrávnyj prisnie úhódnik nenavistnoo cárstvie hlavotáž sudar bedro srínuti homóla predviditi služánie úvidinie izvistno javlén naročítyj slávnyj úvidinyj slávnyj kondák OLD-SLOVANIC dílatel tjažátel lístvica jezero svitílo priplytie pretykánie prostránnyj petás blóna medléti pózdi pózže izdivátisja bljušč zakonopolóžnik pážit ležáti čarováti zakrovénie zazrinie sovit lazar prazdnoljúbec prázdnyj praznoljubímyj práznoo prazdnojadec úmoprelščenie izvestí stratíh topárch chudyj priležáti visokóc kvás úšéstvie analóhij dorinošenie jepákta livíca otšujuju šujca šuij zakónni zaímodávec nadólzi podólh četvrodesjátnica sóčivo léntion prokažénie čérv hrámota písmo ižica jepistólija poslánie ftita jat jir ot cy perijce bezsrámen necilomúdrie preljubodij skvernodij bljádiv dvoedúšen knihopolóžnica knohochranítelnica lža lžeslóvie žitie živót živodátel živonósnyj životvorjášč rukoprostértie vozdivati vozdijánie ruk svit svitílen svitodavec jedinopojásnik mólnija lehoón krin ud ad čertá nit ariil ljévija húba litija artoklázion namáli ptenec ptičišče podkrílišče poljana kórinka ručinček skímen služébnik svjaščennodijstvie blahoimitisja sožítelstvovati mirovati bodrost péčeň prepónka levít vzajém zaémnyj namístnij chranílo zavór zavór attaka prúžie vruch selítba čreslá drévle podír tresnovityj zriti oobiskáti licezrínie szirátisja prezórstvovati prizríti únyváti bezputie kir déspota podjarémnik hospód´savaoft maranaftá tščetá vred izumlenie ljubóv ljubý pochótnik pervenstvoljúbec slastoljúbec ljubozemledílen plotouhódnik niščeljubímyj blaholjúbec ženoljúbiv ljubóvnyj ispódnij podkrílenie perst stropotnyj pljúšče prelščáti ljubostrástie skvérna prisižditi OLD-SLOVANIC verížnyj zlatokovannyj zlatýj médvennyj oobavánie potbórnyj potbórnyj davír nahórie sprioobšcáti ookóp podniščati pospíšiti oobezsmertíti úbožiti čredíti primiríti priumoljátisja úmirotvoriti vseditel divstvennik pšeno mamóna zemnorodnyj čelovíkoljubec ljubézni stroenie pristávnik stroítel mánna rukovodítel kál motyl hnoíšče pestrotá mnohoočítyj mnohoróbiščnyj mrámornyj asmodéj bráčnyj kúplja tórh brak suprúžestvo ženítba brakosčetánie bráki mužática dobropobidnyj mnohostrádálec múčenik prepodobnomučennik stradálec strastóterpec svjaščennomúčenik múčeninčen stinodilatel ščohl chítrost nastavnik útrenja šestopsalmie tráven mistonačalnik mjá homór homór liba vrač krotkij krotok sristi tájati revník pririskati srjašča srjašča striča striča striténie chitréc irmós tájašče člen stolpopísanie bláhost blahoútrobnyj jermij blahostynja tóržnik vistnik vistnik christós bronjá mitropolít sredopóstie sredonóščie polúnošč polunóščnica možet obnošč mohútnik vladýčestvo preselénie voevóda žérnoyj úm tajnovidec prismotrenie čudodijstvie čudodítel dívno divozrítel zercálo srebroljúbec ookajannyj bezhódie hore neimúščestvo zločastie navedénie predbistvie zlopolúčie izveržénie srám nedorazumínie smisnik cilomudrstvovati úmirennoo smirenomúdrie krotorýj samoderžec dráchma lípta mid ookup statír pinjaž taléntum pojas pinjažnik ieromonach inók obezjána čudóvišče ščudo nisan luná misjačnyj bólij lišše lišše útro útroo zaútra denníca preblažénij panahia panahion svekrá bohomater vladýčica otdoiti téšča chrib hóstii nahórnyj rót ustie dvižénie vody zybánie brénie timínie mnóhij mésk mščá ispeščrennyj tolpá piftik krovoprolitie úmerščvlénie sikár úbojmik čadoubijstvo hudénie mstó horúšničnyj zérno horúšno preložénie molčá molčalívyj kóv ritína OLD-SLOVANIC zakléna kól nah nahotováti oobnjažén náh monísto úže prechód tisnína úzína sramoslóvie tuzémec roždestvó pup pódli trebi jest lipo šija vyja hrívna pleníca blížnij sopredílnyj okrestnyj anepsij bratánik úec mréža prúhlo sit dondeže neutolímyj lítoras chlib tščij sekrát novolódie novomisjáčie prišélec pakibýtie novozdánnyj novobráčnyj vist útréšnij deň čínnoo lipyj blahoistkánnyj jerodija devjátiny soséc nitr neponošajušče neuvračuemyj nikij že néhdi nikamoo že blahoobráznyj blahoródnyj izjáščnyj blahoródstvo vyspr plíšč južkij sredodnévie obidnaja obidnica siver svi?e? siver nózdri nism neobiménnyj nesobščennyj neizbížnoo nemúžestvennyj nerukosíčen krasneoobrizanie krasneoobrizanie neuderžno nevist nerazdežennyj nerastvorennyj nelípyj skverníti neprochódnyj neljuboprítelnyj neprijaten nenakázannyj nebreháti izumivati nedostojnoo ne ou ne ouže ne ouže javnyj ničesóže ničtó níčtó nyni cipinivati čísla inókinja OLD-SLOVANIC dúb triveslelnyj nekljatvochranitelnyj ottjahoščáti povinovénie preríkati dóžnost voščúna nadjaščij dijstvennyj neprázdnyj predbytie priključénie trevolnenie čúden vdód mérskij malovír novozavítnyj obída razdežénie dosadítel preoobíditi povreždénie poručénie vozžénie činonačalie činonačálnik mnóhaždy mnóžiceju tolíkožny úvý ole i ole máslo mirovanica drévnij stárec vétchij stárost máslina máslica oomeha narámnik sehoó malakíj jediníceju nikohda jedinosuščnyj |
one quarter
one trade man only only so much only alone only begotten firstborn only one he himself open a door window open mouth open space open up speak openly opening opinion suspicion opposite against opposite side opposite side opposition resistance oppress suppress orator preacher orbit of the moon orbit of the sun ordained order command order class ordered office ordered ordered desired ordered founded orderly ordination ordination ordo law organ origin originate originator of peace God orphan orphan orthodox right faithfull orum-s osticle hindrence ostrich (bird) ostrich (bird) otherwise out in half outside outer outside outside oven melting stove over over fed ate too much over power vanquish over there overcoat cape overcome prevail overlook excuse overweaght owl own tune hymn ox of the ox ENGLISH DICTIONARY pacifier pacifier peacefullman paddle rower paddle rower paetorium pagan idol worshipper pagan pagan pagan foreigner pagan clergy priest pagan god pagan church idols place pagan priest pagan sacrifice pagoda paid spended pain sickness paint paint a picture make a note paint it dark red painter dyer painting (a picture) pakage pale colored pale (color) palm palm branch palm branch palm (tree-branch) Palm Sunday pan paragraph chapter paralitic parchment paper parishhouse rectory parishioner part district part group partaker of Gods grace participant sharer participant sherer particle particularly curiously partner partner partner partner in business party sharer pasage pascha pascha passage pass by passer by passing feeling passion great love passionless indiferent pastor herdsman pastor priest pasture path path way patch manage affairs patriarch patron lover pature home pauper in misery pauperty poor pauperty need pauperty poor pawn mortgage pay price peace peace giver peace lover peace loving peaceful calm peaceful peaceful peaceless pearl peas (vegitable) pedestal sole peel shell Pelican Pelikan penitent church service penitent shirt pentecost penticost people citizens pepermint perdiction scold perfectly rount perfume perfume persecute send out persecute persecution persecution harrising person flesh petition supplication petitioner plaintiff peverse verse philosopher philosophy picture icon piegram stranger pile stack heap pilgranage forgivness of sins pilgrim wanderer pillar column pillar base pedestal pillar sitter pillow cushion pious God fearing/God pipe whistle pipe whistle (shepherds) pitcher pitcher wine jug pitty compassianate pityable wretched pius sincere pius meek pius humble place a patch manegment placing setting on placing of hands placing on hands (ordination) plant grass plant keeps mosquitoes away platter dish play game pleasant agreeable pleasent lovely singing pleasent voice pleasing worthy pleasing man pledge cath plentful plentiful abundance plentiful plenty surplus plenty plenty plenty plenty superabundance plentyful abundance pliers pincers plowing a field pocket-book money tax poiseness poison poison pomp splendour poor pauper poor pouper popularity seeker populus people port harbor port harbor position office position postfeast potter pottery maker pouch wallet pound pour out over flow poverty need poverty power might power might powerful mighty practical worthy praised glorified praised extolled praised all over everywhere preacher teacher preacher advertizer preacher teacher prebirth pain precious stone predict fortell prefeast prefeast evening pregnancy pregnant woman preparatory altar prepare set in order prepared preparing gifts... presanetified lit. present donation present here present sustaining presparation swear press (wine) preverse verse prey spoil prey spoil prey booty prey booty price price priceing pride pride pride elation pride pride proud pride proud priest priest priest servant of God priest priesthood priesthood clergy priesthood clergy priesthood priesthood order priliminary advance princ lord prince sovereign prince duke priority preference prison jail prison jail prison prison of war prison jail prison jail prison guard prison guard prisoner prisoner prisoner prisoner privilege first procession proconsul procrastination temporiztion procreation generation prodigal profess confess profess religion profit gain profit gain promulgated proof attest prop support proper becoming proper time property property fort property inherent quality property servants prophecy fortune telling prophesized prophet prophet prophet prophet fortune teller prophet prophet prophet wise man proposition motion protection defence protoparenent prototype ideal proud haughty proud pride proud stuburn proud haughty proud pride proverb example providence provincial governor prudent shrewed prudent wise prudent prudent wise psalm psalm book psalm verse sitting prayer public apparent public penance punishment public place public prayer publication extradiction publicize publicly punched out punishment penalty punishment penalty pure clear purgatory purple suit cape purse safe box put into thrust into pyer (litany) petitions pyx ciborium ENGLISH DICTIONARY quail quarral dispute quarrel brawl quarrel brawl quarrel brawl quarrelsome queen tzarina question dispute quick fast agile quick fast quiet silent quinch fire put out fire quite silent ENGLISH DICTIONARY race competition race stock raceway sight rag rake up sweet up ram rap up dress rape violence rape violence rapids rapping clacking rathening destroying rather more rather sooner rather especially rattle bell raw we?. orphan raw wet ray reader (person) readiness solicitous reading of Saints reading stand ready alert readyness will reality fact reasonless foolish rebel agitator rebellion mutiny rebellion mutiny rebellion agitation rebuilt built reception admittance recording secretary recovery convalescence red red red color red lizard redeem Redeemer Saviour Redeemer Saviour redemption reef refuge shelter refuse refuse reject regiment regiment reign in 1/4 reign together reigning of God reigning prince reigning together relationship family relative family relative neighbor relative relative neighbor relic-s relief delight religious order remembranse remnanr leavings remnent successor remove saparate renew renound famous renound celebrious rent crevile repay loss identification requiem service resemblance picture resirrect bring to life resist oppose resist oppose respect honor respect holy place respect honor respectability respectful honorable respectful honorable rest repose rest on Saturday resting place restless restuarant inn resurrection Sunday return turn back return return go back revelation revenge vengence revenge punishment revengeful vengeful revolt rebel reward wage reward repay reward worthy payment reward wage rewardless payless rhinoceros right justice right hand right hand side right hand right road golden road right thinker rightaway in a short time righteous humble rich wealthy rich rich pasture richess property richly plentyfull ring hook ring ring circle riot rebellion ripe ripen ritual book river river bank lawn river bed road travel road path road street rob serub robbing robbery roberry robery thievery rocky cliffy rocky cliff barren roof roof roof room upper room room dwelling room room house room room room dwelling place room guard root out exterminate rope coherence rostrum decorated chair rostum decorated chair rot rotten rotten harmful rotten harmful rotten corrupt rub scrub rude rough rug carpet ruler governon run to rupture break rush rust rust ENGLISH DICTIONARY sacralege sacrifice offering sacrifice sacrifice offering sacrilege sad sorrowful sad sorrowful saddle said the name mentioned sail sailor saintly righteous saiour salary pay salt shaker salty land salvation salutary same age same age contemporary sanctuary Sanctuary holy of holies sanctuary sanctuary of saints sand sandal satan devil satan devil satisfied anough satisfy content Saturday saved saviour Saviour Saviour saw (instrument) scale 6of faith scale cup scale pan scandal scandal offense scandal public offence scandolous scandalizer scare erow scarlat color scatter despel sceptre science artistry science knowledge scientist learned man scoffer derider Scorpion scribe sea ocean sea deep water sea bank sea land sea rabbit sea shore seagull searcher investigator searching investigating second marriage second marriage secret Sacrament secret Sacrament secret hidden secret secret income secret keeper secretly secretly secretly sedulous diligent seed grain seed race seeking searching seen evidently seen selected for service selected one self separately self condemned self denial self denial hold back self governed selfpraising proud seminarian churchman send away sensitive soft hearted sentry box separated separated wife seraphim serene exalted serpent snake servant servant slave (fem) servant debtor servant boy servants friend service building service divine liturgy service book (church) set fire set fire make fire set price high price set table bed settle down storm settle down seven times several times severety storm sexton bell ringer sexton servant shackles fetters shackles fetters shade tent shaded shadowed shadow shady shady shaggy rugged shaghy hairy shame disgrace shame blush shame shame remind shameful disgraseful shameful disgraceful shameful disgraceful shameless share part sharer participant sharp edge shaved shavings chippings shawl kerchief sheeps skin shelter shelter refuge shelter colony shelter refuge shield shield carrier shild boy shin shin bone shine glitter shining bright shinny metal ship church nave ship ships end shirt underwear shoe boot shooting the fort short army coat short requiem service short spear short timed shortly shout exclaim shouting crying shrous shut up lock up schackles schackles school sick in pain sick weak sick sick ill sickness sickness infermity sickness misery siege assult sight glance sign mark signal silence quitness silently quietly silk silk silliness silver money similar like simony simular alike simular simular like simular simular like simular same simular name simular passion simular to ice like ice simularity picture simulation false show sin sincere sincere candid sincere opened sincere frank sinedrion sing together singer cantor singer cantor singers stall singing singing single single grape grape sinless faultless sinning culpable sinning fall into s. Sion mountain sister nun sister nun sitting prayer six bushels (measure) six palmed fingered six times sixth month skull forehead slander slander detraction slander detraction slanderer slate board board slave (M) slave womans child slave womans child slavery slaves son sleep over night slide crawl sling sling slinger slippy smooth slouthful neglectful small smaller small smaller small bag pouch small change (money) smaller less smell scent snoring snore so so much so so so as so that way so it be worthy so many so much so many times often so many times often so much so much lot so much how much soap grass sober sensible socalled said society company society company sodomia homosexual soft soft fine soldering soldering soldier worrior soldier soldiers servant dumbailiff soleas solitude forsite some one another one some one some place else some times someone someones son sometime sooner first sorrow sadness sorrow for sin... sorrowful sad sorrowful sad soul life soul killer soul killer sounding sonorous sour leavend sour fruit sourceway south south south down south sovereign army commander sovereign regent sovereign princ sovereign of synagoge sower space square span sparking radiant sparrow speach talk speach parabel speachless silent spear spear carrier spear throwing maschine speare specially particularly spectre spend consume spend money give money spendtrift spin spinned spine back spined rope spirit bodiless spirit soul spiritless destitute spiritual spiritual spiritual sword spittle saliva splendid majestic splinter split cracked split in two split lip sponge spread joh gospel spread out spread spread out spring (water) spring (water) origin sprout out spruce spruce spruce tree wood spruce tree spur spur spuse of God spy betray spy spy spy to instigate square stone stable fixed stadium stadium staff stick stage stairs class stamp expression stamp with feet stamped marked stamper stand at the grave Holy Sat standing prayer star state country state country staunch steadfast steadfast constent steal rob stealing damage steep precipice steeple wall fort wall steeply steepness precipice steering oar stench nasty smell step out forward step song (church) stick rod still still better still better rather stimulate exite stinging fly stingy avarice stock food stole stomach stone rock stone house stone spreader mashine stone throwing stop payment storehouse storehouse warehouse stork storm tornado storm tempest storm earthquake storm dark clouds story parable teller stove owen straight true straight straight true straight ahead straight as an arrow stranger foreigner stranger alien stranger newcommer strap rope stream street market place strenght fort strenght power strenght power strenght fortress strenght power strife dissention string instrument strong strong mighty strong stout strong mighty struggle heroically stuborn in evil stuburn studderer student pupil stumble into - upon stupid ignorant stutterer subborn disobedient subdeacon subjected conquered succession column successor heir sudden sudden anger sudden quick suddenly at once suffer unfairnes suffered sufferer suffering suffering torture suffocated hunged such that kind suicide suit clothes suit vestment suite dress sulphur sulphur tar sulphur stone tar sum up count up sundays letter leapyear superabundance superintendant inspector superior leader superior superior superior (monastery) supernatural superstition sorcery support help suprise admiration surpass in unbelief suspicious scandalous sustaining substantial swallow (bird) swamp swamp swan swan swearer swearing blasphaming sweet swift rolling swift fast swim out anchor swiming sword sabre symbolic symbolical emblomatic sympatize pity synagouge congregation synagouge Synod council synod council synogouge ENGLISH DICTIONARY tabernacle tabernacle tabernacle table altar table companion tablet beard tabor tail tail elephant trunk take accound add take care heed take off bring down take off throw off take off take out bring forth take unlawfully take with force steal taken over in mind talent gift of God talkative good speaker talkative conciet talkative talkative tall lean tall tassel tax rent tax tax collector tax payer citizen tax-money taxpayer payce teacher teacher raby tear pierce tear apart make a hole tear apart tempest plague temporary provisional tempting alluring temptor ten times tent tent cover tent tent hut tent maker tent maker terrified territory district terror strieken testament testifying falsely testimonial certificate thankful that that one that according that the same that is that way simular way the 7th chair of Angels the beginning authority the cocks crow the demand ordo the first day of a month the first day of a month the chair behind the altar the last the next day tomorrow the next day tomorrow the one not judgeing the other side the same the second month the very first first the whole world then then or or theologian Theology Theophany Theotokos there somewhere there there therefore because thi??? thief thief thief robber thief robber thief thin slender thin material thing matter third third day third favor thirst this behold this that this that this that this that this this that this that this that this that thorn thorn thorn thorn spine thorn thorn thorn those thought opinion thoughtless light minded threatening menace three prong fork threshhold of a home thrice thrice thrice Holy thrice Holy God thrice Holy God thrice shinning throne through through through throw in push in thunder - ing thundering lightning ti impede hinder tie binding tie together sink tile pot tile (roof) till then until then time weather time of ripering timid shy tin white led tin white lead tire fatigue tired fatigue to to say to ? up to abash ashame to abolish afface to absolve forgive to abuse curse to abuse slander to abuse to abuse speak disperaigly to accept to accomadate adapt to accord reconcile to accuse report to accuse slander to accuse complain to acquire obtain to act foolishly to add to order to add count to add himself to add to dwell with to add to it to add up to adopt to adopt a son to adore to advise to advise to accept to agitate talk into to agitate stir up to agitate to agree accord to agree consent to agree advise to alander to allay to anger to anger irritate to approve permit to approve tolove someone to approve to arm equip to war to arm to arrive to come to arrive grow to ascend go down to ascend rise to ascend elevate to ascend to rise to associate gain to attack to attack to asail to attack assail to attend provide to attract draw to avenge to awake to bake to banish drive away to baptize to baptize to bark quarrel to be be to be ashame to be awake to be bald shave to be devout pious to be devout pious to be helpful help to be late dilatory to be late late to be manly to be mum to be pius zelous to be proud arrogant to be proud to be read to be rich wealthy to be sad wretched to be seen to originate to be simular to be solicitous desirous to beat conquer to beautify self to become a sinner to become poor paoper to become rusty to become sad to beger procreate to begin to concept to begrudge envy to behead to believe think to believe approve to belittle diminiate to bend bow to bend to bend to bend to bend arch to bend down bend to bet promise to betray report to bewitch charm to bite to blame to blame to blame scuff to blemish disgrace to bless give bless to blow (wind) to boil boil (water) to boil to boil cooke to borrow lend to borrow loan to bow to bow to bow bend to bow down to break destry to bribe pay to bribe contaminate to bring about gain to budge to build teach to build make order to build to burden to load to burden to burn to burn to burn to burn to burn to bake to burn to burst crack to buy acquire to call to cry to care to take care of to carry suffer to carv out to carve to scoop to carve out to cast to throw to catch hold to catch trap to catch to catch take to catch on fire to catch one get one to catch one in... to cause do to cease to celebrate to celebrate divine services to certify witness to circle around to clap hands to clean out off fat to clean up to click ring bell to clink to close conclude to coax flatter to comb to come arrive to comfort console to command to order to commit cruelty to communicate publish to compare to compell force to confide entrust to confirm verify to confirm ratify to conquer to conquer to conquer to consume swallow to contact converse to continue to converse befriend to converse to converse speak to convince to convince insure to cook to cool to correct to teach to correct threaten to count add up to cover defend to cover make a bed to cover up cheer up to crawl away to create do to crown wreath to crown place wreath to crumble languish to crush squash to crush bruise to cry weep to cure to cure to cure heal to cure to cure heal to curse to curse to curse one to cut circumsize to cut wip to cut in engrave to cut out chisel out to cut out to cut wound kill to darken fade to dawn day break to decorate to deduct pull down to defend protect to defend protect (wall) to defend hold to defend save to defuse fragrance to demolish to demolish destroy to demolish to denounce carenot to deny to deny not acknowledged to deny be silent to depart die to descend to descend to rise to desire to wish to despond deject to destroy demolish to destroy to fail to destroy to destroy to destroy to destroy break to destry demolish to detain hold to detect follow to determine decide to devour eat up to die out to differ to differ to dig out cut to digest consume to digest consume to digest consume to dim darken to diminitize to dirty uneless to disappear vanish to disappear quickly to discard to discover detect to disperse to dispise to disturb to diverge disperse to divide spread to do to make to do to complete to do make to do make to do make to do something famous to double multiply to doubt doubtful to doze slumber to drag lug to drag to lug to draw paint to draw illustrate to draw pull to draw off pullaway to dress to dress to dress to drip to drive persecute to drown to sink to drown to dry dry out to dry it to duel fence to dunk (water) drown to dwell stay over site to ease soothe to eat swallow to eat to eat to digest to eat ones fill heavy meal to elect approve to electrify one to elevate praise to elevate to praise to encourage to encurage to enlighten to enpower take over to enter pierce to envy to err make mistake to establish to exalt to examen to try to examen to spy to excavate to scoop to excuse to exert to exhaust weaken to eximine to experience to ask to expire die to explain to explain to explain to explore pass through to express a will judge to extend spread to extol glorify to extol exalt to fall leave to fall to fall disappear to fast to fatten fat to fear stay away to feast to feast slemnize to feed nurse to feed to feel sorry greiving to fence inclose to fence to stop to fence in slose in to fight struggle to fight battle to fight battle to fight battle to finish to finish to fish with a rod hook to flame burn to flatter coax to flee runaway to flee to safty to flower to fly to steam to fold roll up to follow to go to follow run after to follow to follow some to follow some one to forbid not alloaud to forbid discipline to forbit to stop to force compell to fore tell to foretell to fornicate to fornicate to fornicate to forsay to fortell to free to fret fume to frighten scare to gain acquire to gain acquire to gain win to gain vision to get to fall to get gray hair to get lost persidh to gieve to girdle tie to give to pay to give accept to give a sign to give account to task to give birth to give one self over offer to give up hope hopeless to glorify to glorify extol to go walk to go walk to go journey to go travel to go by flow by to graft tie to grant one a share to graze to pasture to grow to bear to grow multiply to grow efeminate to grumble protest to guard be alert to guard care for to guard to guide to guzzle to handcuff to handover give to happen to harass offend to harden stuburn to harm to harvest to harvest reap to hate to detest to hate detest to have possess to have hold to have a large herd to have abundantly to have fear fright to have fear fright to have plenty to have plenty to have plenty to have plenty to hear to know to help aid to help to hide wander to hide to hide conceal to hide keep secret to hint remind to hitch (horses) to hold keep to hold out to be brave to honor praise to honor one to humil? to humiliate stoop to humiliate put ashame to humiliate put ashame to humiliate to hurry to hurry urge to change to change rebuild to change transfigure to charm to cheat defroud to cheer up to chew bite to chocke sufficate to choose pick to chop cut to illuminate light up to illuminate light to imagin think to immitate to follow to impede hinder to impede hinder to impide hinder to impide hinder to implore pray to imprison to incense to incense to inherit to inherit accept to inherit heir to injure inflict to insert enter to instigate to grieve to instigate to grieve to instigate to interveen to interveen to interveen implore to introduce present to invent to irritate rouse to anger to irritate to it to to judge to judge to jump dance to justify verify to keep retain to keep guard to keep secret to kick choke to kill crush to kill sacrifice to kiss to kiss to knock (door) to know find out to know to understand to lapse miss to laugh to laugh at sneer at to lay down to lead transfer to lead follow to lead to lead righteously to lean upon support to learn to leave get lost to leave forgive to lecture deliver to lie speak disparaginly to lie to lie to lie slander to lie cheet to lie say foolish things to lift to move to lift up endure to light (burn) to linger lag to listen attend to listen harken to live dwell to live dvell to live to dwell to live long to loath to lock up close to look at look up to look over check to love a son to make fire light to make success reach to make unfortunate to mark differentiate to marry to marry give one away to melt to melt to milk churn to mixup to mount group to mourn one fell sorry to mourn one be sad to move make it move to move to move to shake to move in travel to multiply to murder kill to murder kill to murmur to nail to name denominate to narrow to narrow to neglect miss to neigh whinny (horse) to notice think over to notify notice to nurse feed to obey be obedient to obstain to occupy fortify to occupy posess to offend hurt to ordain to order to command to out off to paddle away to paint to draw a picture to pass to pass away to pasture to pasture to pasture graze to peak up eat (birds) to perform rule to permit allow to persecute to persue to pick a quarrel argue to pierce to pierce to pierce to pierce pull on to pierce through to pity regret to pity have compassion to pity have compassion to pity to place replace to place to place to insert to please to suit to please suit to pluck (eye) gore stab to posess have to posess to have to posses to pour spill to pour to pour out overflow to praise glorify to praise magnify to praise to elevate to praise glorify to pray to pray implore to preach teach to preceed one to prepare make to prepare to press oppress to press squeeze to press out to procure to procure to acquire to produce show to profess to confess to profess confess to promis to say to promulgate proclaim to pronounce be known to pronounce declare to prophesize to prophesize to prosper enrich to prosper get rich to protect defend to publicize reveal to pull away to cover to push draw out to push to push to push down set down to put place to put in stuff to put in prison to put out extinguish to qietten to calm to quarrel to quarrel to quarrel strife to quarrel strife to question find out to question recognize to rage infuriate to ransack ravage to rape one to ravage muse to read to reach catch up to reason to rebel murder to rebel do wrong to receive reward to recommend entrust to reconcile to redeem save to regard value to reign rule to reign over to rejoice glad to rejoyce to rejoyce be gladsome to remember to remember remind to remind scold to remind teach to remind talk into to remind often repeated to renew to renew repair to repay return to repeat double to repeat double to repeat to inform to repent to reply defend to respect honor to respect honor to rest to rest sit at a table to rest to lay to rest sleep to resurrest give life to return turn to return turn back to reveal disclose to reward return to rippen to rise swell to rise to rise get up to rise resurrent to roar to rob steal to rob steal to rob steal to rob steal to root out eradicate to ruin to rule direct to run run to sacrifice to sacrifice to sacrifice himself to sadden to save rescue to say tell to say teach to scandalize to scandalize bad example to scandalize to scandalize to scatter spread to scatter strew about to scatter disperse to scold abuse to scold inconvenience to scold to shame one to scuff jeer to seal keep secret to search to look for to search look for to see notice to see to see to seek to look for to seek try to seek find to seek to search to seize to send to send over to serve subjegate to serve one work to set fire flame to set up to pull up to set up (tent) to settle to dwell to settle occupy a home to settle down settle to settle down sit down to shake to shame to shame abash to shame to shame abash to shame one to sharpen plane off to shave to shear to shine glitter to shine glitter to shop stick into (cork) to shout speak laud to shout exclaim cryout to show to sigh cry out to sigh cut to sign to silence deny to sin do evil to sin to sing to sing praises sing to sink to sink to sit to slander to slander to argue to slap to slide slip to smash disperse to smell scent to smile to sneez sneezing to sneez sneezing to sob cry-out to sober to solder together to solder together to solicit calm to spare to speak say to speak express to speak spread news to speak up to spend consume to spin twist to spit upon spittle to split cut to split burt to split (with ax) to split (wood) to spoil cocker to spread sreching to sprinkle wet to sprout to sprout grow to squander to squeez press to squeeze press to stab pierce to stamp (feet) to stump to steal rob to steal to steer ship to step forward to stick cling to stick together to stimulate exite to stir mix to straithen spread... to strech to strech (bow) to strenghten to strenghten to strive rush to struggle suffle to subdue subject to subject submit to subject sumit to suckle nurse to suffer bear to suffer have pain to suffer endure to suffer to suffer to suffer bear insist to suffer bear to summon to support to prop to surmise estimate to swallow to sway be vacilating to swear curse self to swear abuse to sweat perspire to swell puff to swell up to swindle to symbolize to sympatize to take get to take to take carry to take accept to take back to demand back to take out free to take part to take satisfaction to take up lift up to take up begin to tame to tame to tame to taste to try to teach to punish to teach to teach educate to teach educate to teach to punish to tear pull to tear to pluck to tear split to tear off to temper harden to tempt to testify protect to testify to thank to think consider to think weigh to think evil... to thread forbid to threat forbid to threaten menace to throw push to throw push to throw to tass to throw to throw to throw push to throw out to throw out to throw to to pile to throw up womit to ticken harden to tie fasten to tie bind to tie (animal) to torment wear out to torment torture to torture torment to torture torment to torture torment to touch to touch to touch collide to touch (blind) to tramp down destroy to transform change to travel to tremble quiver to tremble quiver to tremble quiver to tremble to tripple to tripple to tripple to turn away to turn over talk into to twist to kneed to understand know to understand know to unite to unite unbind to unite bind to unite bring down to unite to marry to uphold stand by to uproar shout to upset instigate to urge push on to use to defend to vanquish conquer to verify testify to visit look up to vist to vow curse to wade to wake rouse to wake up wake up in fright to wander to wander to want todesire to warn admonish to wash wash down to wash to wash to dip to watch to care for to watch one to weaken fatige to weaken to weep cry to weigh to weigh to weld solder to weld together to wet soak to whistle to whistle to wink to wink make a sign to wink to wisper dissatisfaction to wither dry out to wither away dry out to witness to witteraway to wonder to wonder admire to woo (doves) to work to work serve to worry think to worry fear to wound offend to wound to wound kill (arrow) to wrestle fight todesire to like together together at once together in a crowd tohold revenge toilet water closet tolarence tolarence patient tolerance patience tolerant patient tommorows day tommorrow the next day tongue language top garment top of a pole column topersecute persue toprotect save torment torture torture to death torturer tossed by waves touch feeling touched towel cloth trace footstep track rut track meet traitor tramp vagrant transfiguration? transgression sin transient fleeting transsubstantiation travel together traveler wanderer treasure treasurer treasury treckled whitey tremling shaking trench defence wall trick craft trick craft triodion triple candle triumphant hymn troop platoon trotting trouble restlessness trousers breeches true trueth true upright true believer truely good truly naturaly truly trust confidence trust worthy known trustee guardian trustful faithful truth defence truth sincere truth right truthful truthful turban turbulent arguing turn over upset turn over hang up turtle dove turturing twelve twenty twice second time twin two books left out... two page book two parts equal parts twofaced tzar ENGLISH DICTIONARY uellow fever ulcer absess unadmittable unalterated unavoidable unevitable unbearable uncureable unbearable unbearable unbearable unbearable to hold unbel aving unbeliever rebel unbeliever of Christ unboundly unbrakable uncle unclean dirty uncomfortable uncomprohensible unconcored unconfotable uncoruptible uncureable undefearable under under under that pretence evasion understanding understanding undetainde not held undeveloped undiscribable undiscribable undress strip unexerstable unexpected unexperienced unexplorable unexplorable unexpressable unfit good for nothing unforgetful unfortunate pauper unfortunate disasterous unfounded baseless ungodly wicked unhurt sound unchangeable unchangeable unchangeable no means unchangeable unchaste lewed uninhabitable uninhabitable self ruled union oneness union coalition unite in alliance united weaved together unity universal universal catholic universal general universe unjust wrong unknown unleavened bread unmerciful pitiless unmovable unmovable solid unmovable unmovable unshaken unmoveable stuborn unrepentful unruly undrilled unselfish unselfish silverless unsparing unmerciful unsparingly mercilessly unspeakable unexpressable unsteady unconsistant unsual very much so unthankful until till until now upto present until when until when untilled field untouched shameful untrastful hopeless untrue false ununderstandable ununderstandable unwithering unwithering unworthy unbecoming up upon up to so far upholder of the world upon him us ureox us used upon the altar useless fruitless useless futile useless evil uselessly hopeing user of both hands usurer uterus uzard ENGLISH DICTIONARY vain idle vain useless vain empty valley depth valley valley valley at foot of mountain valley glen vanity vanity vanity futility vat bathtub vat coop veil buriel dress velvet purple venial sin verb verb speach verbal intelligible verse verse befor the Epistle very perfectly altogether very very much a lot very very much very good very poor pauper very rev. clergy very rev. Clerg very strong vesres of a song psalm vessel pot vexation anger viatioum vicious victor conqueror victor victor conqueror victoriously trimphantly vile degenerate village field village town villages vincinity vineshoot-s vine branch vineyard violence power violet bishops cape violin fiddle violin vipera serpent vipera serpent virgin maiden virgin immaculate virgin know not man virgin clean virgin virgin girl vision sight vision apparation vision dream vision apparation vocation calling vocation voil cape volture vulture ENGLISH DICTIONARY wage waggon wait wake up walk walker before him wall protection wall protection wall crasher walnuts green peal wandered news carrier war battle war argument war to defend war combat war action war action war prisoner war prisoner war together warm water warring warrior soldier wash clothes washing wash washing of feet wasing basen wasp waste destry wasteful squandering water water buffalo water dam container water fowl water glass water pipe water system water sickness watch clock watch some one wave weak feeble weak look over weak frail weak voice weave together sow together weaved weaving table wedding room weeding weeds week weeping woman weight scale weight weight burden weight measure well lake well (water) well (water) well armed well being health well done good order well educated west wet moist wet nurse wet nurse Dajka whale what for what what kind what kind what kind how big wheat ear corn wheat ear corn when if when after when when when while where where where to... where where whereas because wherever whether which who which who which who whisper whisperer whistle whistle whistler whistling white cloth bed sheet white wash white wool who which who which who which who abandens religion who speaks too much why because why for what wick (candle) wicked vicious wicked perverse wiesel wild cruel wild unruly wild ferouches wild ass wild brier wild duck wild fruit wild goat wild character wild charactered will intention will mood will not burn unburnable will not come to a past winck close eyes wind storm wind storm winded twisted wine wine god wine miced with myrha winedresser wing cape wing feather wing of a building wink twinkle wink (eye) winter cold wip span wip weaved with thorns wise smart wise wisely wise sapient wise enchanting wise prudent wise sensible wisely wisely understanding wisper with of with a decision decree with distance with face down with face down with face down with one spirit spirited without without a beginning God without a reason reasonless witness woe mourn woman womb belly womb belly womderful marvelous women type man wonder miracle wonder worker wonderful marvelous wonderful marvelous wood tree wood cutter chapper wool wool oil word speach work benefit work work together work together work with some one be... working spell world world worldly man wormwood wormwood worrior brave worry worry bitterness worry hardship worry trouble worth of God worthy worthy worthy of defence worthy of praise worthy of punishment wound sickness wound scab wounded wreath crown wreched unhappy wrestling fight wrestling place racing place writer clerk writing instrument typewriter wrongfulness unjustified ENGLISH DICTIONARY yarn beam year time year summer year time year book history year old year-book cronicle yeast bread pascha yellow (color) yellow bird yellow jaundice yellowness yellowish red yes truly yoke yoke yoke you share part young youth young girl young lion cub young lion young man young ox bull young servant girl young soldier young tree garden your yours youth ENGLISH DICTIONARY zeal enthusiasm zealous devout zealous devout |
kodránt jedinochudóžnik tóčiju tókno jedínoo jedinorodnyj jediny razverzáti zinuti prostranstvo otverznuti rastvorénie nepščevánie voprekí prjámyj prjámmyj préka údručíti vitija krúh luny krúh sólnca rukopoložéc činorazpoloženie čredá čín činopoložén prevoždelinyj ústroennyj črédnyj rukopoložénie rukopoložénie právilo orhány proischodíti mironačálnik oosirenie síryj blahovirnyj krupíca spóna neeláss struft inakoo pretrén izvni otvná vni hornílo preoobraščenie posyščén oodoliti onamoo chitoón preoodolíti snabdíti pretjažénie sirin samohlásen volúij OLD-SLOVANIC mírnik mirotvorec véslenik vesló pretoór jazyčnik jazýk jellin prišléc žrec idol trébišče idoližréc idoložertvennoe kapišče iždíven bolizň šár raspisáti oobahrjáti bilínik sinopísanie klók blid mertvínie lápa váija vaj finik cvitnaja skovráda hlavízna razslablén chártija prichód prichóžanin pol spód obožáti soptičátnik spričástnik častíca tošcnoo obščnik oobešcnik primšnik primišenec pričastnyj prechód fáska pascha mimochoždenie prechodjáščij preprochodímyj pristrástrie bezstrástnyj pástyr prichódnik pástva stezjá stezjá pristavlénie patriárch račítel selíšče bidni lišénie skúdost lišénie zalóh oobrók mír mirodávec miroljubímyj ljubobezmólven bezmjatéžnyj mirén mirstvújuščij neprimiritelnoo biser pyr plésna rožec teslonós pelekan paraklís vrétišče pjadesjátnica pentikoóstija žítelśtvo mjátva poričánie blahokruhlyj aromáty mirovónnyj izhnáti ženúti honénie tisnotá plót déisus prosítel stich filosoof ljubomúdrstvovati obraz presélnyj kúpa otpúst strannik stólp posdstólpie stólpnik vozhlavijca blahočestívyj civníca sviríl skudélnica vinočérpica mílostiv oozloblénie bezkovárnyj revnítel vstanliv pristavljáti vozloženie rukovozložénie vozlahánie zlák chalván bljúdo ihrá blahouhódnyj sladkopínie sladkohlásen podobáti čelovikohódnik rotá izoblnoo ispólnenie izlšnyj izbýtok obílie obílnoo obílnosť lišnij prezilnyj úsikálnica tjazánie kovčéžec jadonosnyj jad ookŕm preizjáščestvo niščij úbohij ljubočéstnyj naselénie otišie pristánišče san starijšinstvo poprázdistvo brenodílatel skudélnik píra litr istočáti nestjažánie niščetá mohúčestvo vlast velikoderžávnyj iskusen chvalébenyj prepityj vsepítyj kazátel propovidnik kazátel boliznoroždenie chalkidoon predvozvistíti predprazdenstvo navečérie črevonošenie neprázdnaja žértvennik prednastavljati priuhotovannyj proskomídia preždeosvjaščénnaja darovánie prisuščij suščnyj pót točílo stich korýst razhrablénie voschiščénie pohloščénie scivenie scínenie hórdost kičénie prezorlivyj pýcha vysokomírnyj nadménost ieréj presvíter prezvíter svjaščennik klír pričét svjaščénstvo žréčestvo pričét predvarítelnoo vlastelín knjáz üpát preimúščestvo cheret chranílišče plin úzílišče zatvór juzíliščnik temníčnyj juznik svjazeň úznik svjazeň preimiti vchod anthipát promedlénie čadoródie bludnyj ispovidánie ispovidnik pribýton priobrítenie pronarečén oobličénie podstava prilíčestvovati blahvremenstvo čuždoposititel oobderžanie sobstvo stjažánie vražbá predrečennyj bohohlahólivyj bohoprovidec bohoviščátel hazarín predístnik prorok provídec predložénie oopás prarodítel pronačertánie hordelivyj prozorlívyj stroptívyj veličávyj vysokoserdnyj prítča providínie ihémon smsljaščij suemúdrennyj úmitelnyj umitelnyj psalom psaltyp kaftizma neprikróven jepitimija vsenaródnoo móleben izdivenie projáviti pospolítyj nastrekannyj kázna kázna próstyj čistílišče preprjáda vlahálišče tknút? jekténija daronósica OLD-SLOVANIC krástel preprešči prja sprja svára sporlív caríca stjažánie bórzyj naručnyj pitijuščijsja úhasiti tíhij OLD-SLOVANIC ristánie rodstvó pozorišče rúbišče othréstisja oven soskútati nasílie nužda bystriná šum tlínie izlicha kolmi páče pače brjacaló sýrnyj sýryj lúča čtéc tščánie sinaksarion nalój bodr izvolenie istost nerazumnyj mjatéžnik mjatež nestroénie vozmuščenie vozhradíti priem napominátel civlénie krásnyj rýž čérmen chalabótis iskúp otkupítel spasítel spasénie sirt pokrov otreb otrínuti sadirooft spira četverovlastovati sovladýčestvovati bohonačálie hospódstvo soprestólnyj úžičestvo južik podruh sopleménik úžik mošči prochlaždenie inočestvo vospominanie zadnjaja tvoja oostánok údinen oobnovlenie preslovútyj zamičatelnoo skvážnja izmina parástas vid životvoríti protivlénie protivórstvovati čestíti čestovánie čtíti blahočinie čestívyj čístyj otráda subboótstvovati pokóišče smuščénie vitalnica voskresenie vozvrát vraščénie vspjat bohootkrovénie mést otmščenie pamjatozlóbnyj ravít mzdá vozdajánie vozméždie mzda bezmézdnik jedinoroh pravina desníca oodesnúju právica zemlja pravaja pravoomýsljaščij vmáli právednyj bohatjáščij neooskudnyj zláčnyj dobrá nezaístnoo čepóčka kólce kólo kramóla úzrilyj spijánie trebnik rika podbréženie suchodól pochód pút raspútie thréti razbój tatbá hrablenie prúdnyj horá znójna pokróv skudél zdó hórnica chrámina kamára klit preklit tére? čertóh čertóžnik izvód soúz haváfta haváfta istlinie tletvórnyj tlítelnyj údobotlinnyj trýjušče hrubítel kovér jepárch pritéči rásprja sítie rzá tlja OLD-SLOVANIC svjaščennohrabítelstvo požrénie tréba žértva svjatokrátstvo drjach péčálen sedló imjarek párus koráblenik prepodóbnyj izbávitel obrók solílo slánost spasítelnyj sovreménen svérstnik sjatýnja svjataja svjatych svjatílišče svjataja scjatych pesók plesníca bis sataná dovólen údovletvoríti subbota otrečen dušespasitelnyj iskupítel messija pilá češujá previs blaznivost pretknovénie soblazň nebláznyj pužálo červlén rastočíti skíptr iskússtvo účenie knížen ruhátel skórpija zakónnik móre pónt primórie chirochril pomórie sucholápl vzyskátel vzyskánie vtorobráčnyj vtorobráčnyj taínstvo tajna tajnyj taínstvennyj imánie taíbnik otaj postaennoo vtajni prisidnik arafot simja zýsk primitnoo vídimyj pričitátisja pričten částnoo samoosúžden samootverženie úderžánie neobladányj voznoslívyj klírik otženjáti laskosérd stražbišče otlučen puščennica serafim velelipnyj zmij domočádec rabá podrúčnik otrok klevrét ústroénie slúžba sbórnik raspalátisja raždizáti prominá postlán oosda priseljáti sedmeríceju tmoríceju neposščádinie paraeklisiarch ponamár kl?? kláda stin prioosinennyj prisinnyj sinovnyj sinóvnyj izhrebie kosmát dosaždénie postidinie srámota preščáti dosaždén pozórnyj dosaždén bezstúdie ústie soobščik ostrie oobrítie lučína léntie mílot krov priblížišče selénie úbižišče ščit ščitonosec ditišče hólen sijati svitozráčnyj ilektr korabl súdno kormá sračíca sapóh strilnica chlamida panachida súlica kratkokonéčnyj vkrátci klíč plačevóspylstviti plaščenníca pritvorénie púty puty účilišče boljáščij nemóči smjatén nedúžnyj jazja neduh nemošč hradobórstvo vidínie príznak mánie bezmólvie tísi šelk visson neistovlénie srebrennik jedinákij svjatokúpstvo podóbitisja podóbnyj prískrenni ravnoočéstnyj slíčnyj sooobráznyj tezoimenityj spodobstrástnyj ledovídnyj podóbie pritvórstvo sohrišénie bezléstnyj iskrennij neoobniujasja serdobólie sinhedrion spití lik pivéc klíros pínie poju oosóbjaščijsja jahodica nepretknovénnyj dolžnijšij hrichopadénie sioón sestrá sestrá sidalen sát šestodlánnyj šestíždy jelúl mísjac lób jazykovredie oobída poklép navitnik dščica rab rabínin rabynin rábstvo rabiišč oobnoščeváti plížiti piščál prščnica prščnik pólzok nebrežliv mnij mnié tobólec midnica mnij úchanie chrapiti natolíci níčto tákoo aki síce dostoit selíkij ašče kolíždo tolíkoo tolmá jelíkó boriftova cilomúdrie hlahólemyj družina družina muželóžestvo mjákok nižnyj pljáti spajánie rátnik vói slihá soléa tčalívyj inýj ov inudi ovohda nicyi vár inohda pérvie skorb raskajánie priskorben skórbnyj dušá duše hubitenyj dušetlinnyj zvenjáščij klísyj párodok pozorišče juh lik nahév archimahir oobladátel velmóža archisinagoog sijateľ plóščd pjaď nemersájuščij vrábij hlahólanie povist bezhlahólnyj kopie kopejnik skorpioón rátovišče izrjádnoo strašilišče proidati iždivíti priiživiti kudélnyj chebét spleténie bezplótnyj dúch bezslovšnyj duchóvnyj dušéven nabedrennik pljunovenie blaholipni sučéc sokrušén razdrátisja trehúbij hubá blahovistiti prostértie prostértyj istóčnik proiztečénie iznikáti pitis smérčie jélevyj jelija bódec ostén bohonevista prelahátaj schódnik sozirátel sohljadati četverohúbyj neotemlenyj chavrafta stádija žezl ihrálišče stepén načertánie peréti znamenati pečatlíjuščij státii akaftíst remfán deržáva kráj nezyblemyj nádežnyj terpjašče lišáti tatbliná stremína stopstiná streminnyj stremína kormílo skvára izstupíti stepenny drekól množáe preízlicha pooščrjáti pésija lichoimánie pripás jepitrachil stomách kamen komora kamenometnica kamenoverženie prestáti pastofoorie polahálišče asid búrja izhíbel trús túča basnoslóvec pešč prav prósti právyj prjámoo pravolúčnyj čúždyj oobitalnik stránnyj verv struja stóhna krípost mohútstvo mošč pristínie síla meždousóbie kiftára krípkij silen zílnyj silen blahomúžestvovati neobrizanie žestokovyjnyj kosnojazýčen účenik predknúti bezslovésnoo huhnívyj nepokorívyj üpodiakon oobladán čeredá preémnik naprásnoo náhlij vnezápu vskóri oobidímyj preterpivyj strážduščij múka strast údávlen sicevýj samoubíjstvo odežda ríza oodijanie kamýk župelnyj župel presmotrénie vrúci lito líšnij ikonóm načálnik nastojátel predstojátel ihúmen prejestestvennyj suevirie podpíra divlénie prelukávnovati zazóren našuščnyj lástica lúža lúža lébed lebed rotítel chulit prísnyj hélhel skór poplýti plávanie nož predobrazovanie inoskazajem sobolíznovati sobórišče sónmišče sinód sobór sinahóha OLD-SLOVANIC kivoót kobčea skinija trápeza pritrapeznik skrižál ftavór ošib chóbot izočténnyj podziráti snjáti svéhnuti symáti iznestí otčuždénie úmčáti izoumítisja talánt hlahólivyj prazdnooslóvie sueslóvnyj veleričnik makroon vysókij rjásna knisón daň mytár dánnik didráxhma srebrodánen pistun ravvi rváti prosadíti razterzáti hubítelstvo privrémenen preléstnyj iskusitel désjatiždy kušča siň sinnica sinnica skinotvórec skinotvórec trépet oblast sodrahátisja zavit lžesviditelstvovati sviditelstvo blahodárstvennaja jelah ježe tóždestvo sirič obraznoo načala načálo pitohlašenie poslídovanie kaléndy kaléndy soprestólie poslidnij zaútrie zaútrie nesuminnyj obon pól tojže zij misjac pervoverchóvnyj vselénnaja ovo ovo fteolog bohoslóvie bohojavlenie bohoródica ondi oonamo támoo úbo tredenstvo chiščnik plinitel razbójnik tát zlodíj tonizma tončíca vešč aselisíla tridnéven trekróvnyj žážda se se sej sí sie sija syj ta to toj onsica dráčie chvárst ostie pákostnik strekálo térň terň tima pomyšlénie lehkotá preščénie trezúb nepokrovénie dómu tretíceju tríšči trójčen trisvjátoe trisvjatyj trisvítlyj hórnoe sidálišče čréz poílo skvozi vrínuti hremíti hróm vospjatti povjázka úvjazáti črép črépnyj dózdi vrémja zrijánie úžaslivyj svinec svinec istočati istomljati ko proizhlaholáti istrezvítisja posramíti izhlaždáti razrišáti dosadíti oobezčéstiti ponošénie porečí prijáti sooobrazováti svodím izvistovati vadíti vozhlaholáti stjazati juroditisja prepoveliváti sočísliti priminjátisja priložíti privozlaháti sočténie úsynovíti synopoloženie oobožáti sovitováti vnušáti naustíti poduščáti pomanúti soblahovolíti soizvolíti soviščavati oobvažáti tolíti oozlobíti prohnvánie blahoizvóliti blahovóliti oodobrjáti oopolčénie vooružítisja postížiti pribyváti schóditi voschód voznestisja vzýti priobščatisja napadáti naskákati porátovati radíti pritjáženie otmstíti vosprjanúti naprjážiti proženjáti krestíti kreščati lájati byti stydítisja bditi oobrositisja blahohovijati blahohoviti blahopospišiti kosniti zakosníti mužátisja vozskomliti vozrevnováti dmítisja kičíti čtómyj hobzováti skorbíti vozniknúti podóbstvovati tščatisja porazíti preukrašátisja sovratítisja oobniščáti izoržaviti sžáliti rodíti začati zavístvovati oobezhláviti mníti vírovati ú´máliti kloníti podkloníti prikloníti sljacáti sohbénie izhíbati oobrečísja predáti vražáti úhryzáti izoobličiti oobvinjati úkroíti posremoščénie blahosloviti vozvíjati kipiti voskipiti vrjáščij zaimodávstvovati zajáti klanjatisja preklónitisja skloníti ničáti razboiti mzdovozdajáti posmradíti ischodátajstvovati skomliti nazidáti ústroíti zdáti breméniti stužíti izharáti požitáti sharáti sožeči žáriti žeči razpadátisja stjažáti zovúšče snabdíti ponestí istknúti vdolenie izvajáti poveščí imáti jatie lovíti jati vnjátisja postíhnuti oobolstiti navésti otciždáti toržestvováti svjaščennodíjstvovati izvistvovannyj oosaždáti vospleskati otrebíti oprjatatitisja brjacáti zvjacáti zaključíti úlstíti česáti priíti útišati poveliti mučítelstvovati sooobščati priminjáti núditi vviríti izviriti útverždáti ooboríti prepobiždati spjáti požérti prikasátisja probáviti primiščátisja sobsidováti sovoprošatisja iztjazyvatisja úviríti váriti ústudíti ispravljáti nakazáti izčésti pokrýti posláti oosiníti popolznovenie tvoríti úvjazénie uvjaženie iztaeváti izmoždati sokrušiti proslezítisja cilíti úvračeváti izvračeváti iscilíti izvračevăti vozchúliti zlosloviti ookljásti narízati siči zakroec izdolbíti izmjati pisiči pomračíti oosvitáti útvarjáti staščíti oobereháti oostinjáti sochpaníti únasliditi blahovonstvovati isthyváti oobnizíti istryváti voznebrešči otmetatisja otréči taíti úklonenie naítie vozteči voždeliti malodúšestvovati isprovérhati nizvratíti pohubíti tlíti úničtožiti pohubíti istníti úderžiti izslidovati predustáviti požiráti izmereti múdrstvovati razinstvovati úhlubiti istrebíti izžíti uzžéči oomráčíti ooblahodáti ookoljáti zaítie kanúti otverhati otščutiti razsijánie prenebreháti vozmutíti razstupítisja razvodíti dijáti ispólniti sotvoríti priključíti útvoríti blahosodijati priusuhubljáti úsumnitisja vozdremati potaščíti vlačíti izobražáti predpisáti pritjahivati oobinovénie ooblačíti ooblečísja oodežditisja iskápati hnátt pohrjazáti tonútí izsše zasýchati prepodvizatisja úvjazíti vitati útolíti pojasti snidati istrebíti nasýtiti izvóliti úblaháti vozvelíčiti výsiti sozizdátisja oobodriti oozaríti nasílovati úizati pozaviditi pohrišati účrezdáti veleríčiti iskusiti izpýtovati vajú otricátisja naleháti iztočáti oopytáti svidati izdycháti srazsuždati tolkováti srazsušdati pronikáti proiznestí promknútisja slavoslóviti veličati ispadáti pásti úkánuti póstničestvovati útýmjati obínútisja píršestvovati prazdničati prekormíti úchlibiti úmilítisja prehraždáti zahradíti hradíti boróti predpoborstvovati sprjážatisja sprajažátisja pospiti skončáti úditi pyláti milováti honzáti izbýti cvistí paríti svítok hrjástí poženjati vslidstvóvati iti po kim iti po kim vozpretiti zapretíti vozbranénie oobderžím proréšči prednaricati bljádovati preljubodijstvovati soblúditi proznamenováti predvistiti vyručati razsviriti pužáti priobrísti úderžáti úlučíti prozíti podpadáti siditi pohíbnuti tužíti pojásati vozdati protoríti pománivanie voztjazáti rodý vdatísja oobnadéživati slavíti sproslavljáti iduščij iti izyti jizditi pretekáti pricípiti sopričtíti potraviti plódstvovati rasti laskoserdstovati poroptáti bódrstvovati sobljudáti streči putevódstvovati polokáti ookováti podajati sbýtisja pákost ookamenáti vredíti žáti žati hnušátisja neradíti oobderžáti pritjažáti nookid izbýtočestvovati úžasátisja uzasatisja izobilovati obílovati oobilováti izobilovati víditi posobíti sposlidtvovati skitátisja skryváti úkrýti útaíti úvit sprjáči soderžati dóblij prosláviti počitáti úníziti smiríti úničišíti unižiti unižiti potščátisja poúždati preminíti pretvoríti preobraščenie oobaváti oobljázi vozblažáti žváti údavitisja razsuždénie posikáti ooblistati prosijati smýsljati podražáti prepináti pjátiti sjátiti spjatiti molíti pliníti každénie pokadíti naslíditi prejáti sonaslidovati izsiči zapisánie mólviti mólviti naváditi chodatajstvovati ischodatajstvovati pripovídovati vvestí izobristi pouščati zlóbiti ktomú sudíti sudíti ristáti oopravdáti otšajavátisja sobljudénie strannojavljatišisja prati izbíti zakolénie lobzáti ooblobyzati tolkati úvísti vnimáti breči ruháti hlumjáti lehánie prevóditi provoždati svesti svitovoditi oopróšasja poučatisja otstupíti oostaviti pronačertáti haždati lháti lžehlahólati oobolháti solháti vratí dvíhnuti podjati vozžiháti úmedlénie naziráti smotrinie oobitáti úhnizžáti vselítisja dolhodenstvovati vozhnušátisja pritvorjáti vozzríti vozhljádati čadljúbie vživáti spiti ookajanstvovati ooznamenjati brjáčitisja posjaháti ottaivati rastajáti melziti smisítisja vosšéstvie positovati priunyváti podvizáti poskómliti pozýbnuti stranstvovati pridílati izsicete úmoríti pošumiti prohvoždáti imenováti úziti uziti ooblinjatisja ržánie sozercati izviščaváti pitáti pokarjatisja oohrebátisja oobleháti ooderžáti truždáti svjatíti zapovidati otsíči otolýti šáriti préiti pastí pastvíti úpástí pozobáti práviti spodobíti požáti zazríti probodáti proizáti propnúti votknúti pronimáti ooblinítisja pobolínie pomilóvati žáliti prestáviti vmistíti vmistíti proizvjáti úhodíti izbodáti stjazati vozobladáti imíti izliváti struíti istukán chvalíti prevoznosi vozvysiti chvalíti molítvovati poklónitisja propovídati preduspivati nahotóviti úhotóviti hnistí napiráti izžáti priusvóiti zaviščati predánie ispovidati ispovísti izrešči prevozhlašáti javíti otrýhnuti naznamenáti proróčestvovati oobhaščáti úhobzénie ščitíti oobnaródovati povlešči izsúnuti ottyskáti picháti nizrínuti postáviti vónziti vsadíti potúchnuti úmiríti prenie retítisja sporítisja sporitisja isytáti úvídati zvirooobraznyj prevraščati nasilstvovati razpychátisja čestí dostizáti mudrítisja smjatí sovrát vozmíritisja poručáti miríti spastí voznepščevati carstvovati sooodolívati radovátisja krasovátisja vzyhratisja pomnúti vozpomjanúti kájati nakázovati úviščati vospomjanúti vozhlaviti voznovljati otdáti údvoiti úsuhúbiti vozvistíti pokáatisja otvičáti blahopočitáti počéstvovati otdycháti oobležáti požirováti prepočivati ooživotvoriti oobratitisja vraščátisja predznamenováti nahraždati dospiváti isópnoe misto sovostáti vostáti vozstáti rykáti razchítiti újati pochítiti raschítiti potrebiti oobvalivati oobladáti tečí žertvovati žréti predpožrétsja pečáliti izimáti rečí skazáti blažnjáti ooblazníti soblaňjati soblašňati pronésti raskidáti zavijati ponosíti zastojáti prericati pozórstvovati zapečatlíti iskáti izyskáti úzríti viditi visi hljádati pytáti syskáti vzyskáti vozchitíti slatí prepovodíti porabotiti pospišetvovati zažéči vodruzíti potčáti vodvorítsja selitisja razselítisja vozležáti potrjastísja oosramiti studíti ústyžáti sramljáti smutíti oostroháti bríti blestíti prosviščati zatčénie vozhlašati vozopíti kazáti pokazati postenáti stenjáti vozstenáti úmolčáti izlukávstvovati padénie píti vospíti pohružáti úvjázti siditi oobolhánie váditi zaúšenie privnijti razoríti oobojánie oosklabljatisja čchánie čchánie vozrydátisja trezvítisja spajáti spajáti úmolíti ščadíti hlahólati izhlahólati povistvóvati prohlahólati projidati trostíti zaplevánie precikáti razsistisja rastésati rastníti razblažáti rasprostérti úsýriti prošibátisja prozjabati prožíti mjáti sžimáti strikati topót chítiti ischítiti ookormljati nastupíti prilipítisja solpnutisja podstrekáti primistiti prosramíti naljacati naprjazáti úderžávati úkripíti stremítisja prítisja oobladíti podčínjati pokoríti vozdoiti napástovati postradáti poterpíti zlostrádati zlostrádati napástovati preterpíti navlekáti vozdvihnuti voobrazíti pohlotíti kolebátisja rotítisja úkarjáti pótnyj prúžiti vozhoritisja licjímstvovati predobrazováti spostradáti pristjažati vzimáti pojáti ooberáti istjažáti izjati účaščáti dovólnoe vzjáti poímati predpríjati úkrotíti ukrotiti ukrotiti vkusiti kazáti nastavljáti obrazóvati vrazumijáti kazáti taščíti vosterzáti prosidátisja ottorháti kalénie pokušáti oobezvinjati svidítelstvovati blahodárstvovati promyšljáti razsuždáti slukávnovati pretíti pretíti prizapretiti métnuti rinúti vérhnuti vovréšči vvérhnuti rinúti izrínuti izverháti primetáti izbleváti oodebelíti skjučáti zatjazáti oobrotíti obumorok stradáti fomíti iztjázati múčiti kasatisja kosnútisja priráženie mžati popráti preoobrazíti putešéstvovati požimáti sotrjástisja trepetáti vostrepétati útroiti utroiti utroiti otvraščáti privnésti vozsučiti razumiti úmiti jediníti otryšati sočétati svodíti vinčáti nastojáti vozšumíti razvratíti priližáti posóbstvovati prevozmóči prepiráti prisiščati posititi zakljáti brod poooščrenie voznúti previtáti šatátisja volíti oobličáti izmóvenie otmýti pohružénie bljústí nabljudáti iznuríti toščati vosplákatisja izmiriti izvisiti skovánie vpáivati oodoždíti piskáti pozvízdati očíma pomaáti poníknuti roptáti úvjadáti izvjadáti poslúšestvovati prisvjánuti čudítisja údivítisja vorkováti truditisja rabótati domyšljatisja mjastísja jazviti újazvljáti ústrilíti prekosraženie vozželiti kupnoo sobórnoo vkúpi pamjatozlóbstvovati afedroon terpílivost terpímost nezlóba dolhoterpilivyj útri naútrie jazýk jepoomidá ookružilie naležáti vozprijáti pružátisja úmúčiti mučítel vlájatisja osjazanie tronutyj ponjáva slid kólija preristánie izminnik skitajuščij preobražénie viná brénnyj presuščestvlénie sputstvovati pútnik sokróvišče hasvarínok hazofilákija bilovátnyj drožánie val prilóh kozň trioodion trikirij jepinikion lich rýs stužánie nadráhi istina istinen pravovirnyj pravoo súščnoo úboo blahonadéžnosť izvistnyj promislitel blahonadežen oopravdánie nelóžnost právost nelicemírno nelicemírnyj prevoi rvenie izvraščati potknúti hórličišče tomlénie dvanádesjat dvádesjat dvášči bliznéc paralipomenoon dipticha polmá licemíriti car OLD-SLOVANIC želtaníca hnój nepreborím neléstnyj neminúemyj neoodolímyj neudobnósnyj neudobonósnyj neudobonósnyj neudoboderžimyj zločéstie otmetnik christobórec neopredilnyj nesokrusimyj djadja ooskvernen neudóbnyj nesvidomyj neoborimyj neudóbnyj netlinnyj neiscilénie nepoborímyj pod pod izvitom smýsl úminie neuderžno neizoobražén neizobrazímyj neopisánnyj sovlačáti neistoščimyj nečaemyj neiskusen neispovídimyj neizslidovan neizhlahólemyj nivočtože nezabvén neblahopolúčnyj zloščastie beooderžímoo nečestívyj nevredúmyj neizmínnyj nepreložnoo otnjúd neprelonoo ljúbodijnyj neobitáemyj neobitáemyj jedinénie sojúznik spletátisja somréžen soobénie sobórnaja sobórnyj vselénskij vsemirnyj oobidliv nevidomyj ooprisnók nepobolinie nedvižin nepokolebimyj nepozyblemyj neuklónnyj nedostúpnyj nepokájannyj neoobuzdan bezkorýtnyj bezsrébrennik neščádnoo bezčádnoo nevyražáemyj neustroen prebóli bezblahodátnyj dóndeže doséli dokoli dokóli cilízna srámnyj nenadéžnyj lést neiznýtan nepostižímyj neuvjadaemyj neuvjadáemyj nepodóbnyj hóri dotóli miroderžec naň tór ny naprestólnyj neestán neključímyj nepotrébnyj suétstvovati obodesnoručnyj mšeloímec ložesna chameleoon OLD-SLOVANIC suétnyj tóšč tščétnyj débrja judól podhórie podólie údólie suemýslie suetá tščeslávie podtočílie spúd sávan porfír prostítelnyj hlahól slóvo slovesnyj zapíby prokimen dozilá mnóho veľmi prebláhij trekljánnyj prepodóbie prepodóbie ziló pripiv sosúd revnováti naputnoe neprijazn nika oodolitelnik pobórnik dorinosimyj preokajánnyj seló ves sélskij okréstie loza vinohrád nužda mántija húsli kinir aspid jehidna brakoneiskúsnaja díva neskusobráčnaja neskvérnyj nenevistnaja muženeiskusnaja pozór prizrák snovidinie prizrák proizzyvánie zvánie trichápton súp iktin OLD-SLOVANIC naém káppa ždáti úbudítisja pitošetvováti predtéči prehrád zabrálo stinoboj pljúska tečéc boj brána poborénie pódvih sprjáženie srjaženie sp??? splinník spoborenie teplíca brásja bojéc práti oomovenie úmovénie úmyvalnica šéršeň razórenie híbel vodá zubr vodochranílišče katarákt skljanica vodovážda vodnyj trud čás snabditi volná iznemoháti ooslabiti razslablénie chudohlásie sšísta skányj tkúščik nevistnik isplevíti ljadína sedmíca plačévica mira mnás tjážel vis rovénnik kládjaz studenéc dospiti blahosostojánie blahoustróiti mnohoobrazni choór vláha kormilica doílica kit česoó rádi jakij kákij kolmí klás klás jehdá jehdáže kohdá koli povnehda amo amože judu kămo idiže zanéže amože ašče jedá iže jaže ježe šepót šepotník sopil svistiti sopéc piskánie biléň milítisja jarina kaja kij koe otstúpnik jazýčnyj čehoo vskuju léna lukávyj zlýj lásica dívij neukrotímyj sviripyj anahr kupína lilik rožcý sajha zvironráven zvironrávnyj privít proizvolénie neoopalimyj nevetšájuščij somiháti víchr viter izviénnyj vinó dionísij jesmirisméno vinársk krílo périe krló miháti mnohovénnie zimá biti skorpión blahorozúmnyj ljubomúdrennoo premúdryj volchv sachoón razúmičen smýslenoo úmnoo ootaj s sudóm širotá níc nícy níc - nícy jedinodúšnyj próče sobeznačálnyj vsúe sviditel vópl žená útróba črévo díven ženorávnyj znaménie čudesotóčnyj díven údivlenie drévo drovosik vólna jelén viščanie tjažánie trúd spodvizátisja spospišestvovati prisidati čarodijanie mir mir ljudin apsinthos pelyň vzbrannyj nyti pečál tuhá popečénie boholípnyj aksiós dostóin úkornen dobrochválen povínen jazva strup jazvennyj vínec zlopolúčie natriznénie paléstra pismonósec pisálo neprávost OLD-SLOVANIC vratílo hod líto rók litopís jedinolítnyj pamjatopisánie artos plávyj charadrión ikter ryž jej iho jarem klád ucílítie junota junotka lvičišče skímen junoša junec otrokovíca tíron oljadeniti váju junost OLD-SLOVANIC revnovanie zilóta žálost |
Author of the dictionary - more then 5100 words (c)1963: rev. John SLIVKA *12th nov 1899 +1st nov 1986 Last parish: St.Elias Parish, Greenpoint,Brooklyn,NY,Kent Street U.S.A. (married, two children) |
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• Thank you • This dictionary was made by a great support of Mikulas A.Halko,M.D.(USA) • Prepis slovníka podporil Mikulas Halko,M.D. |
My key services are archive searching in the state archives of Slovakia and being a tourist guide hired by days in Slovakia. |