My key services are genealogical searching at the state archives Slovakia and providing my tour guide hired by days in Slovakia
jurajcisarik@hotmail.com |
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the community ROCK - Action of Men - 3rd October 2020 Saturday - Novy Ruskov the house of rev. Peter Horváth - 8:00-13:00 CEST "Work, rest, love" - "Pracuj, oddychuj, miluj" - Juraj Cisarik (member of the community SKALA) from left: Peter (Presov), Juraj (Parchovany,former Kosice, author of this website), Peter (Nizny Zipov), Miro (Vojcice)
from left: Peter (Novy RUskov, our leader), Miro (fireman)
Yes sir, I can see I must work hard ... Miro fireman says Rado (Parchovany) our main resource maker - the 1st shot the 2nd shot the 3rd shot (he makes adds of the billboard about concrete fences... see the backround house) Rado between rocks
good job, nearly finished ... rev. Peter says
I must go to Trencin castle ... (only we men know what does it mean ... secrets) done... the 1st shot done... the 2nd shot done... the 3rd shot Zbohom (be with God) next time ...
Ing. Juraj Čisárik, Družstevná 74, 076 62 Parchovany Osobné svedectvo o uzdravení z rakoviny kože na príhovor bl. Pavla Petra Gojdiča Moje meno je Juraj Čisárik. Mám 47 rokov. Ukončil som Vysokú školu technickú, fakulta strojnícka s titulom inžinier. Som ženatý a mám tri deti: 16-ročný Juraj, 13-ročný Peter a 6-ročný Emanuel a manželku Mariannu, 42-ročná, s ktorou som bol sobášený 22. 5. 1999 v Ruskove a mám s ňou doposiaľ krásny vzťah. Ja som gréckokokatolík a manželka rímskokatolíčka a ako rodina žijeme normálnym kresťanským životom. Priznávam, že pred tým som tento rebríček takto nedodržiaval ani o ňom netušil a teraz je to inak. A celé toto svedectvo zhrniem jednou vetou: „Bol som chorý a som zdravý. Ako? To neviem.“ Konečne som uveril a pochopil vete, ktorá je v evanjeliu, že iba Boh je „cesta, pravda a život“! Ing. Juraj Čisárik |
something about my ancestors: many byzantine catholic reverends named as Cisarik came from
the small rusyn village named as Andrejova in
Bardejov area for the period (1550-1950).
In Andrejova priests and cantors had surname Cisarik and it was happened
for many generations from father to son.
Below there is a document about one of my ancestors from 1769:
The document written by bishop Bradacs about Cisarik priest in 1769 English Translation | Slovenský preklad |
• Thank you • This translation (cyrillic manuscript) made by • Mikulas HALKO Dr.(USA) • Tento dokument (v cyrilike) preložil • Ďakujeme • |
• cyrillic manuscript - written by latin letters • • title • JOAN BRADAC MILOSTIJU BOZIEJU I SVJATAHO TRONA APOSTOLSKAHO EPISKOP ROSSIJSKY MUKACOVSKYJ MARAMORSKY V CARSTVI UHORSKOM I VSICH PRILICNYCH JEHO PREDILACH NAD LJUDMI VOSTOCNAHO NAKAZANIA VIKARIJ APOSTOLSKYJ iprocee: • row 1 • Po blahodatie i vlagati presvjataho i zivotvorjascaho ducha dannoj cmireniu prestolu ot vysocajtaho Archi Jereja Hospoda • row 2 • Nasoho Isusa Christa seho Bohovoinaho liuze Damiana Cisarik o uze v cetza pravny svitenosni zaklinateli • row 3 • vratari prostavlenaho ot precvjatoho vladyka nasoho Boholjubivaho episkopa Manuila Olsavskij v poddiakony, diakony • row 4 • proscavicnom i navistiju o nem uveritesja sudichom dostojna vysnij syna prezviterskaja naj ze i postavichom • row 5 • jeho pocinu voztocnyi cerkvi do prestola i chramu evangelisty Christova Luki vesi ANDREIOVA o nemze vsja- • row 6 • komu prijemljuscemu cije nyni Archi - Jerejskoje pisanie s sviditelstvujem jako dostoin jest nistociju vsju svjascenniciskaja • row 7 • dijstvovati sluzby po i ispovidajuscisja jemu i istinno kajutisja hrichom svoim ima vlastivlazatij i risi- • row 8 • ti v ljudech prilucajuscichsja nerazsuditelkam ze jemu nam osilati a ot prestola donehoze postavleno jest • row 9 • nytoj vidomuscoj i blahosloveniju nemozet ochoditi da ne korcemsvjatvujuscoj javitsja no comuzdo jedinomu pre- • row 10 • svjatyj dolzen budet ot svjakiju celoviceskom lisijsja prilezati ze crezvinniju zakoniju i pouceniju soderzati poklja- • row 11 • tvennomu svoemu otvitu aze do smerti soedinenie s svjatoju zapadneju Rimskoju Cerkviju izvolivssaho ze radi sej • row 12 • vsich dachom emu sie rukoju nytoho Archi - Jereiskoho podpisannoe pri vladykoj pecati pisanie. Dano u • row 13 • uniathe Nyinoj Episkop Mukacovskoj dnju 28 mesjaci fevrua. Roku bozoho 1769 Ioann VLADYKA • below - stamp • JOANNES BRADACS EPPUS MUNKACSIENSIS MARAMOROS |
English Translation | Slovenský preklad • title • Ioan Bradach by the Grace of God and by his Holiness of the Apostolical Throne, the Ruthenian Bishop of Mukachevo and Maramorosh in the Monarchy of Hungary and all Pertinent Regions over the People of Eastern Rite Vicar Apostolical and so on: • row 1 • With grace and inspiration from the Very Holy Spirit life creating and humbly from the Archpriest (to the D.Cisarik). • row 2 • Lord Jesus Crist, Damian Cisarik, Gods own warrior, whose reading of the Law is bringing the light of testimony. • row 3 • Very Holy Ruler our God loving bishop Manuel Olshavsky introduced Damian Cisarik, the guardian of the door from sub-diaconal to diaconship. • row 4 • We have asked and notified the Higher Court of Justice an behalf of the son of the presbyter this way promoted. • row 5 • His activity in the Eastern Rite Church into chair and church of the evangelist of Christ LUKA in the village Andrejova. • row 6 • Every one who is accepting this document now, archpriestly document with testimony (can see) He is worthy of all priestly affairs. • row 7 • He is to conduct services of confession to those frankly repenting their sins and has been given authority to resolve human usolvable problems. • row 8 • So We have to enpower him and his chair into which he was (D. Cisarik) appointed. • row 9 • With the blessing contemporary Registrar cannot omit to look "unbribable". • row 10 • But as only to one "Very Holy" will obligate. Such as the people who are against the rule of the law and teaching will be upheld. • row 11 • He is sworn to his responsibility until his death. • row 12 • All is given to him in this manuscript by present Archpriest undersigned by vis-a-vis bishop seal. • row 13 • The writing generated by the present bishop-uniat of Mukachevo. Day 28.Month february. God´s year 1769. • below - stamp • Ioanes Bradach Bishop of Mukachevo and of Maramorosh |
Copyright © 2004-2014 Juraj Cisarik - Kosice - Slovakia. All rights reserved. Address: Juraj Cisarik, Narodna trieda 70, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia. Self-phone no.: 00421 915 317 597
My key services are genealogical searching at the state archives of Slovakia and providing my tour guide hired by days in Slovakia. |